It’s Never To Late To Become The Best Version Of YOU!

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Reverse the Clock and BECOME Fit & Ageless

An Online Weight Loss & Body Sculpting EXPERIENCE


My Signature online Course Just for women over 40 who want to finally break through the obstacles and be Fit & Ageless!

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Hey, Sandy Hancock here, your Certified personal fitness coach, weight-loss expert, trainer, and mentor.

One of the things I hear the most from women is their desire to Lose Belly Fat, be Fit, Strong and Sexy. I totally hear ya. I’ve been where you are and I want to share my secrets with you. I don’t want you hiding behind big baggy clothes or feeling ashamed to wear a swimsuit!


A little about me. About 25 years ago I decided to lift some weights and step on stage in a bikini. Little did I know I would go on to win over 20 trophies and not only transform my body but also who I am as a person. I gained self-confidence and became empowered to become an entrepreneur.

During my 15-year competition career, I was a competition coach and coached some pretty amazing women. I sculpted their best physiques and polished their presentation, walk, competition suit, hair, and makeup to shine on their special day. Competing and coaching at this high-level sport provided hands-on knowledge of what it takes to create the best physique possible in a short amount of time.

Now, I specialize in sculpting the bodies of professional businesswomen, pageant contestants, professional dancers, and moms from all walks of life. And I’m the creator of Fit & Ageless, a Custom online Metabolic weight loss Program for women.

I’m here to be your secret weapon and give you back your body, confidence, and life.


Case Study: Meet Diana

I have lost 25 lbs and gone down 4 sizes in my clothing. I lost 9% body fat.

The strength I have now makes everything I do easier and faster. I feel great and have gained self-confidence and energy along with the motivation to eat better and be more active. I feel, act and look younger. My life has changed so much these past 6 months that I feel more social and want to get out in the world and see people and places instead of staying at home, hidden in the house.
— Diana, Age 55

Here’s what you get in the Metabolic Reset Method

The Metabolic Reset Method is a custom online weight-loss and body-sculpting journey. It’s a lifestyle plan for busy women who need support and guidance to stay fit, healthy, and sexy! If you are open, coachable, and ready, then this is for you.

Below are all the tools you need to set yourself up for success. This course includes the following :


Onboarding Call with me

It's hard enough to start something new. But don't worry—I've got you covered with my one-on-one onboarding call, which is geared specifically for you.

You won't have to wonder what to do next after you join the Metabolic Reset Method. Everything is explained in detailed and all your questions are answered!

Where the mind goes the body will follow

Learn the Best Mindset Tools for Success

Let's not forget one of the most important aspects of our health...our minds!

One of the biggest reasons we fail to follow a plan is that our mindset is off track, telling us we can't do it.

The Metabolic Reset Method covers this area so that you can easily incorporate mind training into your daily rituals.

Learn what Nutrition works best for long-term success

What you put into your body matters more than ever as you age.

You need specific foods to ignite your slowing metabolism to stay lean as you age. Reduce cravings and balance blood sugar to lose weight more successfully.

Supplement guidance to aid your transformation and health

Sandy does not promote heavy supplementing and always chooses supplements that help you optimize metabolic adaptations, which allows the body to utilize energy more effectively and efficiently.

Inside the Metabolic Reset Method, you will learn which supplements we recommend that have been shown to increase results and where to find them for the highest-quality ingredients and best prices.

The best Cardio for burning body fat

Choosing the right type of cardio for fat loss is essential.

The Metabolic Reset Method teaches you exactly what cardio is best to burn more body fat and boost your metabolism.

Don't worry—it's not your typical boring cardio. These cardio programs mix steady-state and advanced HIIT workouts to keep you burning body fat continually and avoid that dreaded plateau.

Know how To Exercise with proper form and Technique

A solid lifestyle plan contains an important element that many women overlook. Weights! 

Believe me, I know about this firsthand. I did cardio alone with no weight resistance for 20 years, from age 18 to 38, but after three months of weight training, my whole body changed. I was leaner, higher, and sculpted.

You will get easy-to-follow instructions and videos to help you feel like a pro in your workouts.

Case Study: Meet Karen

Karen lost 27 lbs, 14.5% body fat and lost 26 inches overall. Karen is a sexy grandma rocking her bikini at 61 years old.

Karen lost 27 lbs, 14.5% body fat and lost 26 inches overall. Karen is a sexy grandma rocking her bikini at 61 years old.

I feel confident about my progress and growth. I have learned so much about strength and weight training; I am much stronger than I have ever been and actually have muscles that I can see. I have lost weight and I feel great! I am happy to shop & wear all types of clothes that I want to.
— Karen, age 61

Case Study: Meet Valynn

IValynn lost 15.5 inches, 12.3% body fat and gained 8 pounds of muscle mass.

I started seeing results right away, and for the first time in my life, all of the pieces of a healthy lifestyle were coming together. My nutrition, cardio, proper weight training, and supplements all made sense.
— Valynn, age 45

Case Study: Meet Lara

Lara lost 10 Pounds, 6% body fat
and 8.25 inches!

The meal plans were amazing and easy. It was a lot of food and totally against what I used to think, but after she explained to me that I need to look at food as fuel for my body and that it creates muscle, I knew I had to just follow her plan.
— Lara, Age 43


See these amazing Before & After Transformations

Case Study: Meet Kathy

Kathy lost 41 pounds, 21% body fat, gained 5.4% lean muscle mass!

