Understanding Calories - Your Complete Guide - Infographic

Understanding calories - Do you really know what calories are and how they work in your body?

Today I want to share a great infographic by Greatist.com that explains calories in a simple and visual way.

Sections Covered:

Calories measure food energy.

Not all calories are created equal.

How to determine your daily calorie intake.

What about losing and gaining weight.

Stay on track.

Calorie Fast Facts:

Calories are essential for human health, the trick is consuming the right amount.

People require different amounts of energy each day, depending on age, sex, size, and activity levels.

Sadly, we in the United States consume more than 11 percent of their daily calories from fast food.

Foods high in energy but low in nutritional value provide empty calories.

If you are training an want to lose OR gain weight (muscle) you will need to know how calories work and how they effct YOUR body.

Understanding Calories Infographic


credit: Greatist

How Being Mindful Will Get You a Better Workout

When you hit the gym, does your mind run a mile a minute, while your body struggles to keep up? If you find yourself distracted while working out – constantly checking the clock or running through your to-do list – then you could benefit from a little mindfulness.

Not only will it help you calm that overactive chatter in your head, being mindful can also help you get a better workout.


Mindfulness simply means becoming more aware of the present moment. Being mindful during your workout helps you stay connected to your strength as you move through each exercise. And when you lose focus, your workouts just aren’t as effective.

Here are some ways being mindful will get you a better workout and better results.

• Mindfulness boosts your mind-body connection. I’m sure you’ve heard this popular term several times. But do you really know how to use your mind-body connection related to your fitness goals?

This is how it works, go within and focus on contracting the specific muscle your working on during the muscle-shortening phase of the exercise. The more focus and tension you can put on that muscle the stronger you will become and the faster your results.

• Mindfulness gets you better results. When it comes to training (and especially strength training), your overall form is extremely important! Being mindful during your workout improves the quality of your movement and exercise technique. This means less injury and better quality workouts for better results.

• Mindfulness leaves you feeling satisfied. If you focus more on your workout, moment by moment, you’ll have a sense of pride and accomplishment when you’re done. You’ll end your session feeling satisfied and knowing you truly did your best – now that’s a good feeling!

Tips on Training with More Mindfulness


Sounds great, right? But how do you actually put mindfulness to work for you? Here are a few tips to get you started.

• Highlight a purpose for each training session. While you may have a big “why” that’s driving you and keeping you motivated, you also need to enter each workout with an immediate purpose that you can focus on.

For example, you might decide to concentrate on working your lower body for today’s strength training session. Or you might set a goal for a certain number of calories you want to burn during a cardio workout. Make your purpose achievable and measurable – and then, focus!

• Don’t rush it. Your time in the gym is just that – YOURS! Take your time once you start your workout and don’t rush through the movements. Focus on your form, particularly in strength training exercises. The goal isn’t to get in and get out – the goal is to make your time count!

• Breathe. Sounds easy, right? If you find yourself rushing or your mind wandering to a long list of “to do” items you need to tackle, bring yourself back to the moment by taking a deep breath. Remember, this is your time to exercise – everything else can wait.

So, when you feel the need to pop in earbuds and zone out on the treadmill, consider a change of course. Try working out without any distractions and stay mindful during your next workout.

Pay particular attention to what your body is doing and how it feels.

Changing how you exercise can make your time at the gym more enjoyable and unbelievably satisfying!

Breakfast Fried Wild Rice

Do you ever feel bored with your morning breakfast? If so, I’ve got the perfect fix for you. A breakfast that will give you extra morning energy for your body and your brain. It’s a no brainer and easy to make. Time to take back your day! Enjoy this Breakfast Fried Wild Rice recipe.

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·      3 cups cooked wild brown rice (1 cup uncooked)

·      1 Tbsp toasted sesame oil

·      ½ small sweet onion – chopped

·      1 Tbsp rice wine vinegar

·      1 Tbsp tamari sauce

·      2 cups chopped fresh spinach

·      2 large eggs – lightly beaten

·      Salt & pepper to taste

·      Hot sauce – if desired


1.     Cook 1 cup rice as directed on package. Set aside

2.     In a large skillet, add sesame oil and onions. Cook over medium heat until tender. 2-3 minutes

3.     Stir in wild brown rice, vinegar, and tamari and cook about 3 minutes over medium/low heat.

4.     Add spinach and cook until wilted. 2-3 minutes

5.     Push rice mixture to the side of the skillet and add the lightly beaten eggs. Stir eggs until cooked.

6.     Mix the eggs and rice mixture together.

7.     Season with salt and pepper

8.     Add hot sauce if desired

Servings: 4

Calories 243 | Carbs 36.5 |  Fat 7.25 | Protein 8 | Fiber 3.25

Celebrate International Women’s Day: Be Bold For Change!


This year’s International Women’s Day theme couldn’t be any more timely and inspirational.

Being bold and determined to make changes is the first step to reaching our goals.

Take this time to draw inspiration from women who are recognized for their achievements which paved the way to creating awareness for greater equality.

The common thread among women who have succeeded through the years, is that they not only make decisions to change, they also see it through. 

For most of us though, making lifestyle changes is a process that takes time and may require support. Once we’re ready to make a change, the difficult part is committing and following through. So we need to make a plan that will prepare ourselves for success. Careful planning means setting small goals and taking things one step at a time.

Where the mind goes, the body follows.

Let us work on the psychological aspect of making lifestyle changes that last. Here is a list of tips from the APA (American Psychological Association) to help us get and stay on track.

Make a plan that will stick. Your plan is a map that will guide you on this journey of change. You can even think of it as an adventure. When making your plan, be specific. Want to exercise more? Detail the time of day when you can take walks and how long you’ll walk.

Write everything down, and ask yourself if you’re confident that these activities and goals are realistic for you. If not, start with smaller steps. Post your plan where you’ll most often see it as a reminder.

Start small. After you've identified realistic short-term and long-term goals, break down your goals into small, manageable steps that are specifically defined and can be measured. Is your long-term goal to lose 20 pounds within the next five months?

A good weekly goal would be to lose one pound a week. If you would like to eat healthier, consider as a goal for the week replacing dessert with a healthier option, like fruit or yogurt. At the end of the week, you’ll feel successful knowing you met your goal.

Change one behavior at a time. Unhealthy behaviors develop over the course of time, so replacing unhealthy behaviors with healthy ones requires time. Many people run into problems when they try to change too much too fast. To improve your success, focus on one goal or change at a time.

As new healthy behaviors become a habit, try to add another goal that works toward the overall change you’re striving for.

Involve a buddy. Whether it be a friend, co-worker or family member, someone else on your journey will keep you motivated and accountable. Perhaps it can be someone who will go to the gym with you or someone who is also trying to stop smoking. Talk about what you are doing.

Consider joining a support group. Having someone with whom to share your struggles and successes makes the work easier and the mission less intimidating.

Ask for support. Accepting help from those who care about you and will listen strengthens your resilience and commitment. If you feel overwhelmed or unable to meet your goals on your own, consider seeking help from a psychologist.

Psychologists are uniquely trained to understand the connection between the mind and body, as well as the factors that promote behavior change.

Asking for help doesn't mean a lifetime of therapy; even just a few sessions can help you examine and set attainable goals or address the emotional issues that may be getting in your way.

Making the changes that you want takes time and commitment, but you can do it. Just remember that no one is perfect.

You will have occasional lapses. Be kind to yourself.

When you eat a brownie or skip the gym, don’t give up. Minor missteps on the road to your goals are normal and okay.

Resolve to recover and get back on track.

How To Get Motivated To Exercise

With summer around the corner, do you know how to get motivated to exercise and stay motivated?

Are you still on track with your New Year’s Resolutions to get healthy and fit?

But as spring rolls around and the newness wears off on your resolutions, you might start losing your motivation to hit the gym?

Hey, it happens to the best of us.

But now is the time to take back control and refresh those resolutions so that you can be successful in your fitness journey.


Here are my tips to stay motivated from New Year’s Day to New Year’s Eve – and every day in between!

How To Get Motivated To Exercise

Strength in Numbers

After a long, exhausting day at the office, you may start thinking about skipping the gym – but if you have a workout partner that’s counting on you, you’re more likely to stay committed.

Accountability is everything when you’re trying to stick to positive, healthy changes in your life. If you want to crush your goals, find a workout partner or trainer to hold you accountable, or consider joining a group fitness class.

As a bonus, social time is great for your mental health, and time flies when you’re having fun with your friends!

Spice Things Up

Variety is the spice of life, and this applies to your workouts as well. It’s hard to get excited about the same old boring routine – so break out of your rut! Incorporate different machines and movements, as well as real-life activities like hiking or tennis.

Not comfortable enough in the gym to step outside your comfort zone? Then a personal trainer is a great way to go. After all, the magic happens as soon as you step outside your comfort zone and try something new.

Be a Goal-Digger

It’s hard to crush your goals if you don’t set them in the first place. Write down both short- and long-term goals and look at them often. You may even want to write them on sticky notes that you post in different places around your house, so you’ll see constant little reminders to stay on track.

And don’t forget the best part of setting goals: Celebrating when you cross them off your list!

Make Fitness Fun

Exercise doesn’t have to feel like “exercise.” It’s ok to have fun while getting your sweat on. If exercising is enjoyable, you’ll look forward to your workouts and stay committed. Do you like rock-climbing? Then take your workout outside and into the fresh air for a tough but fun climbing session.

Maybe you love the calming energy that yoga gives you. In that case, make the mat your go-to exercise when you’re feeling burned out.

Remember Your Why

I saved the best (and probably the most important) for last. Remember why you started your fitness journey. Whatever got you moving will help keep you motivated.

So, whether you’re trying to lose weight, add muscle, or just get a better overall bill of health, your “why” is your secret weapon when you need a little extra boost of motivation. If you have that fire within, you will keep going. If not, find your reason.

Could it be for your health, to be a good example for your children and family, to be the hottest and most fun grandma out there or maybe you want to rock your bikini at the beach. All you need to do is find your “why”!

Now that you know how to get motivated to exercise, stop reading and start doing!

Choose one (or more!) of these tips and put it into action. Before you know it, you’ll find yourself at the end of the year looking back at all you’ve accomplished.

Primary Factors To Building Muscle For Women

Today I want to share the primary factors to building muscle for women.

No matter your goals or ideal body type, all women can benefit from building muscle. Lean muscle helps you function in daily life and decreases your chances of osteoporosis – not to mention the toned, fit look you get from adding a little muscle.


And building muscle through strength training can also have a huge positive impact on your psychological health as well.

There are lots of factors that affect a woman’s ability to build muscle. Some you can control, and some you can’t. If you want to achieve a more toned look, then it’s important to what to expect out of your body and what you can focus on changing.

Factors To Building Muscle For Women

Factors You Can’t Control

• Your Gender

Let’s get the obvious out of the way – does gender affect your ability to build muscle? The short answer is yes. Men and women have the same quality of muscle tissue, but men typically have more of that muscle tissue (thanks to testosterone).

• Your Age

When building muscle for women, your age will effect your results, which of course, we have no control over. If you were an athlete in high school and college, you have an advantage because muscle gain is most rapid in our early years.

Once you cross the threshold into your 20s, your ability to build muscle slows down.

• Your Genetics

This is a big one! Genetics play a huge role in your body type – from size to strength to appearance.

First, let’s look at muscle fibers. There are two basic types of muscle fibers: slow twitch and fast twitch.

Weightlifting and other explosive exercises focus on fast twitch fibers.

You may inherit a higher percentage of one type of muscle fiber over the other, and those with a higher percentage of fast twitch muscle fibers have an advantage when it comes to building muscle.

Another genetic factor is the length of your limbs and muscles. You may have noticed that many elite Olympic weightlifters are relatively short and stocky.

There’s a reason for this: People with shorter limbs tend to lift more weight because they have better leverage.

Similarly, the length of your muscles also impacts how effectively you develop size and strength. In this case, people with longer muscles have an advantage.

Factors You Can Control

• Your Training

When it comes to building muscle for women, the type of training you choose plays a HUGE role in your overall muscular development. This isn’t the time for long cardio sessions – instead, focus your energy into strength training.

Practice good lifting technique as well, so you target the right muscles in the right ways.

If you hit a plateau with your weight training (or just get plain bored), switch things up. This serves up a new challenge for your muscles to adapt to, leading to more strength and size.

Don’t forget about recovery. Rest days are essential for your body to recover and rebuild muscle, so pencil in at least 1-2 days of complete rest each week.

• Your Diet

While I could talk endlessly about the importance of diet in your body composition, in this article, I’m focusing primarily on protein – the building block of muscle.

Make sure to include a lean protein source in every meal and add extra protein in your meals immediately around training to repair and regrow your muscle fibers.

Becoming A Stronger Woman

Now that you understand the factors of building muscle for women, you can ignore the ones that are completely out of your control, and focus your attention and focus onw aht you CAN cotrol when trying to tone and build muscle.

But why should you focus on building muscle in the first place?

Weightlifting is hard work, but it’s worth it. As I mentioned at the start of this article, building muscle boasts a lot of health benefits – but it also has a big positive effect on your mental health.

Sculpting a toned, fit body improves your overall well-being, self-esteem, and self-worth.

If you love the way you look in that little black dress, then you’ll instantly get a boost of confidence that shines through in so many areas of your life.

If you’re ready to start your journey to a stronger you, keep in mind that this is YOUR journey. Don’t compare yourself to others.

Instead, focus on accepting your body as it is each and every day, while knowing that you’re working toward big changes.

You should also celebrate the small victories.

Did you notice a subtle change in your arm definition this morning? That’s amazing! Were you able to hit more reps during your workout?

