I had the opportunity to try a newer neurotoxin similar to Botox called Jeuveau. This is my personal experience using Jeuveau and my results, which I loved. I recently turned 60 and I am always looking for ways to stay and look more youthful, and that's how I discovered Jeuveau. It temporarily relaxes the facial muscles that cause wrinkles. I had the pleasure of working with Premiere Wave Medical @premierewave and Dr. Justin Johnson and his amazing team. If you're in the Salt Lake area you will want to check them out.

Learn about my experience in the video below:

My Sculptra PRP Experience

Somehow I turned 60 in December. I never thought I would be this old…but here I am. I feel 30 years younger until I look in the mirror and see my wrinkle. Being a personal trainer and competitor I have worked most of my life staying in shape, watching what I’m eating, and teaching others how to do the same. All my hard work has paid off, and I feel and Iook so much younger than I am. However, I hate the wrinkle and sagging skin on my face so I have been looking for ways to keep my youthfulness.

Before & After

In this journey, I was looking for an aesthetic practice and I discovered Premiere Wave Medical in Salt Lake City. I made an appointment with Dr. Justin Johnson to talk to him about my concerns, and he recommended Sculptra and PRP (Platelet-Rich-Plasma). Sculptra is a non-allergenic synthetic injectable that works deep within the dermis to help replace lost collagen. It helps build facial volume and fullness and decreased fine lines. As we age, collagen is lost, and loose skin begins to occur. Dr. Johnson also added PRP (Platelet-Rich-Plasma) to the Sculptra for added benefits. PRP is the patient’s own platelets derived from your own blood. It contains growth factors that stimulate collagen and healing in the skin. It helps create a more youthful appearance.

I’ve had two sessions done with Dr. Johnson and I’m loving the results. My skin looks so much more youthful and fuller, filling out those fine lines and sagging skin. I’m so happy. Dr. Johnson recommends two to three sessions.

This video is about my experience and how it made my skin look more youthful, with fewer wrinkles and fine lines. It filled out my hollowness within my face and my skin looks so much smoother. You can contact Dr. Justin Johnson at Premiere Wave Therapy in Salt Lake City, Utah for more information.

Disclaimer: I am not advocating Sculptra and PRP is for everyone. This is my experience only and I am expressing my experience and outcome so others can learn and make their own decision when it comes to these sort of treatments.

Benefits of Yoga and Meditation for Seniors

Aging is closely associated with a host of physical and mental problems. As the body ages, certain parts refuse to operate as smoothly as they used to. For example, back pain is a common ailment estimated to impact more than 70 percent of the senior population in the United States. Another alarming statistic shows roughly 40 percent of those 65-years and older being inflicted with some form of memory impairment. Surprisingly, many seniors are finding relief and are enjoying some reversing effects to these common ailments through yoga and meditation. Body By Sandy invites you to explore some ways in which seniors and their caregivers can dive into these ancient practices for great results.

Take it little by little.

 Both yoga and meditation are techniques with complicated and involved stages which can be achieved with a lot of practice and dedication. Seniors can reap the myriad benefits offered by these proven methods, including benefits to the brain that can reduce the risk of dementia (symptoms of dementia include confusion, frequent memory loss, and personality change) So, it’s advisable to start as simple as possible and only develop further once a stage has been mastered. This gradual approach motivates seniors to continue without discouragement and ensures there’s no resulting physical or mental stress due to rapid changes.

Find coverage for these programs.

 An astonishing 25 million individuals aged 60 and older aren’t economically secure. Not only does this make it more difficult for seniors to prepare for and handle emergencies, but the financial instability also limits access old adults have to classes that could greatly benefit their health. Presently, basic Medicare does not cover yoga. Despite its proven benefits, yoga remains outside what’s considered necessary treatment. However, seniors with a strong desire to continue with their practice can look to Medicare Advantage plans. These plans can offer seniors access to thousands of fitness facilities around the country, many of which offer yoga classes.

Work with a routine designed for seniors.

