Body By Sandy - Certified Personal Trainer for Women

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I felt old, was having serious health issues like painful arthritic conditions, had too much weight, and was not strong enough to be able to do all of the things I would like to do.  I had tried many other ways of eating and working out without success.  I even tried a plan where I purchased food and ate very minimally (700 calories or less) and did not lose weight to my satisfaction.  I would always reach a plateau and then would get discouraged.  Never did I discover a way of healthy eating and exercise that would be a “life-long” habit.

Click below to hear Karen's full story:

I started off weight training with Sandy 2 times per week and once on my own.  I did cardio 4 times per week as per Sandy’s instruction.  I also received nutrition/meal plans from Sandy, as she analyzed my metabolism and caloric intake to help me reach my goals.  Weight training with Sandy was FUN and hard work!  I learned how to use weights in the proper manner.  I also learned how to breathe while training, if you can believe it.  It was interesting to see how food is essential to a working metabolism and healthy body.

I feel confident about my progress and growth.  I have learned so much about strength and weight training; I am much stronger than I have ever been and actually have muscles that I can see. ☺  I have lost weight and I feel great!  I am happy to shop and wear all types of clothes that I want to wear.  Sandy has given me my workouts and nutrition plan for the past year, and I have followed her suggestions and advice to reach my goals.  I am confident to continue with this lifestyle and nutritional plan so that I can maintain my achievements. 

Sandy is exceptional.  She knows what she is doing!  It is important to know that Sandy focuses on YOU, as an individual.  Every person is different and has their own challenges.  Sandy discusses your challenges and goals and works on a program that reaches those goals. The success she helps others achieve is something you should know because she will help YOU to also reach your goals successfully.  

Sandy is a motivator.  She knows how to keep you on course.  This road is not an easy one.  It requires hard work and consistency.  Sandy is able to encourage you physically, mentally and emotionally to carry on.  She knows what works and believes in you!  

Karen lost 27 lbs, 14.5% body fat and lost 26 inches overall. Karen is a sexy grandma rocking her bikini at 61 years old. 

Karen did my Platinum Program: