Workouts — Body By Sandy Blog Posts


Benefits of Yoga and Meditation for Seniors

Aging is closely associated with a host of physical and mental problems. As the body ages, certain parts refuse to operate as smoothly as they used to. For example, back pain is a common ailment estimated to impact more than 70 percent of the senior population in the United States. Another alarming statistic shows roughly 40 percent of those 65-years and older being inflicted with some form of memory impairment. Surprisingly, many seniors are finding relief and are enjoying some reversing effects to these common ailments through yoga and meditation. Body By Sandy invites you to explore some ways in which seniors and their caregivers can dive into these ancient practices for great results.

Take it little by little.

 Both yoga and meditation are techniques with complicated and involved stages which can be achieved with a lot of practice and dedication. Seniors can reap the myriad benefits offered by these proven methods, including benefits to the brain that can reduce the risk of dementia (symptoms of dementia include confusion, frequent memory loss, and personality change) So, it’s advisable to start as simple as possible and only develop further once a stage has been mastered. This gradual approach motivates seniors to continue without discouragement and ensures there’s no resulting physical or mental stress due to rapid changes.

Find coverage for these programs.

 An astonishing 25 million individuals aged 60 and older aren’t economically secure. Not only does this make it more difficult for seniors to prepare for and handle emergencies, but the financial instability also limits access old adults have to classes that could greatly benefit their health. Presently, basic Medicare does not cover yoga. Despite its proven benefits, yoga remains outside what’s considered necessary treatment. However, seniors with a strong desire to continue with their practice can look to Medicare Advantage plans. These plans can offer seniors access to thousands of fitness facilities around the country, many of which offer yoga classes.

Work with a routine designed for seniors.

 Like any normal form of physical and mental exercise, both yoga and meditation can be tailored specifically to meet the needs and desires of the practitioner. In other words, a college student probably shouldn’t be doing the same yoga routines or have the same meditation techniques as those older than 65. Overall health, age, flexibility, ability to concentrate, and other important factors which contribute to these practices must be taken into account when designing programs. It’s also important for seniors to have a calm and relaxing spot to practice yoga if they’re doing so in their homes. Last but not least, seniors should consult a professional or a dedicated app to find a meditation and/or yoga routine designed for their skill level and age.

Practice in small chunks.

 Due to the mental and physical intensity of these programs, it’s very easy for yoga and meditation practitioners to feel defeated after periods of extended practice. Between the body’s unwillingness to bend and twist in varying positions and the mind’s restless wandering, trying to tackle too many of these techniques at once is a recipe for disaster. Instead, it’s advisable for seniors and their caretakers to practice both yoga and meditation in small chunks. For example, pay attention to your breathing for 10 minutes each morning and work on a pose for a few minutes throughout the day. Even something seemingly as inconsequential as these small daily efforts can encourage longer dedication and practice.

If age is a judgment of wisdom, then yoga and meditation win by default with thousands of years of combined results. Seniors willing to put in a little physical effort and mental energy will be rewarded with a plethora of physical and mental benefits from these amazing practices.

 Photo Credit:

Even Professional Dancers Weight Train

🔥Even professional dancers weight train🔥
These amazing ladies are professional dancers and also weight train to stay strong and fit. I was honored to work with them and proud to attend their dance performance. In honor of them, I have put this video together to show you how amazing and talented they are and also show you some of their weight training workouts. I hope you enjoy!

Divinity Professional Dancers - Taylor HolladayBailey Holladay and Lexi Hunsaker

Everyone can benefit from Weight Training

Check out this video to see how amazing these ladies really are!

Injury Prevention Guide - INFOGRAPHIC

As you start any new fitness or exercise program the number one goal should be to stay injury free. Especially because building momentum and consistency is when you start seeing and feeling improvements, and you don’t want anything to stop the momentum, especially an injury.

Always remember to start slow, on your own level, and follow these 7 tips below for staying injury free.

Guide provided by Universal Spa & Training Academy a massage therapy school Chicago

Resistance Bands Back Workout for Traveling or At-Home

If you’ve been looking for a back workout you can do while traveling or at home here’s a perfect one for you. All you need are a set of resistant bands. Resistance bands are great since they are inexpensive and you and easily take them anywhere and still get a great workout.

You can order the Resistant Bands here:

Workout Description:

1. Standing or Sitting Rows for Medial Back - 3 sets of 15 reps

2. Superman’s for Lower Back. Alternating - 3 sets of 20 reps

3. Sitting Lat Pull Down - 3 sets of 15 reps

4. Kneeling Straight Arm Pulldown for Lats - 3 sets of 15 reps

Stretches - Hold all stretches for 30 seconds.

1. Squatted Lat Stretch

2. Supine Floor Knees to the Side - Lower Back Stretch

3. Cobra Stretch - Ab Stretch

4. Supine Knees to Chest - Lower Back Stretch

5. Supine Piriformis Stretch - Lower Back and Glute Stretch

I hope you enjoyed this workout. You can order the Resistant Bands here:


I love giving during the holidays but I like to support my clients in their goals by giving them things to support the lifestyle they have worked so hard for. Instead of the cookies, chocolates, or other treats take a closer look at some other ideas to support your family and friends to be healthy and fit also. I promise they will truly appreciate you thinking about their Massage:
It’s not considered just an indulgent to get massages anymore. It’s about taking care of yourself and giving your body what it needs to relax or work out those tight muscles. This is a perfect gift for someone who is over-stressed.

Workout Clothes or shoes:
Everyone that workouts at a gym or does outdoor sports need the proper clothing. This is a perfect gift to support someones fitness regimen.

Workout Equipment:
If you know someone that likes to workout at home or isn’t comfortable going to the gym workout equipment is perfect to support their goals. Think exercise balls, hand held weights, bands or yoga mats with a yoga video.

Gym Membership:
Has your loved one always wanted a gym membership. The gym is the perfect place for support, classes, expert advice and learning about nutrition and fitness.

Personal Trainer:
Do you know someone that wants to learn how to weight train to change body composition but doesn’t know where to start. Hiring them a personal trainer to get them started by showing them proper form and techniques would be perfect. Individualized instruction will give them the confidence they need to do it on their own.

Healthy Food Basket:
Giving a basket filled with fresh, delicious fruits is a blessing to so many this season who are tired of being tempted with all the sugary treats. I hope you enjoy and have a happy, healthy holiday!

How Being Mindful Will Get You a Better Workout

When you hit the gym, does your mind run a mile a minute, while your body struggles to keep up? If you find yourself distracted while working out – constantly checking the clock or running through your to-do list – then you could benefit from a little mindfulness.

Not only will it help you calm that overactive chatter in your head, being mindful can also help you get a better workout.


Mindfulness simply means becoming more aware of the present moment. Being mindful during your workout helps you stay connected to your strength as you move through each exercise. And when you lose focus, your workouts just aren’t as effective.

Here are some ways being mindful will get you a better workout and better results.

• Mindfulness boosts your mind-body connection. I’m sure you’ve heard this popular term several times. But do you really know how to use your mind-body connection related to your fitness goals?

This is how it works, go within and focus on contracting the specific muscle your working on during the muscle-shortening phase of the exercise. The more focus and tension you can put on that muscle the stronger you will become and the faster your results.

• Mindfulness gets you better results. When it comes to training (and especially strength training), your overall form is extremely important! Being mindful during your workout improves the quality of your movement and exercise technique. This means less injury and better quality workouts for better results.

• Mindfulness leaves you feeling satisfied. If you focus more on your workout, moment by moment, you’ll have a sense of pride and accomplishment when you’re done. You’ll end your session feeling satisfied and knowing you truly did your best – now that’s a good feeling!

Tips on Training with More Mindfulness


Sounds great, right? But how do you actually put mindfulness to work for you? Here are a few tips to get you started.

• Highlight a purpose for each training session. While you may have a big “why” that’s driving you and keeping you motivated, you also need to enter each workout with an immediate purpose that you can focus on.

For example, you might decide to concentrate on working your lower body for today’s strength training session. Or you might set a goal for a certain number of calories you want to burn during a cardio workout. Make your purpose achievable and measurable – and then, focus!

• Don’t rush it. Your time in the gym is just that – YOURS! Take your time once you start your workout and don’t rush through the movements. Focus on your form, particularly in strength training exercises. The goal isn’t to get in and get out – the goal is to make your time count!

• Breathe. Sounds easy, right? If you find yourself rushing or your mind wandering to a long list of “to do” items you need to tackle, bring yourself back to the moment by taking a deep breath. Remember, this is your time to exercise – everything else can wait.

So, when you feel the need to pop in earbuds and zone out on the treadmill, consider a change of course. Try working out without any distractions and stay mindful during your next workout.

Pay particular attention to what your body is doing and how it feels.

Changing how you exercise can make your time at the gym more enjoyable and unbelievably satisfying!

How To Get Motivated To Exercise

With summer around the corner, do you know how to get motivated to exercise and stay motivated?

Are you still on track with your New Year’s Resolutions to get healthy and fit?

But as spring rolls around and the newness wears off on your resolutions, you might start losing your motivation to hit the gym?

Hey, it happens to the best of us.

But now is the time to take back control and refresh those resolutions so that you can be successful in your fitness journey.


Here are my tips to stay motivated from New Year’s Day to New Year’s Eve – and every day in between!

How To Get Motivated To Exercise

Strength in Numbers

After a long, exhausting day at the office, you may start thinking about skipping the gym – but if you have a workout partner that’s counting on you, you’re more likely to stay committed.

Accountability is everything when you’re trying to stick to positive, healthy changes in your life. If you want to crush your goals, find a workout partner or trainer to hold you accountable, or consider joining a group fitness class.

As a bonus, social time is great for your mental health, and time flies when you’re having fun with your friends!

Spice Things Up

Variety is the spice of life, and this applies to your workouts as well. It’s hard to get excited about the same old boring routine – so break out of your rut! Incorporate different machines and movements, as well as real-life activities like hiking or tennis.

Not comfortable enough in the gym to step outside your comfort zone? Then a personal trainer is a great way to go. After all, the magic happens as soon as you step outside your comfort zone and try something new.

Be a Goal-Digger

It’s hard to crush your goals if you don’t set them in the first place. Write down both short- and long-term goals and look at them often. You may even want to write them on sticky notes that you post in different places around your house, so you’ll see constant little reminders to stay on track.

And don’t forget the best part of setting goals: Celebrating when you cross them off your list!

Make Fitness Fun

Exercise doesn’t have to feel like “exercise.” It’s ok to have fun while getting your sweat on. If exercising is enjoyable, you’ll look forward to your workouts and stay committed. Do you like rock-climbing? Then take your workout outside and into the fresh air for a tough but fun climbing session.

Maybe you love the calming energy that yoga gives you. In that case, make the mat your go-to exercise when you’re feeling burned out.