High five! Notice and appreciate all the improvements you’re making along the way.

Now that you know the factors you can and can not control when it comes to building muscle for women, you need to get your diet to match your training to better help those muscles grow and show.

I’ll help you incorporate diet and weightlifting into your routine, so you can become a more confident, sexier version of you.

Become a stronger woman, both inside and out, as you get in shape and love the way you look!

Arm Toning Exercises - Your Guide to Sexier, Toned Arms

Today I want to share my arm toning exercises that will get your the sexy, strong arms we all love. (see video below)

When you see a picture of yourself, do your eyes go right to your arms?

Whether in pictures or in person, “bat wings” are hard to hide, especially if you want to rock a sleeveless top for a fun night out. We all want sexy, toned arms, and this guide will help you get your arms ready for their close up.


Start by sculpting sexier arms in the gym.

If you want killer arms that look great in sleeveless tops, then focus on strength training exercises that develop your muscles and give your arms definition and tone.

While cardio will help you torch serious calories, strength training helps you burn calories even while sitting on the couch and watching Netflix.

Strength training is an absolute MUST if you want to get toned.

The main arm toning exercises you’ll want to focus on are moves that target your biceps and triceps.

Bicep curls and tricep extensions are my go-to exercises, and there are lots of ways to perform these two exercises, depending on what machines or weights you have available.

Remember to move through a full range of motion – squeeze at the top and then go slow on your negatives. This gives you more bang for your buck in these exercises.

Watch My Favorite Arm Toning Exercises.

If you can’t make it to the gym, try bodyweight exercises right in the comfort of your home – or even on the go! Pushups and tricep dips (using a chair) are excellent bodyweight exercises that really make your arm muscles pop. And they don’t’ require any special equipment.

But don’t forget that muscles are born in the kitchen.

There’s just no way around it – your diet is a huge factor in changing your physique. Muscles give you that fabulous toned look, but it’s hard to achieve tone and definition if you have excess body fat. And if you store a lot of fat in your arms (like many women do), that extra fat hides the muscles you’re working so hard for in the gym.

This means you may need to lose some weight first if you want to achieve better results from your arm toning exercises.

Unfortunately, you can’t spot-reduce fat.

So, your goal should be general weight loss. A slimmer body overall can noticeably change the appearance (or disappearance!) of flabby arms.

For muscular definition, make sure you’re eating plenty of protein and focusing on whole foods to get in healthy calories rather than empty ones.

Simply put, if you combine the arm toning exercises I shared with a healthy diet, you’ll have sexier, toned arms in no time.

The countdown to summer is on – and your arms are going to be ready for some fun in the sun!

5 Benefits To Combining Yoga and Strength Training

Have you ever thought about combining yoga and strength training?

While you may be hitting the gym regularly to strengthen and tone your body, you should really think about adding yoga to your fitness plan.

It’s been around forever and for good reason. Yoga boasts a ton of very real, very powerful benefits for both your body and mind.


Let’s break down all the benefits of hitting the mat and incorporating yoga into your strength training.



With regular yoga practice, you can increase your range of motion. How does this help you in strength training? Better mobility opens your hips, allowing you to sit deeper in your squats. If you’re working on overhead work, such as pull-ups, better shoulder flexibility will make your training much easier.

Plus, suppleness and mobility make you less prone to injury. If you have tight hips or shoulders, try a few basic poses, such as Down Dog, Warrior, or Pigeon.


One good way to combining yoga and strength training, is to use yoga after a particularly tough training session to loosen tight, sore muscles. All that stretchy goodness speeds up your recovery and reduces soreness.

Making yoga a regular part of your routine will keep you fresh and ready to hit your next strength session, and you’re less likely to get injured than if you train with hard, tight muscles.

For optimal recovery, stick to gentle yoga poses that focus on stretching. Also, transition slowly between poses, while listening to your body about what feels good.


Strength training isn’t the only way to build and train those muscles – yoga incorporates some strength elements as well. Once you get into the more advanced yoga poses, you’ll be engaging a variety of muscles and challenging them in new ways.

Why does yoga and strength training go so well together?

Yoga strengthens your muscles through extended poses, it also strengthens your joints. And as a bonus, moving slowly and holding poses for an extended time builds endurance as well.


Namaste your way to less stress with yoga – it’s the perfect way to create balance in your life with its combination of control and relaxation. Hit the mat regularly to for a reset and release the tension and stress from everyday life.

And remember, with less stress, comes less cortisol (that pesky, fat-inducing hormone that can wreak havoc on our bodies).

To get the most relaxation our of your time on the mat, end each session with the indulgent Corpse Pose – lie on your back, relax, close your eyes, and breathe deeply.


Mental focus is undeniably important in many aspects of life – including when you hit the gym. Deep concentration and focus bring an awareness of your body and its mechanics as you power through your reps.

Likewise, balanced breathing goes a long way when you’re working on either conditioning or heavy lifting. It calms your mind and keeps you focused on the task at hand.

Yoga can help you conquer both breathing and focus, as these are foundational components of the practice.

Now, that your convinced of all the awesome benefits to combining yoga and strength training, it’s time to roll out your mat and start enjoying all that yoga goodness!

Healthy Snacks For When You're On The Go

Have you wondered what are some healthy snacks you can have when you are on the go?

Have you experienced any of these scenarios?

You’re stuck in a meeting that’s running late, and your stomach is growling – time to hit the vending machine down the hall.

You’re rushing around town, running errands and shuttling kids – you decide to stop for fast food.


Don’t let your busy schedule throw you off track! When hunger hits, be prepared and snack smart with these healthy (and delicious) snacks for when you’re on the go.

What Are Some Healthy Snacks?

Hard-Boiled Eggs

If you’ve been in an airport or convenience store lately, you’ve probably seen prepackaged hard-boiled eggs on the snacking aisle. This is one new trend I hope is here to stay! Grab a packet of hot sauce for a boost of flavor, and you have a tasty treat that’s undeniably healthy.


Jerky is a tried and true road-trip favorite. It ranks at the top of the list of convenient snacks and is packed with the protein that your body needs. Just make sure to check the ingredients and try to choose a brand without added sugar. Or make your own!

String Cheese

Next time you ask yourself what are some healthy snacks I can munch on, remeber string cheese. There’s something about snacking on string cheese that feels like an indulgence – but the right cheese can be an incredibly healthy and filling snack. Cheese delivers a powerful one-two punch with both calcium and protein. Go with a lighter, lower fat option to make cheese your guilt-free pleasure!

Dry-Roasted Edamame or Chickpeas

This delicious treat is packed with nutrients and is an excellent source of protein and fiber. And they’re super portable for easy snacking that doesn’t require a cooler or flatware. The salty crunch is even more delicious than potato chips!

Greek Yogurt

While not the most portable option, Greek yogurt is still a foodie favorite if you’ve got a few minutes to sit and snack. It’s high in protein and calcium, which is great for your bones. Be wary of yogurt with added sugar – opt for one with more fat instead. It may have slightly more calories, but it will help you stay full longer.

