
Why Autophagy is Important and Why You Need to Stimulate It

Good news there's a little-known approach your body does to clean itself from damage and free radicals. It's a process you can tap into that accelerates self-eating.


Wait What?...

Yes, you could truly train your body to eat itself - and believe it or not, you should want and need it.

It's a natural process called Autophagy meaning “self-eating”, the body’s system of cleaning house. Explained in easier terms, it a cellular cleansing process that removes toxins within the cells and repairs dead, infected, damaged cells left behind; swallowing up the weaker parts of the body, to make it stronger. This could also be called survival of the fittest. 

Autophagy makes us more efficient by getting rid of flawed parts, protecting us from many different cancers, as well as excessive weight gain, and diabetes. Autophagy is can also slow the aging process.  

When we’re younger our cells are vibrant and more efficient, and duplicating like crazy, but as we age our cells aren't duplicating as much and eventually we die. Now, since we are aging and starting to lose cells, we do need to make sure we become a lot more efficient at making the stronger cells even stronger and begin to increase, and we can do that with Autophagy. The benefits of enhancing this process is so the cells are stronger, which slows down the aging process, so we can live longer and feel more youthful without sickness. 

Another benefit is when Autophagy is working at an accelerated pace, we have high levels of Nero protection that’s occurring. Which means, intermittent fasting helps enhance cognitive function, which may help the brain to learn more easily. As brain cells become more powerful, it protects us from dementia and Alzheimer's. 

Now, I know you're asking yourself “how do I eat myself?” Well, I’m about to tell you. First, autophagy is a response to stress, but we want to utilize “good stressors” not bad ones. The good stressors are things like exercise and intermittent fasting. Let’s take a look at these:

1.    Exercise

Exercise puts stress on the body, however, this is the good stress. Exercise damages your muscle tissue, and it creates little microscopic tears that the body then rushes to heal, this creates more muscle mass and resistant to any more damage you might place it through.

Regular exercise is a natural way you can help your body to cleanse. That must be why we feel so refreshed and stress free after a good hard workout.

2.    Intermittent Fast

Ironically for people who "cleanse" by drinking juice (which can be high in sugar), the act of eating actually works against autophagy. Skipping meals can lead to another stressful act that the body may not immediately love but ultimately take advantage of.

Intermittent fasting is a term that involves time-restricted eating. There are many different ways to do this but if you’re a woman you’ll have to consider hormones will play into what you can do. Start with a 12 hour fast and see how your body feels, and build up from there. Autophagy starts at 16 hours and becomes more powerful between 24-48 hours for the best effects. You might consider trying your first fast starting at 7 pm and then fast until 7 am the next morning. 

3.    Reduce Your Intake of Carbs

Reducing the amount of carbs in your diet will induce autophagy. It may be hard to make drastic changes to your diet all at once, so slowly work yourself into it. Try one of these ideas to start with, and then implement more of them as you are able.

Simply cutting carbs on odd days, or two days with carbs and two days without carbs has been shown to increase autophagy. Bodybuilders have been doing this to manipulate fat loss for years. However, there’s another way to get similar benefits without giving up your favorite rib eye, but you will need to stop eating sugar either way.

It is called a ketogenic diet, and it's an ever more preferred diet for anybody looking for a much longer lifespan and to help prevent health-related disease. The idea is to reduce carbs to 10% of overall calories so that the body has no choice but to use fat as a fuel source instead of glucose from carbs. This puts you in a ketosis, which induces autophagy. 

So, here's my own conclusion… Regular workout, as well as occasional carbohydrate restriction, carry mountains of advantages in addition to their likely impact on autophagy. The very best that may happen is a stronger, leaner, as well as cleaner body. That's our type of cleansing.


1) 10-5-16 How autophagy could lead to a cure for cancer and spell the end of diabetes:
2) 5-24-15 Autophagy
3) 8-16-10 Fasting increases circulating levels of several neurotrophic factors
4) Exercise induces autophagy in peripheral tissues and in the brain