My husband refers to Sandy as the “Miracle Worker”. She has been by my side every step of the way to encourage me. My doctors are thrilled; my cancer is gone. I love what my body is becoming.
— Kathy, Age 68


It’s Time To Say YES to YOU and Join!

YOUR Time Is Now! I Challenge YOU to JOIN US


I want you to know that I have been where you are today. It wasn't until I discovered the principles inside my Metabolic Reset Method that I was able to stop my constant ups and downs and begin a new journey towards a healthier me. I've now not only changed my own body and life, but for the past 25 years, I've helped thousands of women just like yourself transform their bodies and minds.

I am a Certified Personal Trainer through NASM. I have competed in national fitness competitions for over 18 years, winning 2 overall trophies and finished top 5 in most of my shows. I have personally coached figure and bikini competitors, businesswomen, pageant contestants, professional dancers, and stay at home mom’s. I know women and I understand how to help them lose belly fat, fix metabolism, regain lost energy, feel young, fit, confident and beautiful again, especially as you age.

Designing the Metabolic Reset Method has been a dream come true for me. It has now helped hundreds of women change their bodies and lives, and I truly believe it can do the same for you. You deserve to be strong, fit, and empowered to change!

Sandy Hancock | Body By Sandy LLC, Creator of Fit & Ageless (age 62)


Keep reading and then ask yourself, aren't all of these things what I've been wanting for a long time? 


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  1. Detox your overloaded system. This course will cleanse your organs and rid your body of unwanted toxins which have accumulated over the years.

  2. Lose inches around your waist and hips and get that flat tummy back. Women over 40 carry most of their weight in these areas. The Metabolic Reset Method workouts and recipes are designed to attack these areas and break up stubborn fat cells.

  3. Balance Metabolism and hormones. Balancing metabolism and hormones means applying a whole-food nutrition plan, not a low-calorie one. It also means managing stress, sleep, and exercise.

  4. Lose body fat and gain lean muscle mass. During the course, most participants lose an average of 5-10% body fat and gain 4-6 pounds of lean, sexy muscle.


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Can I really change my body?

The Metabolic Reset Method is a six-month to eighteen-month program, and YES, you can make significant changes in a year. It usually takes this amount of time to reach goals, and sometimes longer, depending on where you are starting and what your goals are. My ultimate long-term goal is to provide you with the skills to make better choices every day so that as you transition from The Metabolic Reset Method to the Metabolic Evolution Method so it’s becomes more of a lifestyle.

Does the program include menu plans?

YES! You’ll also get tons of easy-to-prepare, nutritiously delicious recipes and shopping lists. Follow the plan, enjoy the meals, and watch the fat melt off your body! Or you can design your own meal plans with a little guidance. You will become a pro at planning and preparing delicious meals with all the right macros. After all, our bodies aren't just sculpted in the gym; the kitchen is 80% of the work. This program teaches you how to be responsible for your own meals...for life!

How will I know the program is working for me?

Apart from your friends and family commenting on how fabulous you look, the program includes daily habits to check off that help hold you accountable. These tools will help remind you how far you have come and how much you have achieved. 

How fast will I see results?

You’ll start looking and feeling better almost instantly since you’ll be eating full-flavored, satisfying, and highly nutritious foods, keeping yourself well-hydrated, and exercising (which boosts your energy during the day while helping you sleep better at night). In a matter of days, your body will start shedding its excess water retention and go into fat-burning mode. And while individual results vary, most people start seeing visible results within a week, and the longer you continue, the more significant the results! But remember, long-lasting results come from creating a lifestyle of exercise and eating nutritionally whole foods. That’s what this program is all about. 

How are the Workouts delivered?

The Metabolic Reset Method Workouts includes easy-to-follow exercises that I designed for you, along with example videos of each exercise. You’ll know exactly what exercises to do and how to do them. You can track your weight and reps right within the app

How much time each day Will I need to apply myself?

Plan for about 60 minutes, 3-5 days per week, depending on your fitness level.

We are all very busy. We have family, jobs, and other commitments. Sometimes we give so much to everyone else around us that we forget about ourselves. Then what happens is we feel unfulfilled, unhealthy, overweight, depressed, and not able to be a positive influence on our children and others around us to lead a healthy lifestyle. It’s our responsibility as women to our children and community to step up, take action, and stop the bad influences around us that encourage unhealthy habits by choosing fast foods and being sedentary. This all starts with YOU! You have a choice about what you do with your time. Let me teach and help you make those changes. When you start Fit & Ageless, you also get a private individual Zoom call with me so you can start off your program on the right foot. I’m right there every step of the way to help support and keep you motivated.

I travel quite a bit. How am I going to do the workouts?

The beauty of the Metabolic Reset Method is that everything is at your fingertips. Whether you have a gym at your location or not, I’ve included exercise plans for you. These require little to no equipment and can be done in a minimal amount of space.

Who is this Program for?

This online program is for women who have tried everything. You are frustrated and have thrown in the towel. I’m here to tell you that if you are willing to do the work, take action, and be coachable, this is for you. I want you to be open to learning new tools for success and overcoming bad habits. There is always a learning curve with anything new, and that’s your opportunity to step up to the challenge and be all you can be. If you are excited to take action, then this program is for you.



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The Metabolic Reset Method

BELIEVE IN YOURSELF and the possibilities!