Fresh Fruit

Craving something sweet? An orange or banana are great options to stick in your bag when you’re in a hurry. They’re easy to peel and eat anywhere without needing to be washed. While fresh fruit won’t keep you satisfied for hours on end, it’s an ideal “pick me up” when you need a little extra pep in your step.

Nuts or Nut Butter

Almond are a personal favorite for quick and easy snacking that leaves you feeling full and energized. Go for the pre-packaged bags to keep your serving size in check — or package your own single-serve baggies before you hit the road. Nut butters (while not as finger-food friendly) also give you a boost of healthy fats and keep you feeling full. Plus, both nuts and nut butters are packed with protein.

Other Snacking Ideas:

• Popcorn

• Olives

• Sliced veggies and low-fat salad dressing

• Tuna pouch

• Pumpkin seeds

• Hummus

There you go, 13 good options, so the next time you want to know what are some healthy snacks I can carry with me, just remember this post :)

6 Ways Senior Women Can Start Taking Control Of Their Health

Guest post by Jason Lewis from strongwell.org

I want to share 6 ways senior women can easily find ways to stay healthy. The changes that we often associate with old age, such as reduced mobility, fragility, or cognitive ability, are often the result of lifestyle factors rather than the passage of time.

This means your quality of life is within your hands and that you can take back control of your well-being at any time.

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6 Ways Senior Women Can Get Healthier

1. Get Moving (Any Way You Can)

Seniors should aim for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity endurance exercise every week. Of course, for women who have been sedentary for many years, the idea of a full-on cardio session can be intimidating.

This is why you should take it slow; start by taking a brisk walk every day and build up from there. Or, if your joints are giving you a hard time, try swimming instead. Any movement is a step in the right direction.

2. Strength Training

Senior women tend to believe that weight training is not for them, but they could not be more wrong. Strength training has many great advantages for senior women, including preventing the deterioration of muscle mass and protecting the bones.

As long as you do it safely, under the guidance of an expert, there is no risk of injury — in fact, it can actually prevent injuries by making you feel more strong and stable.

3. Eat Right

In many ways, the nutritional needs of women over 60 are not very different from the rest of the population. However, many women struggle in specific areas. Some have trouble keeping on weight, others losing it.

Some should focus on getting more calcium for their bones, while others need more potassium to lower blood pressure.

If you do need to lose weight, do not engage in any dramatic diets. You need to feed your body the foods it needs, especially if you are exercising regularly. These foods include calorie-rich things like healthy fats and wholegrain carbs.

That said, if you like the prescribed nature of a specific diet, try one of these healthy senior-friendly diets.

4. Use Technology to Stay Safe

Assistive technology has come a long way, and life-changing innovations continue to be released onto the market every day. Today’s tech for senior women is sleek and unobtrusive, allowing you to stay safe and prevent injury in a variety of ways.

If you have mobility problems, for instance, you should look into getting an easy-to-use medical alert system.

5. Take Energy-Boosting Supplements

If you are feeling too tired to exercise, you could consider buying supplements that naturally boost energy. The best way to find one that will work for you is to take your time thinking about how and when you want to take them — a smoothie in the morning, a pill in the evening, a quick shot before workouts?

Also, check with your doctor before taking any new supplements.

6. Set a Nighttime Ritual

Regular sleep is essential to good body function, but seniors tend to have more difficulty falling asleep.

One way to combat this is to create a consistent nighttime ritual that relaxes your mind and body. Soothing sounds, essential oils, hot baths, nightly reading — whatever works for you is good.

The main thing is to keep it regular and get seven to nine hours every night.

If this doesn’t work, you might have a more serious sleep disorder. Speak to your doctor about your symptoms, and they will be able to recommend a course of treatment.

What I can tell all senior woman is, just because you’re over 60, it doesn’t mean you can’t make significant changes to your lifestyle. It’s never too late to get fitter and healthier, and doing so is not as difficult as you might expect.

Just remember to stay safe, consult your doctor, and rely on the expertise of professionals where possible.

Believe us, you can do it.


For easy-to-understand information about Medicare, including what’s covered and how to enroll, visit here: https://www.medicareadvantageplans.org/what-is-medicare/


You’ve tried over and over to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You want to stay strong and active, keep up and play with your grandchildren or take your fitness to the next level. Your dream keeps getting farther away as you get older. Stop the internal fight by teaming up with a personal trainer who can support and teach you the tools you need to succeed. Here are 5 ways a personal trainer can help:

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1. Accountability – It tough changing your day to day rituals. We get used to doing the same things day in and day out and it tough figuring out how to fit in workouts, food planning, and life balance. This is why a program with accountability helps. Checking in with your trainer for regular measurement, body fat and pictures is usually enough to keep you on track and motivated to keep going and skip that pizza or dessert.

2. Debunking all those old myths about nutrition – It’s tough to keep up on all the new information out there about nutrition. What works and what doesn’t work. Why low fat, low carb diets do’t work. Why limiting your calories can actually create chaos with your hormones and metabolism.

3. Gives you confidents and knowledge to exercise property – Learning how to properly weigh-train can be intimating, especially for beginners. A personal trainer will teach proper progression to insure there are no injuries, while building strength and function within the kinetic chain.  Have you been training for a while but you’ve plateaued? Learning new exercises and combinations can give you more effective results and take you to that next fitness level you’ve been working so hard to reach.

4. Teaches proper nutrition for life not a quick fix – Are you always wondering what proper mix of micronutrients will help your transformation. What to eat and how much? What might work for someone might not work for the next person, we are all unique individuals. Throughout your program a personal training can dial in what works for you, so you are successful for life.

5. Teaches life changes that stick – How many times have you tried to incorporate more healthy habits into your life? Then a week later your not doing it at all? Having that accountability with someone who teaches life changing sustainable habits through small daily steps is essential.

It’s a team effort to move past life changing fears and uncertainty to one of desire, excitement and change. Make your life feel significant, valuable and happy!

Holiday Workout Ideas for Women on the Go

‘Tis the season to feel frazzled! With the holidays come the stress and chaos of the season. And if you’re planning to hit the road to see family this year, you may wonder how you’ll ever be able to squeeze in a workout.

Whether you’re in a hotel room or stuck in bunkbeds at your mother-in-law’s house, I’ve got you covered. Check out these travel-friendly workout ideas that you can do anywhere.


Bodyweight Exercises

Skip the workout equipment and get back to basics with these bodyweight exercises that are perfect for on-the-go resistance training.

·      Upper Body and Core


You’re probably already familiar with both push-ups and side planks, so why not combine these two movements to pack a one-two punch for your upper body and core.

Simply do a push-up, then rotate onto your side and reach your arm up for a side plank. Back down into a push-up position and repeat. Modify as necessary. Do 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps on each side.