Remember Your Why

I saved the best (and probably the most important) for last. Remember why you started your fitness journey. Whatever got you moving will help keep you motivated.

So, whether you’re trying to lose weight, add muscle, or just get a better overall bill of health, your “why” is your secret weapon when you need a little extra boost of motivation. If you have that fire within, you will keep going. If not, find your reason.

Could it be for your health, to be a good example for your children and family, to be the hottest and most fun grandma out there or maybe you want to rock your bikini at the beach. All you need to do is find your “why”!

Now that you know how to get motivated to exercise, stop reading and start doing!

Choose one (or more!) of these tips and put it into action. Before you know it, you’ll find yourself at the end of the year looking back at all you’ve accomplished.

Arm Toning Exercises - Your Guide to Sexier, Toned Arms

Today I want to share my arm toning exercises that will get your the sexy, strong arms we all love. (see video below)

When you see a picture of yourself, do your eyes go right to your arms?

Whether in pictures or in person, “bat wings” are hard to hide, especially if you want to rock a sleeveless top for a fun night out. We all want sexy, toned arms, and this guide will help you get your arms ready for their close up.


Start by sculpting sexier arms in the gym.

If you want killer arms that look great in sleeveless tops, then focus on strength training exercises that develop your muscles and give your arms definition and tone.

While cardio will help you torch serious calories, strength training helps you burn calories even while sitting on the couch and watching Netflix.

Strength training is an absolute MUST if you want to get toned.

The main arm toning exercises you’ll want to focus on are moves that target your biceps and triceps.

Bicep curls and tricep extensions are my go-to exercises, and there are lots of ways to perform these two exercises, depending on what machines or weights you have available.

Remember to move through a full range of motion – squeeze at the top and then go slow on your negatives. This gives you more bang for your buck in these exercises.

Watch My Favorite Arm Toning Exercises.

If you can’t make it to the gym, try bodyweight exercises right in the comfort of your home – or even on the go! Pushups and tricep dips (using a chair) are excellent bodyweight exercises that really make your arm muscles pop. And they don’t’ require any special equipment.

But don’t forget that muscles are born in the kitchen.

There’s just no way around it – your diet is a huge factor in changing your physique. Muscles give you that fabulous toned look, but it’s hard to achieve tone and definition if you have excess body fat. And if you store a lot of fat in your arms (like many women do), that extra fat hides the muscles you’re working so hard for in the gym.

This means you may need to lose some weight first if you want to achieve better results from your arm toning exercises.

Unfortunately, you can’t spot-reduce fat.

So, your goal should be general weight loss. A slimmer body overall can noticeably change the appearance (or disappearance!) of flabby arms.

For muscular definition, make sure you’re eating plenty of protein and focusing on whole foods to get in healthy calories rather than empty ones.

Simply put, if you combine the arm toning exercises I shared with a healthy diet, you’ll have sexier, toned arms in no time.

The countdown to summer is on – and your arms are going to be ready for some fun in the sun!

5 Benefits To Combining Yoga and Strength Training

Have you ever thought about combining yoga and strength training?

While you may be hitting the gym regularly to strengthen and tone your body, you should really think about adding yoga to your fitness plan.

It’s been around forever and for good reason. Yoga boasts a ton of very real, very powerful benefits for both your body and mind.


Let’s break down all the benefits of hitting the mat and incorporating yoga into your strength training.



With regular yoga practice, you can increase your range of motion. How does this help you in strength training? Better mobility opens your hips, allowing you to sit deeper in your squats. If you’re working on overhead work, such as pull-ups, better shoulder flexibility will make your training much easier.

Plus, suppleness and mobility make you less prone to injury. If you have tight hips or shoulders, try a few basic poses, such as Down Dog, Warrior, or Pigeon.


One good way to combining yoga and strength training, is to use yoga after a particularly tough training session to loosen tight, sore muscles. All that stretchy goodness speeds up your recovery and reduces soreness.

Making yoga a regular part of your routine will keep you fresh and ready to hit your next strength session, and you’re less likely to get injured than if you train with hard, tight muscles.

For optimal recovery, stick to gentle yoga poses that focus on stretching. Also, transition slowly between poses, while listening to your body about what feels good.


Strength training isn’t the only way to build and train those muscles – yoga incorporates some strength elements as well. Once you get into the more advanced yoga poses, you’ll be engaging a variety of muscles and challenging them in new ways.

Why does yoga and strength training go so well together?

Yoga strengthens your muscles through extended poses, it also strengthens your joints. And as a bonus, moving slowly and holding poses for an extended time builds endurance as well.


Namaste your way to less stress with yoga – it’s the perfect way to create balance in your life with its combination of control and relaxation. Hit the mat regularly to for a reset and release the tension and stress from everyday life.

And remember, with less stress, comes less cortisol (that pesky, fat-inducing hormone that can wreak havoc on our bodies).

To get the most relaxation our of your time on the mat, end each session with the indulgent Corpse Pose – lie on your back, relax, close your eyes, and breathe deeply.


Mental focus is undeniably important in many aspects of life – including when you hit the gym. Deep concentration and focus bring an awareness of your body and its mechanics as you power through your reps.

Likewise, balanced breathing goes a long way when you’re working on either conditioning or heavy lifting. It calms your mind and keeps you focused on the task at hand.

Yoga can help you conquer both breathing and focus, as these are foundational components of the practice.

Now, that your convinced of all the awesome benefits to combining yoga and strength training, it’s time to roll out your mat and start enjoying all that yoga goodness!