 Like any normal form of physical and mental exercise, both yoga and meditation can be tailored specifically to meet the needs and desires of the practitioner. In other words, a college student probably shouldn’t be doing the same yoga routines or have the same meditation techniques as those older than 65. Overall health, age, flexibility, ability to concentrate, and other important factors which contribute to these practices must be taken into account when designing programs. It’s also important for seniors to have a calm and relaxing spot to practice yoga if they’re doing so in their homes. Last but not least, seniors should consult a professional or a dedicated app to find a meditation and/or yoga routine designed for their skill level and age.

Practice in small chunks.

 Due to the mental and physical intensity of these programs, it’s very easy for yoga and meditation practitioners to feel defeated after periods of extended practice. Between the body’s unwillingness to bend and twist in varying positions and the mind’s restless wandering, trying to tackle too many of these techniques at once is a recipe for disaster. Instead, it’s advisable for seniors and their caretakers to practice both yoga and meditation in small chunks. For example, pay attention to your breathing for 10 minutes each morning and work on a pose for a few minutes throughout the day. Even something seemingly as inconsequential as these small daily efforts can encourage longer dedication and practice.

If age is a judgment of wisdom, then yoga and meditation win by default with thousands of years of combined results. Seniors willing to put in a little physical effort and mental energy will be rewarded with a plethora of physical and mental benefits from these amazing practices.

 Photo Credit:

Head-To-Toe Health When Living with Diabetes

Diabetes is a common but often misunderstood, disease. There are two types of diabetes: type 1 -- where the pancreas cannot produce insulin -- is usually diagnosed in childhood. Type 2 develops later in life. With type 2 diabetes, the pancreas can produce insulin initially, but the body can’t respond to it effectively. Insulin is responsible for creating glucose in the bloodstream. Glucose is needed both for immediate energy use as well as the transfer of energy as storage in fat cells and muscles to be used later.

●      According to 2014 statistics, 422 million people around the world have been diagnosed with a type of diabetes. That makes up 8.5 percent of the world’s population.

●      Diabetes increases a person’s risk of experiencing heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, nerve damage and eye disease.

●      Preventable type 2 diabetes is more common than type 1. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates 90 to 95 percent of diagnosed cases of diabetes are type 2.

●      Diabetes can cause blindness, carpal tunnel syndrome, kidney failure, digestive problems, erectile dysfunction, and amputation of the lower limb.

●      Diabetes is the seventh-leading cause of death in the United States.  

Assemble Your Team

Image via Pexels

Image via Pexels

No matter who you are and what your health is like, you are your most important advocate when it comes to your health and well-being. However, it can be a big help to have a trustworthy team of physicians you can rely on to check up on your whole-body health. Beyond a primary doctor, those with diabetes should also have a designated endocrinologist, dietitian, eye doctor, dentist, periodontist, and podiatrist.

Why a dentist, periodontist, and podiatrist? What a lot of people don’t know about diabetes is that oral and foot care are just as important as things such as hormone and blood sugar regulation. People with diabetes are more prone to gum disease, and one out of five cases of total tooth loss is linked to the disease. Those living with diabetes also must take certain precautions to protect their legs and feet such as wearing supportive footwear, performing low-impact exercises, and regularly seeing a podiatrist.

Adjust Your Diet

A healthy diet is crucial when it comes to living with diabetes. As the body is unable to regulate its blood sugar on its own, the patient must make sure what they consume won’t end up throwing them off homeostasis. A person with diabetes simply needs to eat the healthiest foods in moderate amounts and stick to regular mealtimes.

Some more things to consider regarding diet and diabetes:

●      Limit the consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates. Junk food including soda, candy, and packaged processed snacks should all be avoided.

●      While artificial sweeteners won’t spike your blood sugar, they can still affect it and may even have a negative impact on your body’s insulin response.

●      Eat a diet full of whole grains, fresh produce, lean proteins, and foods containing plenty of healthy fats such as flaxseed, avocados, and grass-fed beef.

●      Look for healthier ways to prepare old favorites. For example, you can use an air fryer instead of a deep fryer. This device allows you to cook dishes with a fried-food taste without all the extra oil and calories.

●      Cut alcohol out entirely. Alcohol wreaks havoc on your blood sugar, puts undue stress on your pancreas and increases your chances of developing health complications you are already at risk of developing due to diabetes. Alcohol also interacts with most diabetes medications.