·      Legs and Booty

It’s all about the squats when you’re trying to get a mega bang for your buck. This one bodyweight exercise hits several major muscle groups and can be done anywhere.

If you have enough space, lunges can also be a great option, and they boast a big lower-body impact as well.

For both of these exercises, do 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps (per leg for lunges).

·      Cardio

You don’t have to be outside or in a gym to get in your cardio. If you’re stuck in a bedroom or hotel room, do intervals of jumping jacks, burpees, or mountain climbers to get your heart racing.

You can also combine any of the upper body, lower body, and core exercises I mentioned earlier into a HIIT type session to get both strength and cardio done in one workout.

·      Yoga

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If stress from holiday travel is bumming you out, namaste your way through it with yoga. There are plenty of quick and easy yoga sessions that you can stream anywhere to help you stretch, strengthen, and tone.

Get Active Outside

If you’re sick of being stuck in the house during your travels, bundle up and get outside. Taking full advantage of the outdoors is a great way to stay active.

Are you traveling to a snowy winter wonderland? Hit the slopes or visit an ice rink for some ice skating. Not your cup of tea? Go sledding! Believe me, lugging a sled up a hill will have your quads on fire (bonus points if you load your sled with kiddos first).

Final Thoughts

Don’t get put on the naughty list – commit to staying active even when you’re on-the-go this holiday season. Plus, squeezing in a few training sessions now will make jumping back into your fitness routine a breeze once the holidays are over.

Need more ideas on how to stay fit through the holiday season and beyond? I’d love to help you start the new year off stronger and sexier than ever! Let’s chat.

5 Must Have Gifts for Women Who Workout

Trying to get your holiday shopping done? Or making your own list for Santa? Either way, I’m here to help you with a list of great fitness gift ideas that go beyond leggings. I rounded up 5 must-have gifts for the fittest women on your list – including yourself!  

1.   Moji Heated Foam Roller

Suffering from muscle soreness? The innovative Moji Heated Roller packs a one-two punch to relax tight muscles and help you recover from a tough workout. How does it work? The foam roller design and pattern combine with heat therapy to target your muscle tissue and stimulate the flow of blood and oxygen. It’s a game changer when it comes to pain relief and recovery! 

2.   6 Pack Fitness Leather Tote

This Six Pack Fitness Renee Tote is sleek and packs away 4 meals for an 8-hour workday. It has an insulated modular core system that keeps meals fresh and organized all day. It is preloaded with 4 snap lid containers, 1 nutrition compact for supplements and 3 gel packs to keep meals organized. The large zipper main compartment included an interior sleeve for a laptop up to 13 inches, plus organizational pockets for accessories. Designed for the professional fit women who like to eat healthy on the go.

3.   Dr. Teal’s Epsom Salt Soak

Remember when Calgon used to take you away? Well these days, it’s Dr. Teal. These Epsom salt soaks are the ultimate for relaxing and recharging. With a mix of Epsom salt and essential oils, Dr Teal’s soaks help reduce inflammation, relieve stress, and provide relief for achy muscles. After a hard training session, pour one of these solutions into your tub, lay back, and soak – divine!

 4.   Anker SoundBuds Curve Wireless Headphones

Exercising with great workout buds makes your workout even better. The Anker SoundsBuds Wireless Headphones are Bluetooth, with built-in mic and carry pouch. These have clear sounds quality and noise cancellation technology. They are customizable for the perfect fit to keep them in place during touch workouts. And last up to 14 hours of battery time. Plus, they’re sweatproof! Get ready to tackle your toughest workouts with these chic wireless headphones.

5.   Black Mountain Products Resistance Band Set

I couldn’t have a wish list for women who workout without actually putting any fitness gear on it! So to round out my list, check out this set of resistance bands from Black Mountain Products – an all-in-one set that you can take anywhere. This is the perfect gift for anyone from beginner to expert who wants to continue their strength training program at home or on-the-go.

For even more ideas, check out my favorite products on my website. I have a long list of supplements, gym equipment, and other miscellaneous gift ideas for any fitness buff.

If you want to take your fitness game to the next level and boost both your confidence and your results, check out my services page. I offer one-on-one training and online programs with a personalized approach. Let me help you find your strength!

5 Top Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

Oh, the weather outside will soon be frightful, and those holiday cookies look so delightful… but don’t give in to those tasty temptations this holiday season! You don’t want to enter the New Year with a few extra turkeys around your waistline, right? That’s why I’ve put together my top 5 tips to help you avoid holiday weight gain this winter.  

1.   Be true to yourself.

Photo by rawpixel.com from Pexels

Don’t just believe in Santa this holiday season – believe in yourself! Ok, maybe that’s a little cheesy, but you should absolutely believe that you deserve to feel good (and look good, too!).  

Know your own importance and make a commitment to yourself. After all, you’ll never know what you’re capable of until you trust yourself enough to go all in. So truly commit for the holiday season, and then don’t let anything get in the way of your exercise regimen.

2.   Avoid indulging the whole season.

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Photo by picjumbo.com from Pexels

It seems like the holiday season starts earlier every year. We haven’t even put away our Halloween decorations and already pumpkin spice everything is out on the store shelves!  

But that doesn’t mean your holiday indulgences should start early, too. Don’t start the food festivities now, or you’ll add extra pounds before the real holidays even arrive. Save your planned free meal and dessert for a big holiday party or dinner.

3.   Don’t skip meals.

Every now and then, a holiday treat will be too tempting to resist – but don’t try to “make up” for those little indulgences by skipping meals. This can negatively affect your metabolism and even cause you to gain weight. Yes, gain weight!

Plus, you’re much more likely to make bad food choices and overeat if you’re starving.

4.   Get your rest to avoid crashes and cravings.

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Sleep is one of the best holiday gifts you can give yourself. If you’re not getting enough rest, you may find yourself hungrier than normal during the day, which can easily lead to mindless snacking on those holiday treats.

And nobody wants to hit the gym if they’re feeling too tired either. So prioritize your sleep to see better results from both your diet and your exercise.  

5.   Stay focused and write down your vision.

Do you have your eye on a sexy black dress for a New Year’s Eve party? Write down your vision of what you want to achieve by the start of the new year. This will help you remember that you’ve got goals so you can stay focused.


Photo by Chase Clark on Unsplash

Follow these easy tips, and you’ll start off 2019 with confidence! If you need a little extra motivation this holiday season, I’d love to chat with you about how I can help you reach your goals and get a jumpstart on a healthy new year.

Build Lower Back Strength with Bosu Supermans

Looking to shake up your workout? Incorporating BOSU ball exercises can add some spice to your routine, while still giving you awesome body-sculpting benefits.

There are SO many ways you can add a BOSU ball to your training, all depending on your needs and the areas you want to target. Plus, there are different variations for every fitness level.

And as a bonus – you’re getting an ab workout, too! A BOSU ball incorporates balance and stability into every exercise so you are constantly tightening and strengthening your core.  