6 Ways Senior Women Can Start Taking Control Of Their Health

Guest post by Jason Lewis from

I want to share 6 ways senior women can easily find ways to stay healthy. The changes that we often associate with old age, such as reduced mobility, fragility, or cognitive ability, are often the result of lifestyle factors rather than the passage of time.

This means your quality of life is within your hands and that you can take back control of your well-being at any time.

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6 Ways Senior Women Can Get Healthier

1. Get Moving (Any Way You Can)

Seniors should aim for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity endurance exercise every week. Of course, for women who have been sedentary for many years, the idea of a full-on cardio session can be intimidating.

This is why you should take it slow; start by taking a brisk walk every day and build up from there. Or, if your joints are giving you a hard time, try swimming instead. Any movement is a step in the right direction.

2. Strength Training

Senior women tend to believe that weight training is not for them, but they could not be more wrong. Strength training has many great advantages for senior women, including preventing the deterioration of muscle mass and protecting the bones.

As long as you do it safely, under the guidance of an expert, there is no risk of injury — in fact, it can actually prevent injuries by making you feel more strong and stable.

3. Eat Right

In many ways, the nutritional needs of women over 60 are not very different from the rest of the population. However, many women struggle in specific areas. Some have trouble keeping on weight, others losing it.

Some should focus on getting more calcium for their bones, while others need more potassium to lower blood pressure.

If you do need to lose weight, do not engage in any dramatic diets. You need to feed your body the foods it needs, especially if you are exercising regularly. These foods include calorie-rich things like healthy fats and wholegrain carbs.

That said, if you like the prescribed nature of a specific diet, try one of these healthy senior-friendly diets.

4. Use Technology to Stay Safe

Assistive technology has come a long way, and life-changing innovations continue to be released onto the market every day. Today’s tech for senior women is sleek and unobtrusive, allowing you to stay safe and prevent injury in a variety of ways.

If you have mobility problems, for instance, you should look into getting an easy-to-use medical alert system.

5. Take Energy-Boosting Supplements

If you are feeling too tired to exercise, you could consider buying supplements that naturally boost energy. The best way to find one that will work for you is to take your time thinking about how and when you want to take them — a smoothie in the morning, a pill in the evening, a quick shot before workouts?

Also, check with your doctor before taking any new supplements.

6. Set a Nighttime Ritual

Regular sleep is essential to good body function, but seniors tend to have more difficulty falling asleep.

One way to combat this is to create a consistent nighttime ritual that relaxes your mind and body. Soothing sounds, essential oils, hot baths, nightly reading — whatever works for you is good.

The main thing is to keep it regular and get seven to nine hours every night.

If this doesn’t work, you might have a more serious sleep disorder. Speak to your doctor about your symptoms, and they will be able to recommend a course of treatment.

What I can tell all senior woman is, just because you’re over 60, it doesn’t mean you can’t make significant changes to your lifestyle. It’s never too late to get fitter and healthier, and doing so is not as difficult as you might expect.

Just remember to stay safe, consult your doctor, and rely on the expertise of professionals where possible.

Believe us, you can do it.


For easy-to-understand information about Medicare, including what’s covered and how to enroll, visit here:


You’ve tried over and over to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You want to stay strong and active, keep up and play with your grandchildren or take your fitness to the next level. Your dream keeps getting farther away as you get older. Stop the internal fight by teaming up with a personal trainer who can support and teach you the tools you need to succeed. Here are 5 ways a personal trainer can help:

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1. Accountability – It tough changing your day to day rituals. We get used to doing the same things day in and day out and it tough figuring out how to fit in workouts, food planning, and life balance. This is why a program with accountability helps. Checking in with your trainer for regular measurement, body fat and pictures is usually enough to keep you on track and motivated to keep going and skip that pizza or dessert.

2. Debunking all those old myths about nutrition – It’s tough to keep up on all the new information out there about nutrition. What works and what doesn’t work. Why low fat, low carb diets do’t work. Why limiting your calories can actually create chaos with your hormones and metabolism.

3. Gives you confidents and knowledge to exercise property – Learning how to properly weigh-train can be intimating, especially for beginners. A personal trainer will teach proper progression to insure there are no injuries, while building strength and function within the kinetic chain.  Have you been training for a while but you’ve plateaued? Learning new exercises and combinations can give you more effective results and take you to that next fitness level you’ve been working so hard to reach.

4. Teaches proper nutrition for life not a quick fix – Are you always wondering what proper mix of micronutrients will help your transformation. What to eat and how much? What might work for someone might not work for the next person, we are all unique individuals. Throughout your program a personal training can dial in what works for you, so you are successful for life.

5. Teaches life changes that stick – How many times have you tried to incorporate more healthy habits into your life? Then a week later your not doing it at all? Having that accountability with someone who teaches life changing sustainable habits through small daily steps is essential.

It’s a team effort to move past life changing fears and uncertainty to one of desire, excitement and change. Make your life feel significant, valuable and happy!

Build Lower Back Strength with Bosu Supermans

Looking to shake up your workout? Incorporating BOSU ball exercises can add some spice to your routine, while still giving you awesome body-sculpting benefits.

There are SO many ways you can add a BOSU ball to your training, all depending on your needs and the areas you want to target. Plus, there are different variations for every fitness level.

And as a bonus – you’re getting an ab workout, too! A BOSU ball incorporates balance and stability into every exercise so you are constantly tightening and strengthening your core.  

Strengthening Your Lower Back

Your back is your foundation and gaining strength in your lower back can help support your entire spine. If you spend a lot of time sitting, the muscles in your lower back may be getting lazy, and you may even be experiencing some back pain.

