Sandy Hancock

It's talked about often that losing weight “feels great.” Many assume that this feeling arrives after months of sweat and determination. However, as soon as you start to incorporate a healthy lifestyle of whole foods and exercise you will feel a change. Your energy will start to soar. Your mood will improve and you will find yourself having feelings of happiness and self-worth. You may be able to get off some medications due to weight-loss, you'll spend less on health care, and your risk of cancer and diabetes will be lower. Then one day you will find your skinny jeans fit perfectly. And while, there is an incredible sense of accomplishment when you do reach a milestone goal, there is real happiness on your daily journey. Let me explain.

Your body is incredibly responsive. We heal from sickness. We feel energy from a great workout. Our minds feel the endorphins of exercise and positive thinking. As soon as you begin to give your body what it’s meant to receive, nutrition, hydration, activity, and self-love, it responds almost immediately. You feel light, energy, and power. And, you physically begin to FEEL a change.

If you want weight-loss, to feel energetic and empowered here's a few tips that can help you get started.

Feel Hydrated

Getting plenty of water promotes weight loss, increased energy, relieves fatigue, flushes out toxins, improves complexion and boosts the immune system, just to name a few. Your stomach will feel slimmer since it can digest food easier and staying hydrated helps you avoid headaches. Plus, water doesn't add a single calorie! Aim to drink 3 liters to 1 gallon of water every day.

Feel Energetic

Feeling more energetic only takes a few daily changes. Those changes are sleep, eating enough to fuel your day, and exercising regularly. Eating whole foods throughout the day and keeping sugar intake low gives you immediate energy. By five o’clock you'll either be sluggish from sugar or you’ll be actively engaged in your evening events. Exercise release endorphins, which is a hormone secreted within the brain and nervous system that causes an euphoric effect, making you happy with more energy. Sleep helps weight-loss, memory, problem solving, concentration, and energy. Studies show that the best amount is at least 7 hours.

Feel Empowered

One of the greatest feelings in the world is progressing towards a goal! Each and every day that you follow a diet of whole foods and exercise, you are taking a step (or two or three) forward. Your mind is incredibly powerful. Some of my clients have allowed themselves years of negative self-talk. It’s dark, damaging, and hurtful. However, just a few days of healthy eating and exercise quickly reverses that negativity. If you are mindful you will notice these changes. Light immediately penetrates darkness. You feel hopeful, excited, and CAPABLE of reaching your goals. And, if any thread of discouragement returns, you can quickly replace that fear with positive affirmations and acknowledge that you are on your own path of success.

If you begin enjoying the benefits of healthy nutrition and exercise on a daily basis. You’ll immediately fall in love with the way you FEEL!