Strengthening Your Lower Back

Your back is your foundation and gaining strength in your lower back can help support your entire spine. If you spend a lot of time sitting, the muscles in your lower back may be getting lazy, and you may even be experiencing some back pain.

So let’s work on strengthening that foundation!

A great way to increase strength in your lower to mid back is to add BOSU Superman’s into your workout routine. This exercise really targets those lower back muscles, while also working your glutes, hamstrings, and even shoulders. 

The Exercise: BOSU Superman

1.   Get on the ball.

Place your BOSU ball on the ground, round side up. Lay face down with your tummy on the BOSU ball. Toes and forearms should be resting on the floor.

2.   Engage your core.

Pull your bellybutton in toward your spine, squeezing those abs and engaging your core.

3.   Superman!

Lift arms and toes off the floor while maintaining your balance. Squeeze your glutes to keep legs up. Now hold for a count of two feeling a squeeze in your lower back, lower arms and legs without touching the ground and lift again. This is not a big movement. Only go up enough to where you feel the lower back muscles engage. Do 2 to 3 sets for 15 – 20 reps.

TIP: Don’t let your shoulders creep up to your ears – pull your shoulder blades back and together. And don’t forget to engage your core and breathe.

The Variation: BOSU Hyperextension

If you can’t hold your balance during the BOSU Superman, try this variation – the BOSU Hyperextension. This exercise still emphasizes your lower back muscles, but you’ll get some added stability by keeping your toes on the ground.

To perform this exercise, you’ll get on the ball in the same position as the Superman, with feet placed about shoulder width apart. Your arms can be crossed over your chest or placed behind your head.

Then, lift your chest off the ball to hyperextend the lower back. Hold for a count of two and repeat. Remember this is not a big movement. Only come up enough to get a squeeze in the lower back. Toes are staying firmly on the ground throughout this move.  Do 2 to 3 sets for 15 – 20 reps.

Remember, always keep your abs tight and breathe.

6 Steps to being Healthy in an Unhealthy World

It’s hard enough sticking to a healthy lifestyle with the everyday temptations -- convenient fast food on every corner, girl’s night out featuring sugary margaritas, and supermarket shelves stocked with chips and sodas galore.


Top that with pressure from friends and loved ones and it just gets a whole lot tougher to stick with the healthy habits you’ve worked so hard to create.

You know what I mean. Friends out to lunch begging, “Oh come on, just one!” or fellow co-workers always trying to convince you to take part in the office goodies that are constantly a part of the office environment.

So, how do we combat temptations, stand up for our healthy choices, and encourage our friends and family to respect our healthy lifestyles? Simply put, how do we remain healthy in an unhealthy world?

1. Know Your Stuff

No one’s going to believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself. The conviction in your choices has to be strong enough to withstand judgement from outsiders. But it’s easier said than done.

The best thing you can do is educate yourself on why you’re doing what you’re doing. That way, instead of a defensive response to your bestie urging you to try some of her nachos, you can educate them instead as to why you’re skipping them.

It’s important that as women, we’re encouraging each other to be our best selves. Having an educational conversation with the people around you will be a win-win. But that means you have to know your stuff and be firm in your convictions.

Try explaining how much better you started feeling when you removed greasy food from your diet. Or how you’re working really hard to lose 15 pounds by Christmas and know the nachos won’t help. You’ll feel more confident when you’re educated and it’ll become easier to stand up for yourself in a way that feels good.

But hey -- if you’re that friend pressuring someone to eat food that you know they’re working really hard to avoid… well let’s just say, don’t be that friend. 

2. Communicate Openly with Friends and Loved Ones

It’s easy to be overwhelmed when you feel like you’re the only one in your circle who’s even attempting to live a healthy life. Your kids have pizza every other day, your husband seems unable to live without dessert, and nearly every photo on social media includes a friend of yours holding a Mai tai. Great.

The first step is to ask your loved ones for support. Tell them you want to make healthier choices, so you feel better with more energy.  Maybe you’re concerned about aging and staying healthy as you age, living a long life free of disease.  The key is to communicate. Your family can’t read your mind!

Make it really obvious that you’re changing your old habits for new, healthier ones. Whether that’s posting your gym routine to Instagram or filling the pantry with almonds instead of Oreos, it should be really clear to the people around you that this is important.

3. Get Others Involved

You don’t have to do it alone! Include your family and friends in your healthy habits and urge them to get involved.

Decide on healthy recipes with your family and make an effort to cook together. Start a fun fitness challenge with your coworkers. Go to the gym with your friends instead of going out for drinks.

When you encourage others to join you on your health journey, they will benefit, and appreciate your support. We can all learn together. We as women need to education and support other women and our children why it’s important to lead healthy lives.

4. Find a Likeminded Community

Once you start living a healthy lifestyle, the community will naturally follow. You just have to get out there.

For instance, once a week, you can trade your solo gym workout for a group exercise class and meet some new people. Spend time at the local juice bar. Chat with the farmers at the fresh food market. Nurturing this new community will only strengthen your bond with eating better, healthier foods and taking care of your body.

There’s a whole online community of likeminded health-conscious people, too – which you probably already know since you’re here. Connect on social media with other individuals who want to learn about implementing a healthy lifestyle.

5. Lead by Example

Sometimes, you’re not going to have the support you need from friends or loved one. But that’s ok. In this case, you need to lead the pack.

For your kids’ bake sale, bring protein packed oat clusters instead of sugary treats. When you’re invited to dinner or a party politely ask what’s on the menu and ask if you can bring a veggie tray instead of fattening dips and desserts. And it never hurts to be proactive, if it’s a pizza party you might want to eat before you go and snack on the veggies (that you brought).

Leading by example will give you the self-assurance to stick with your healthy lifestyle no matter what anyone else has to say. There’s nothing better than inspiring others and to feel good about the choices you made after you leave the party.

6. Mindfulness - Slow It Down and Take a Breath

No one is perfect and you shouldn’t expect to be. Being healthy in an unhealthy world can take its toll since there are so many unhealthy choices constantly thrown our way.

Notice these moments of stress, stop, and take a 3 or 4 deep, cleansing breaths. You may even want to plan these “check-ins” into your schedule.

Practices checking in with yourself as you come to the end of your lunch break, on your way to pick up the kids from school, or before bed. Remind yourself to breathe and ask yourself how you’re doing. Acknowledge your efforts and be proud of yourself accomplishments.

It’ll be absolutely essential you have a plan to reset.

How do you manage being a healthy, strong woman in such an unhealthy world? How have you learned to cope with pressure from friends and family? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

7 Tips for A Flatter Tummy

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One of the first things my new clients say is that they want a flatter tummy. Belly fat can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. It also affects a woman’s confidence and how she feels in her clothes.

Even more important is the problem that this type of fat around the mid-section is a risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

The good news—you can do something about it.