So let’s work on strengthening that foundation!

A great way to increase strength in your lower to mid back is to add BOSU Superman’s into your workout routine. This exercise really targets those lower back muscles, while also working your glutes, hamstrings, and even shoulders. 

The Exercise: BOSU Superman

1.   Get on the ball.

Place your BOSU ball on the ground, round side up. Lay face down with your tummy on the BOSU ball. Toes and forearms should be resting on the floor.

2.   Engage your core.

Pull your bellybutton in toward your spine, squeezing those abs and engaging your core.

3.   Superman!

Lift arms and toes off the floor while maintaining your balance. Squeeze your glutes to keep legs up. Now hold for a count of two feeling a squeeze in your lower back, lower arms and legs without touching the ground and lift again. This is not a big movement. Only go up enough to where you feel the lower back muscles engage. Do 2 to 3 sets for 15 – 20 reps.

TIP: Don’t let your shoulders creep up to your ears – pull your shoulder blades back and together. And don’t forget to engage your core and breathe.

The Variation: BOSU Hyperextension

If you can’t hold your balance during the BOSU Superman, try this variation – the BOSU Hyperextension. This exercise still emphasizes your lower back muscles, but you’ll get some added stability by keeping your toes on the ground.

To perform this exercise, you’ll get on the ball in the same position as the Superman, with feet placed about shoulder width apart. Your arms can be crossed over your chest or placed behind your head.

Then, lift your chest off the ball to hyperextend the lower back. Hold for a count of two and repeat. Remember this is not a big movement. Only come up enough to get a squeeze in the lower back. Toes are staying firmly on the ground throughout this move.  Do 2 to 3 sets for 15 – 20 reps.

Remember, always keep your abs tight and breathe.

Wake Up! Your Walking Workout!

Walking is one of the easiest and best kinds of workouts. Walking uses your whole body, calls for zero equipment or unique gear, could happen just about anywhere, is easy on your joints, and involves an impact which is terrific for your bones. So, why aren't you walking?











Many people incorrectly assume since walking is reduced effect and simple, that it cannot possibly be as valuable. But, the reality is the benefits of strolling opponent to doing nothing has its advantages:

Advantages Consist of:

  • lower high blood pressure,

  • decreased danger of stroke,

  • lowered threat of cardiovascular disease,

  • reduced cholesterol,

  • rise in bone thickness, and

  • raised sense of well-being

  • mental and physical benefits

  • your clothes will get a little looser

  • your legs will look great

Walking can be an excellent weight-loss tool, in addition to a reliable approach for boosting your health and fitness. However, since it's much less literally demanding compared to several other tasks, you will require a couple of strategies to obtain the outcomes you want.

Make sure you continue to get results by mixing things up. Change up your pace by walking at a faster pace for 1-2 minutes and then a moderate pace for 2 minutes. If you're going slower, you could go farther. As well as, if you're walking much faster, you can minimize the distance. To keep your body stimulated for fat loss, mix it up!

Discover a hillside (or two!)

Hills are a terrific means to enhance your intensity without having to walk faster OR longer. As well as, hillsides will certainly recruit your heart rate a bit differently than flat terrain, which will boost fat burning effects at a higher level.

Gain a little weight (not really!)

Adding extra weight to your walking exercise is an easy method to challenge yourself at the next level. While you could have seen individuals sporting hand or ankle weights while walking in your area, weighted vests are a much safer method to burn extra added calories.

The vest evenly distributes weight naturally as to not alter the means you stroll.

Get innovative

Spice up your strolling routine by including added workouts in the process. See a park bench on your path? Stop and do a set of push-ups or triceps dips. Discover a collection of staircases? Playground? Why not jump on the swing, hang from a bar, or any of the various other fun activities that offer themselves.

Need more ideas? Try this walking workout

Walking Circuit Workout – 45 minutes

  • 5 minute walk – warm-up

  • 2 minutes jog

  • 1 minute walking lunges

  • 2 minute walk

  • 2 minute jog

  • 20 traveling lateral skip squats – 10 each side

  • 2 minute walk

  • Continue sequence until you reach 45 minutes

If you start on a regular routine you are more likely to add other healthy behaviours. So, lace up those tennis shoes and go out there!


Modern lifestyle habits and choices can come with consequences, especially when we are inactive and not aware of healthy nutrition habits. What happens is our bad habits eventually catch up with us and affects our quality of life. Which we can pretty much count on if we don’t take care of ourselves. Our bodies are not meant to be inactive and need regular physical activity to continue to function correctly.

Maintaining overall functional strength is important so that the nervous system and musculature system can communicate and produce optimal movement. When there are muscle imbalance it can lead to common injuries such as ankle sprains, tendonitis, and low-back plan. Physical exercise provides so many benefits, five which are below:



Cardiovascular benefits

Regular cardio has a profound result on your heart's wellness. Post-exercise your high blood pressure is decreased and this decreases the stress and anxiety on your arteries as well as capillaries, where oxygen, nutrients, and wastes are exchanged. It additionally prevents your arteries from accumulating plaque and ensures a healthy flow of blood throughout your body in addition to decreasing the dangers of a stroke.