●      The best foods for diabetics are whole foods, mainly fruits and vegetables. Superfoods including steel-cut oats, broccoli, blueberries, fish, spinach, walnuts, quinoa and, yes, dark chocolate are highly encouraged.

●      Lastly, spend some time researching mindful eating. This encourages you to pay more attention to what you’re eating, your cravings, and physical cues from your body that it’s time to push the plate away.

Keep in mind that it often takes dedication to make significant changes to your diet. As points out, you can turn something into a habit by sticking with it every day for 30 days. So, if you feel like you’re struggling at the beginning, stick with it — this could become a healthy new habit in no time.


 Diabetes affects millions of people around the world. The two most powerful weapons in a diabetic’s arsenal are a competent health care team and a wholesome diet. Beyond a general physician, a person with diabetes needs a designated endocrinologist, dietitian, eye doctor, dentist, periodontist, and podiatrist. Their diet should consist of mostly whole foods and regular mealtimes while avoiding processed carbohydrates and alcohol.

By Sheila Olson

Join Me In the ProLon Mimicking Fast

Fasting can be easy and without causing havoc to our hormones! I've been searching for a healthier way for women to fast, and I ran across the ProLon Mimicking Fasting diet by Dr. Valter Longo. I've done a lot of research and found the science behind ProLon goes back 20 years. It's a science-backed healthier way to get the benefits of fasting and autophagy. 

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As you can see by my pictures, the ProLon 5 day fast not only trimmed down my tummy but cleansed my body and made me feel light, calming my digestion, and when finished, I felt amazing!

If you know me, you know I don't ever promote fad diets that are potentially unhealthy and cause muscle loss (that we need for youth, longevity, and a faster metabolism). ProLon is a healthy alternative that is safer for women since ordinary long-period water fasts also wreak havoc on women's hormones.

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This science-based diet has 20 years of research behind it. It gives you all the benefits of a water fast but with nourishing, plant-based Mediterranean food. Fasting also increases autophagy, which breaks down damaged dying cells at a much quicker pace than usual.

It's so simple. You get everything you need in an easy-to-follow kit, with all the meals broken down into five days.

You won't want to miss out! Most women lose 5 - 8 lbs in 5 days.

Use code: bodybysandy for your discount today!

Exercise Tips for Beginners

We can never underestimate the importance of health, wellness, and longevity. It's what makes us the best we can be. These steps can be helpful if you have questioned the benefits of exercise or how to get started. Don't just read them; find a way to take action, and implement so you can stick with it.

Graphic created by Apogee Fitness.


A century ago, “beauty sleep” originally referred to sleep that started before midnight. Often, people who stayed up until late hours looked haggard. And that’s still true today.

Sleep deprivation is a form of stress. Stressful conditions like illness, trauma, and emotional hardship cause your body to make more steroids. Steroids decrease the formation of collagen, which keeps your skin looking young and wrinkle-free. Increased steroids also weaken the skin barrier allowing toxins to penetrate or wounds to heal more slowly.* So, getting enough sleep, really does make you more beautiful.

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Getting enough sleep is important, but getting sleep before midnight can also make a big difference. Matt Walker, Ph.D., head of the Sleep and Neuroimaging Lab at the University of California, Berkeley, said “When it comes to bedtime, there’s a window during which time your brain and body have the opportunity to get the best non-REM and REM sleep, is roughly between 8 pm and 12 am. “ Going to bed late will make it harder to fall asleep and may also contribute to waking up feeling less refreshed.

Deep within your brain, the pineal gland works like an internal clock. As the sun sets, the optic nerve in your eyes senses the darkness and sends a message to the pineal gland. The pineal gland secretes a hormone, melatonin, to prepare your body for sleep. Typically, within a couple of hours of sunset, you will begin to feel tired.

Most people who stay up past 10 o’clock are working on the internet or watching TV. These activities create an exposure to light which interrupts the production of melatonin. This interference causes difficulty in falling to sleep, a confused internal clock, or even a “second wind” of energy.