Here are 7 tips to help you lose belly fat so you can wear those form fitting clothes and feel beautiful in them:

1. Eat a high protein diet: Protein should be a part of every meal. It keeps you full, decreases your appetite, and helps build strong muscles. Studies have shown that eating quality protein (i.e., beef, salmon, eggs, turkey, pork, fish & chicken) throughout the day decreases abdominal fat—the type of fat that can be a precursor for obesity and disease. Not sure how much protein to eat? Strive for 0.8 grams per pound of body weight.

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2.   Cut out sugar: For many of us, this is easier said than done. Sugar tastes good, and many compare it to a drug that you can become addicted to overtime. Quitting cold turkey usually doesn't work. Instead, try to find healthier ways to satisfy your sweet tooth. Swap out candy for some fruit, and if you crave chocolate, eat a small piece of dark chocolate (at least 70% dark or higher), which is also heart-healthy. And don't forget those sugary drinks that are often overlooked. Ditch the sodas and juices, which are loaded with sugar. Flavored unsweetened seltzer or water is just as good and ten times better for your waistline. 

3.   Get active: It sounds obvious, but it's always worth repeating. Cardiovascular exercise and resistance training will always work in reducing belly fat. You'll burn calories whether you're running, walking, biking, rowing, or taking your favorite dance class. Studies show that aerobic exercise leads to weight loss, which ultimately results in reduced abdominal fat. What women sometimes forget is the strength training part of the equation. Resistance training at least three times a week will not only get you stronger, but the muscles you build will take the place of fat. So don't forget to lift those weights!

4.   Cut refined carbs and processed foods: Carbs often get a bad rap, and there is some good reason for that. The problem occurs when you don't eat the right carbs. A refined carb has basically been stripped of its nutritional value, including fiber, vitamins, and minerals. The lack of these critical nutrients has been linked to obesity. Opt for complex carbs such as yams, sweet potatoes, whole oats, quinoa, and wild brown or black rice.

The same goes for processed foods. Just seeing the word "processed" on a box should be enough for you to stay away from it as it's far from being natural and healthy. These foods are usually loaded with sugars and other ingredients that do nothing to keep your body healthy or your belly flat.

5.   Drink apple cider vinegar (ACV) every day: A tall tale or health hack? Whatever you may think about drinking apple cider vinegar, the truth lies in the science. One study showed that daily intake of apple cider vinegar significantly reduced belly fat. The acetic acid in the vinegar is what does the trick. And not only that, but ACV has also been shown to lower blood sugar levels. Just be sure to dilute it with some water, so it's easier to drink.

6.   Drink plenty of water: Water is essential for all living things, and that includes you. Water regulates your internal body temperature through sweating, it metabolizes and transports carbs and proteins, it helps flush waste out of your system, and it keeps your joints lubricated. The list goes on and on. When it comes to belly fat, water is the perfect weapon to keep your body healthy while flushing out whatever may be causing belly bloat.

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 7.   Get more sleep: They don't call it beauty sleep for nothing. A good night's sleep, which should be at least seven hours a night, is vital for various reasons. Not only is it beneficial for mental clarity, but it also reduces cortisol (the stress hormone). Lack of quality sleep has also been shown to increase ghrelin levels—the hormone that regulates your appetite. That means you're more likely to eat more, which can lead to belly fat.

Some of these tips may be much easier than others, and that's okay. Rome wasn't built in a day, so no one expects you to change your habits over night. Pick the one you know is the most significant contributor to your belly fat and work on changing that behavior. If you can break the most challenging habit, the rest should be easy!








Mitochondria 101 - Why It’s Important to Your Health

Mitochondria are a number of organized structures within a living cell. The function of the mitochondria is to produce energy within the cell called ATP (adenosine triphosphate). This cellular respiration takes nutrients from the cell, breaks it down and creates energy for the cell. When it comes to health and disease prevention, your mitochondrial wellbeing and capacity basically can't be exaggerated enough. On the off chance that your mitochondria are not working great, nothing else will either. They affect metabolism and play a role in our well being and how our body produces energy.


Mitochondria 101

The powerhouse of your cells, creating around 90% of the vitality being produced in your body.

Mitochondria are the powerhouse of your cells, creating around 90 percent of the vitality being produced in your body. With much neglect to acknowledge is that completely everything that occurs in your body, every single muscle constriction, biochemical course, cell recovery, detoxification etcetera requires vitality. Nothing can happen in a vitality vacuum.

"A lot of things occur in the cell that individuals don't think about, like the exchange of particles crosswise over films, or the support of the state of the cytoskeleton (microscopic network of protein filaments and tubules in the cytoplasm of many living cells). For the micro tubules to keep up their shape, they require a contribution of vitality. Everything that occurs in the cell requires vitality, whenever you have a reduction in that vitality generation, things can begin to fall apart."

How Do We Eat to Optimize Our Mitochondria?

The most important food ingredient to give up is sugar and limit grains because they resort to sugar in the bloodstream. Mitochondria do better functioning off healthy fats, like sardines, walnuts, avocado, coconut oil, and MCT oil. You want to eat high fat and low crab, because the mitochondria use fatty acids or carbohydrates to create the ATP, but if you give them more fat and less carbohydrate, you'll have less free radicals formed. You also want to eat lots and lots of colorful vegetables, because the more phytonutrients you must nourish your body, the more you will certainly nourish your mitochondria as well. We additionally know some veggies, like sulfur-rich veggies (cauliflower, cabbage, etc.), benefit producing glutathione, an effective antioxidant that benefits the mitochondria.

Mitochondria likewise have other fundamentally essential capacities. For instance, they go about as the organizer for apoptosis (a form of programmed cell death), a critical procedure that guarantees the passing of failing cells that may transform into tumors. This is called Apoptosis.

Apoptosis is essentially cell suicide. Through the span of a cell's life, it's going to be harmed. At the point when that harm crosses a limit, signals are sent to the phone that let it know, 'you’re never again be useful, and you better confer suicide for the more prominent benefit of the living being.' What's intriguing is that the most current research has demonstrated that it's the mitochondria that start that phone suicide program.

It's the mitochondria that get each one of those signs and decide if that limit has been achieved. It's additionally fascinating that if your mitochondria are broken, it probably won't have the capacity to comprehend those signs appropriately and not give the flag for apoptosis or cell death when it should happen.

Another important facet is that every one of those distinctive things that occur in the apoptosis course likewise requires a contribution of vitality. In this way, even though it may have the capacity to peruse the signs legitimately and give the flag that it's a great time to commit suicide if there's insufficient energy produce, defective cells will survive and multiple. The dysfunctional mitochondria are the basis behind what we know as cancer.

5 tips to Strengthen Your Mitochondria:

  1. Sun Exposure - Sunlight is one of the most powerful mitochondrial boosters for optimal wellness and wellness.

  2. Cold Thermogenesis - Daily cool showers, polar plunges, or cryotherapy are fantastic means to cool exposure.

  3. Periodic Intermittent Fasting - Studies have shown calorie limitation to enhanced mitochondrial function as well as increased longevity.