Increases resistance versus chronic health problems

Type 2 diabetes is a problem that causes higher levels of blood glucose, and your body doesn’t use insulin properly. This is called insulin resistance. You can reverse type 2 diabetes by losing weight through exercise and changing your nutrition to mostly whole natural foods. People with type 2 diabetes, have a shorter life expectancy of about 10 years

Helps control weight

Keeping a healthy weight as well as BMI is not possible with a sedentary lifestyle. Reducing body fat and weight can be done by burning more calories than you consume. Exercise, if integrated with an appropriate nutrition plan, aids to burn excess calories and build muscle mass, which in return speeds up metabolism. This consequently will allow you to continually improve physically while maintaining a healthy body mass.

Enhances your mood

Your body releases endorphins after a workout as these are the body's all-natural painkillers. They also significantly improve your mood as well as induce positive emotions and euphoria. Studies have shown that exercise has helped many individuals suffering from depression. It also helps boost confidence, takes your mind off worries, and cope with many everyday situation in a healthy way.  I encourage you to take advantage of the mood-enhancing effects of a workout.

Develops the mind

The routine workout has a positive impact on your cognitive abilities and avoids your neurons from degenerating. Researches have shown that normal workout causes the hippocampus to increase in size. The hippocampus is responsible for verbal memory as well as learning. Exercise additionally promotes the release of chemicals called growth aspects. These oversee the health and wellness and development of the cells in your brain.

Your body is like a well developed machine that needs to be maintained, just like your car. The human body will break down or have permanent damage if it’s neglected and continually given cheap fuel. To function properly it needs routine and to be cared for effectively. Take action today, change your lifestyle, and you’ll find exercise offers many benefits way beyond just feeling better.


Body sculpting is the process of increasing muscle and bone strength through weight lifting. Weight training is the combination of machines, weight bars, exercise bands, and dumbbells.

If you are going to weight train to sculpt your body here is some information you might need to know:

Women TraininG

●      How will weight lifting benefit you: Lifting weight is extremely important since it keeps you strong as you age, helps keep bone health and preventing osteoporosis. It increases muscle mass which is important as we age by preventing falls and broken hips. Besides all those important reasons most women want to feel better in their own skin and maybe fit into that bikini again. Feeling good about the way you look lifts confidence and gives you the power to create the life you desire.

●      Preventing fatigue during your workout: It’s very important to fuel your body so you have the strength to complete a workout. Therefore, always have a meal with protein, carbs and veggies at least a hour beforehand. There is nothing worse than having your blood sugar drop during a workout and not being able to complete it. Eating 5-6 small meals throughout the day will give the body what it needs to recover, lean up and build muscle. 

●      Facts of a good personal trainer: Your personal trainer should make sure you start at your own level and progress from there. He/she should also talk and instruct you through proper form and technique. As you increase strength your trainer should push you to that next level so you continue to improve, build and therefore, body sculpt.

●      Best tips for the beginners: Always do an active warmup before weight training. For instance, do 5-10 minutes on a treadmill or elliptical. As a beginner always start with a whole body workout for 3-4 weeks to get your joints strong and ready for weight resistance. After your workout is the best time to do static stretching for 10-15 minutes. Always hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds.

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Taking the time to prep all your meals once a week will ensure you are getting the calories your body needs to fuel, recover and body sculpt. Support all the hard work you are doing in the gym with a nutritionally structured meal plan. Eating every 3 – 4 hours will help balance blood sugar, keep body full, help build muscle, and avoid binging. If you are not prepping your meals ahead of time there is no way you can stay on a structured plan and give your body what it needs to build and lean up at the same time. 

Meat and veggies

What are the best foods for sculpting your body? Whole foods in it's natural form will always be best. Protein such as chicken, fish, eggs and beef supply the body with the protein it needs to build and tone muscle. Proteins are the main building blocks of the human body. It serves the body by building and supporting the growth of tissues and molecules that help both structural and functional purposes. Carbohydrates such as rice, potatoes, yams, quinoa and oats supply the body with energy and aids in recovery. Green veggies are important for fiber, they supply the body with vitamins and minerals, and fight off disease. Fats such as nuts, avocados and nut oils help with brain and joint health, helps you feel satisfied and also fights off cravings. 

Here are a few great sources you might consider:

●      Dark Turkey Meat: Dark turkey meat is enrich in zinc which helps boosting beauty and also gives new energy for performing physical activities. Moreover, it also helps in maintaining a healthy immune system.

●      Salmon: Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids, the healthy fat that lower your risk of heart disease. It is an excellent source of vitamin B12, B6, vitamin D and selenium. 

●      Prawns: Prawns are very low in calories, high in protein and consists of a mineral called selenium which is an antioxidant. It assist in maintaining thyroid health and the body's immune system. 

●      Eggs: Whole eggs are good source of the good fats omega 3 fatty acids. Whole eggs are a good source of vitamins B12, B2, B5, A, Folate, Phosphorus and Selenium. Eggs raise HDL good cholesterol. They are high in quality protein and all the essential amino acids. 

●      Lean Beef: Lean beef helps in increasing protein level in the body and provides iron to the bones. Lean beef is a good source of B vitamins, zinc, selenium and Iron.

●      Spinach: Spinach is a great source of magnesium, iron, B2 and B6, folate, Vitamin K, E & A, calcium and potassium. Spinach helps in making collagen in the body. Basically, collagen is a rubbery protein, which makes muscles and skin toned, youthful and gives it a great appearance. The fact is that this is also enriched with fiber which will help you stay satified.

●      Kale: This food is very low in calories but provides many health benefits such as, it is high in iron, and vitamin K. It is filled with powerful antioxidants and is a great anti-inflammatory food. One cup of kale is filled with omega-3 fatty acids, which help fight against asthma, arthritis, and autoimmune disorder.

●      Beetroot: This is very powerful antioxidant and just like other vitamins and minerals this gives great impact to skin by giving it a youthful look. This also prevents skin from being damage.

●      Tomatoes: Tomatoes are a nutrient-dense superfood that offers many benefits. They help protect and maintain healthy blood pressure, and reduces blood glucose. Tomatoes also contain key carotenoids such as lutein and lycopene. These protect the eyes against light damage.

The body will always thrive on a structured plan and therefore create the best results faster. The body will continue to improve everyday if you are consistent with meal planning and weight training. 

Avoid The Festive 15

Tips for staying on track during the holidays

Having the willpower to avoid the cookie aisle at the grocery store on a “normal” day is tough. Avoiding the aisle, end caps, and impressive displays during the holiday season, well, that requires superhuman strength. If you’ve ever been tempted to skip a glass and drink straight from a bowl of eggnog at your company holiday party, fear not. I have some suggestions you can follow to help avoid the dreaded Festive 15 lbs!

Eat Regularly – Every 3 Hours

Eating every three hours keeps blood sugar balanced and keeps you satisfied, so you don’t have cravings. I have found this to be one of the easiest ways of avoiding sugar craving. Especially before hitting the grocery store! I promise, if you eat before grocery shopping or heading to the holiday party, you will have zero cravings and more willpower to stay away from the cookie aisle or dessert trays. 

Don’t Bring Home Party Leftovers

There is no doubt some foods are better the next day, but that is not true for your waistline. Party leftovers can do you in, so avoid the temptation and take a pass when the host offers you a to-go container.

Morning Workout

Studies have shown that people who work out in the morning tend to move more throughout the day and resist food temptations. Even if you can’t workout in the morning, make sure it’s on your calendar for later in the day. Plan ahead and don’t go off schedule just because it’s the holidays. If you stay on your routine, you will be less tempted to veer off your meal plan. Stay on your schedule and empower yourself to succeed during the holidays without weight gain. 

Avoid The “I Won’t Eat Until The Party” Strategy

If you’ve ever skipped breakfast and lunch, you know that by the time dinner rolls around, you’re starving, and you end up eating twice as much as you would—or should—if you ate throughout the day. The same is true about skipping meals before a party. If you want to avoid the Festive 15, aim for the lean protein, vegetables, and non-processed carbs throughout the day. Set yourself up as a winner, and during the holiday party, you won’t overeat and will choose healthy items because your blood sugar will be balanced throughout the day. 

The 30-Second Rule

I’m not talking about the dropping-food-on-the-floor rule. I’m talking about the willpower 30-second rule. If the holiday cookies in the break room are calling your name, wait 30 seconds. Go back to your desk and check email or return a phone call. Better yet, go for a short walk around the office. Nine times out of 10, the cookie monster in your head will stop talking, and you’ll have the willpower to leave the cookies alone.

Weigh In

If you want to make sure you don’t pack on extra pounds, don’t ignore the scale during the holidays. It’ is just a tool for keeping you accountable, and it’s an easy way to make sure you’re staying on track and not going to need a diet-related New Year’s Resolution.

Buffet Gauntlet

We’ve all done it. You pick up a plate at the start of a buffet, and halfway through the line, your plate is already full of things you’re not even sure you wanted. Instead of filling up with a taste of everything, have a look at the entire buffet before you get in line and decide what’s really worth the splurge. For example, try sticking to lean proteins and veggies and give yourself one splurge in the dessert section. 

Don’t Drink Your Calories

If you want to enjoy a glass of wine or holiday cocktail, keep it to a minimum and drink plenty of water. Aside from having to suffer through a hangover the next morning, mixed drinks pack a calorie punch—stay away from juices and syrupy mixers. Drinking alcohol also increases cravings, which means you’re more likely to eat more.

Holiday Activities Instead Of Holiday Dinners

I’m not trying to be the grinch when it comes to holiday parties, but there are tons of fun holiday activities you can do with family and friends that don’t include food as the centerpiece. Here are a few ideas; take a yoga class, go for a snowshoe hike, build a snowman outside with the kids, apply for a permit, and hike to cut down a Christmas tree. 

Don’t Throw In The Towel

If all else fails and you’re worried you have indulged a little too much, don’t give up and give in to the New Year’s Resolution. Getting back on track the next day is as easy as kicking off your day with a good workout and a healthy breakfast. Don’t throw in the towel and give in for the rest of the season. Remember, the extra pounds do not go away as easy as the holiday decorations.




Before starting any weight training always warm-up on a treadmill or elliptical for 5 to 10 minutes. Make sure your shoulders are warm before starting by using with a lighter weight and performing at least 15 reps. Increase your weight on your beginning set. Always watch yourself in the mirror for proper form. 

Shoulder Workout

1. Combo: Incline face down reverse d-bell flies with d-bell front raise
    3-4 sets of 10 reps each

2. Incline bench side d-bell lateral raise
    3-4 sets of 10 reps each side

3. Sitting single d-bell overhead press
     3-4 sets of 10-12 reps each side

4. Standing plate upright rows
    3-4 sets of 12-15 reps

Alway check with your doctor before starting any exercise program.



I hope to see you there!

Sandy :)


Getting fit! Becoming the best version of you! FINALLY having a booty! It all sounds awesome, but it can also all sound terribly intimidating. There are a lot of steps in the process of meeting your fitness goals; and it’s not just about getting to the goal. It’s about a total lifestyle overhaul. You’re not just committing to going to the gym three days a week. You’re making a promise to yourself to make healthy decisions everyday.