  4. Move Extra - The average American sits for 13 hours a day. Include the advised 8 hours of rest and we're inactive for 21/24 hrs. each day - almost 88% of our time. Mitochondria like exercise, activity, as well as movement. Feed your mitochondria as much movement as possible.

  5. Vitamins - These are the 5 natural supplements that boost mitochondrial function.

    a. BioPQQ (polyquinoline quinone)

    b. Magnesium Threonate

    c. B-Vitamins - especially nicotinamide (a form of Vitamin B-3)

    d. Nitric Oxide Boosters - L-Arginine and L-Citrulline

    e. Alpha-lipoic-Acid





The 5 Things I Do Every Weekend to Stay Healthy All Week

Staying healthy all week takes some planning, and what I’ve learned is that if I don’t have a plan and schedule the whole week goes haywire. One of my favorite quotes that I find so true is “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Benjamin Franklin. I want to be successful in my health journey and I’m sure you do too, so let’s make a plan. Here I talk about the 5 things I do every weekend to ensure my success for the week.

1. Routine

Routine is everything because the body strives on regularity and structure, especially if your main goal is weight loss. If you have a structured schedule on weekdays and then everything goes haywire on the weekend your body will pay for it. For instance, if you are eating healthy planned meals during the week and then you go crazy on fast food, sugar, and alcohol on the weekend you will wake up Monday morning feeling sick and 3-4 pounds heavier than the week before. Talk about making yourself feel bad. To avoid this, think of how you want to feel on Monday morning, and what steps you need to take to create that good feeling, and then do that!

If you want success with your weight loss and to wake up Monday morning with a flat tummy with no weight gain follow your same structure as you do during the week. Some examples are, eat at the same times on the weekend as you do during the week, stay hydrated and drink all your water, get 8 or more hours of sleep and if you missed any of your workouts during the week make sure to get it in on the weekend. I’ve been doing this for many years and one of the most important things I’ve learned is that “winners are made on the weekend”.

2. Meal Planning and Shopping for The Week

Every Saturday I plan my meals for the next week, make a grocery list and head to the store. I like to shop at Costco for the most part since I can buy in bulk and save money. It’s important to buy organic veggies, fruit, and meat since these are free from pesticides and added hormones our bodies should not be consuming. If you have a local farmers market get your fruit and veggies there. Strive to get fresh foods that are in season. If possible buy local eggs, meats, such as chicken, pork, and beef.

3. Advance Prep for The Week

When I return from the grocery store I clean, cut, and measure out the veggies, and make my salads for the entire week. I have individual containers for salads and meals. If I have time on Saturday I will cook all my meat and/or recipes and divide them up into their individual containers with the veggies and carbs. It works best if I shop on Saturday and cook everything on Sunday. If you are working an 8 to 5 job you will want to have your meals ready and with you all day. Having your food with you and eating on a regular schedule will avoid blood sugars from dropping so you don’t eat unhealthy fast foods that put on weight.

4. Pack Your Gym Bag the Night Before

Sunday evenings I make sure my gym bag has everything I need for my Monday workout. I keep certain things in my bag at all times such as toiletries. I always have my headphones in my bag and charged up every weekend. I have my workout gloves and straps in my gym bag at all times. I put out my workout pants, top, shoes and socks so I don’t have to think about it the next morning. It’s there ready for me to put on and head out the door. Or if you are heading to the gym after work you’ll have your gym bag packed and waiting in your car, no excuses, you’ve already planned for it.

5. Gym Schedule

I always have my workout times scheduled on my calendar. Every Sunday I look it over to make sure there is nothing that will get in the way of my workouts for the week. If it’s on your schedule you can arrange everything else around it. If someone wants you to comment to something else during that time simply tell them you don’t have that time available and inform them of another time you do have available. Don’t let others dictate your schedule.

Final word, these five simple things I do every weekend might seem basic but they are important for your success if you want to make progress. Most people fall off the wagon on the weekends and never hit their goals. Being and staying healthy is a lifestyle. Give it 100% for 21 days and I promise you will feel better than you have felt in years.

Is Intermittent Fasting For Women

You might have heard one of your friends or someone on social media mentions they are doing intermittent fasting for weight loss. You might think its just another trend, however, there is actually some good research and science-backed benefits on why this is not just a trend. Intermittent fasting produces more weight loss compared to long-term calorie restriction. 

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is a dietary approach where you only eat during specific time periods, and then give your gut a break from digestion and insulin spikes for 16-24 hours or more. I personally eat in this manner and have coached many clients, who have experienced tremendous benefits in health and weight loss. The basic American diet routine has shown us that what many of us have been doing has tragic results. Many now have chronic inflammation which brings about troubles like immune and hormonal dysfunction, thyroid disease, cancer, and even weight management resistance. Intermittent fasting is known to be a wonderful tool for taking care of these issues. There are a few reasons why it's particularly useful for weight loss.

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Walk right into a mechanic's workshop and you won't see just one device hanging on the wall. You'll spot a fixed board covered in tools of all various sizes and shapes. Each has a purpose and a value, yet you wouldn't necessarily utilize every one of them at the same time.

Nutrition is not much different: There are a great deal of different tools you can utilize to maintain healthy functioning as well as look the way you desire. Understanding just what those tools are, when and how you can best utilize them, can aid you to maintain and improve your health.

Intermittent fasting seems complex, however it actually a very simple concept. The idea is to not consume food for 12 to 24 hours, therefore, only consuming food during specific hours of the day. Research shows you get the most benefits of Autophagy is when you fast 16 hours or more. Autophagy is a natural way the body cleanse itself. For examples, this is one scenario how it works; you stop all food intake after 7 pm, sleep, awaken the next morning, skip breakfast, and continue the fast up to mid-day. Only drinking purified water, organic coffee, or tea. Food for that day is consumed between the hours of 2 and 8 pm. As you get familiar with intermittent fasting, you can push that window of time to be much more press. Some like to eat earlier in the day rather than the night hours, i.e. 9 AM to 3 PM, whichever works well for you. The key is to consistency find what works for your schedule and lifestyle.

What are the benefits?

•    Weight-loss
•    Anti-aging
•    Upgrade in cell Autophagy
•    May help with prevent diabetes

Who should not do intermittent fasting

•    It is not for you if you are not eating healthy whole foods, but more sugars, carbs and junk food.
•    If you are on medication such as insulin
•    If you are not providing your body with enough calories
•    If you have a history of eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia
•    If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant
•    If you are on any medications, you need to talk to your doctor before doing any intermittent fasting


1.    Short-term fasting induces profound neuronal autophagy: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.4161/auto.6.6.12376
2.    What is Autophagy? https://www.news-medical.net/health/What-is-Autophagy.aspx
3.    Alternate-day fasting and chronic disease prevention: https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/86/1/7/4633143
4.    Metabolic Effects of Intermittent Fasting: https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev-nutr-071816-064634