But accomplishing all of this can actually be a lot easier than it sounds… depending on how committed you are to making a genuine change in your life. So, if you’re committed, read on!

It’s understandable that everyone has to start somewhere so if you’re a total beginner here are a few tricks to make getting fit a little less scary and a little more fun:

  • Accountability Buddy: You don’t have to go it alone. Grab your best friend, your sister, or a trainer to go through the journey with you, so you have a cheerleader when things get tough and to hold each other accountable. Having a plan is number one, therefore after every workout, as your stretching, strategize your next workout, when, where and what you will train. Having a trainer, on the other hand keeps you accountable, on your toes and encourages you to get that last rep in. Because they know you can do it, and will remind you that you know you can do it too. 

  • Don’t Go Cold Turkey: Let’s talk about food. If you’re a beginner, we’re talking SUPER beginner, the food might be your biggest hurdle. Start simple by cutting out processed foods, like frozen dinners and/or dinners from a box. In place of those things add in whole foods, such as lean meat like chicken or fish, fresh in season veggies, and healthy carbs such as brown rice or sweet potatoes. Do that for a week or two and then cut out something else, like pop. You can do this by cutting in half what you normally drink for 3-4 days and then cutting that in half, and so on. The good news is, you don’t have to give up french fries, ice cream, or your favorite guilty pleasure all together right away, but saving those things for a free meal on the weekend will help you reach your goal much quicker.

  • Be Gentle With Yourself: Goal setting is a big part of understanding your fitness journey. You can use your goals to track progress and set benchmarks. However, it’s important to set goals that are realistic. People are different genetically and their bodies will respond to fitness as such. In other words, if you’re of Scandinavian descent don’t make your goal booty that of a naturally curvy Latina. Some things just aren’t physically possible. So, by all means reach for the stars but don’t reach for something impossible that may only leave you disappointed and feeling needlessly discouraged. Setting weekly goals to get to the gym and start eating clean whole foods are more attainable, and will help you reach your long term goals. Do what is needed on a daily basis will take the overwhelm out of the whole process.

  • Tracking/Journaling: It’s important to know what you have done and where you are going. Don’t be blind in the process and progress. Have a tracking journal or phone app where you can write what exercises you have done, what weight and how many reps. That way when you go the gym next time you will know your weights and reps and therefore, push yourself, and also pat yourself on the back as your strength and weight increases. Just has important is journaling your mood, water, sleep, calories, weight or body fat. Keeping track of all these things is higher knowledge when you have hit a plateau and you need to changes things up.  

  • Make An Investment: Being healthy is an investment, in YOU! It’s a lifestyle investment. You are worth the investment so take the time needed to plan your meals, your workouts, stretching, etc. Love yourself enough to take the time to invest in your health so you don’t have to pay for it later in life. Meaning in medication, doctors, being sick, unable to play with grandchildren, and unable to be active with friends, etc.

These are some simple strategies to help get you started on your fitness journey. If you need more guidance and support you might consider signing up for the 12 week Fit & Ageless weight loss program. 


If you’re a fitness addict or even just super motivated to create your dream body, it can be easy to over do it at the gym. Rest days are just as important as the days you train. Not giving your body planned recovery days could turn into fatigue, pain in your muscles and joints, headaches or insomnia, muscle injury, and much more. Overtraining actually works against you and might end up setting you back in the long run. We salute your dive and dedication but being dedicated to having a healthy body and achieving your fitness goals encompasses more than killing yourself at the gym. Recognize and respect the importance of rest + recovery.

Woman doing yoga

Next time you’re mapping out your fitness schedule by yourself or with a trainer make it a priority to schedule rest days as part of the plan. Still not sure? Here are a few reasons why recovery days are an essential part of your fitness journey:

  • Muscle Repair - While working out you’re essentially breaking down muscle tissue. After your workout, your body repairs and replaces damaged muscle fibers through a cellular process where it fuses muscle fibers together to form new muscle protein strands. Therefore, planning 1-2 days off a week will give your body the recovery it needs for repair. For instance, one way to do this is to break it up during the week by taking Wednesday’s and Sunday’s off. Some like to get their training completed during the week and then taking the weekend off to be with their families. Choose what is best for your lifestyle and schedule. Give your body and muscles a chance to recover and go through the healing process that builds new muscle fibers and ultimately sculpts the body you’re working toward.

  • Meal Prep Time - In today’s fast paced world it’s necessary to plan time to get everything done. Look at your days off as an opportunity to be productive on the food front. Food is just as important, if not more, as the time you put in at the gym, and making sure meals are on point is crucial. Schedule it on your calendar and use your days off to prep your meals in advance. Be prepared no matter what comes at you during the week, you can grab your tupperware and go. You can also use that extra day off to re-evaluate your meal plan all together. What’s working, what’s not? Looking at your nutrients and how your body is being impacted by them is a great way to put your rest day to work to meet your fitness goals.

  • Mental Check-In - Your mind set also plays a huge role in your results and overall experience as you journey your way to your fitness goals. Ever heard of coaches urging their players to “have their head in the game?” well, if you’re not mentally there it’s not going to yield the results you want. Take rest days as the opportunity to seriously check in with yourself spiritually, emotionally, and truthfully. Are you feeling overwhelmed? Do you need an accountability partner?

Figure out what you need to do for YOU so you can succeed and feel positive about yourself right now and tomorrow. A balanced schedule with days scheduled off will help you focus on the things that will keep you on track while on your training days.