Going to bed by 10 o’clock will have an enormous impact on your quality of sleep. If you’re not currently going to bed that early, try to go to bed 15-30 minutes earlier each week until you meet your goal. Also, try waking up by 6:00 am so that your body will be tired by 10:00 pm.

You’ll not only wake up more relaxed and refreshed,
you’ll wake up more beautiful!

Even Professional Dancers Weight Train

🔥Even professional dancers weight train🔥
These amazing ladies are professional dancers and also weight train to stay strong and fit. I was honored to work with them and proud to attend their dance performance. In honor of them, I have put this video together to show you how amazing and talented they are and also show you some of their weight training workouts. I hope you enjoy!

Divinity Professional Dancers - Taylor HolladayBailey Holladay and Lexi Hunsaker

Everyone can benefit from Weight Training

Check out this video to see how amazing these ladies really are!

Injury Prevention Guide - INFOGRAPHIC

As you start any new fitness or exercise program the number one goal should be to stay injury free. Especially because building momentum and consistency is when you start seeing and feeling improvements, and you don’t want anything to stop the momentum, especially an injury.

Always remember to start slow, on your own level, and follow these 7 tips below for staying injury free.

Guide provided by Universal Spa & Training Academy a massage therapy school Chicago

Resistance Bands Back Workout for Traveling or At-Home

If you’ve been looking for a back workout you can do while traveling or at home here’s a perfect one for you. All you need are a set of resistant bands. Resistance bands are great since they are inexpensive and you and easily take them anywhere and still get a great workout.

You can order the Resistant Bands here:

Workout Description:

1. Standing or Sitting Rows for Medial Back - 3 sets of 15 reps

2. Superman’s for Lower Back. Alternating - 3 sets of 20 reps

3. Sitting Lat Pull Down - 3 sets of 15 reps

4. Kneeling Straight Arm Pulldown for Lats - 3 sets of 15 reps

Stretches - Hold all stretches for 30 seconds.

1. Squatted Lat Stretch

2. Supine Floor Knees to the Side - Lower Back Stretch

3. Cobra Stretch - Ab Stretch

4. Supine Knees to Chest - Lower Back Stretch

5. Supine Piriformis Stretch - Lower Back and Glute Stretch

I hope you enjoyed this workout. You can order the Resistant Bands here:

Ways to De-Stess Naturally

Stress! Why do we seem to have so much of it? And why is it so hard to eliminate? This is an issue I help so many of my clients with. Especially the women who work full time, have kids to take care of, are trying to serve the community, take care of the home and prepare all the meals. It’s just simply too much!

The truth is we cannot do it all!

Until we change our lifestyle and acknowledge how detrimental all this stress is on the body, it will continue to us break down, causing sickness and long term health risks.

Take a look at the effects stress has on your body and some way you can holistically treat that stress. Make a commitment to try a few of these strategies.

Holistic Happiness: Ways To De-Stress Naturally provided by The Flower Apothecary

Taking Care of You: Your Self Care Guide

Self-care is always on the top of my list since if we don't take care of ourselves everything around us seems to fall apart. I've had to learn this the hard way, so now it's my passion to bring knowledge to my clients and friends as to why it's so important.

Here's are some ideas you can incorporate into your life to help fill you up so you can give back without sacrificing your health.


Self-Care guide created by Tyler's Beauty & Spa Academy a nail tech school


I love giving during the holidays but I like to support my clients in their goals by giving them things to support the lifestyle they have worked so hard for. Instead of the cookies, chocolates, or other treats take a closer look at some other ideas to support your family and friends to be healthy and fit also. I promise they will truly appreciate you thinking about their Massage:
It’s not considered just an indulgent to get massages anymore. It’s about taking care of yourself and giving your body what it needs to relax or work out those tight muscles. This is a perfect gift for someone who is over-stressed.

Workout Clothes or shoes:
Everyone that workouts at a gym or does outdoor sports need the proper clothing. This is a perfect gift to support someones fitness regimen.

Workout Equipment:
If you know someone that likes to workout at home or isn’t comfortable going to the gym workout equipment is perfect to support their goals. Think exercise balls, hand held weights, bands or yoga mats with a yoga video.

Gym Membership:
Has your loved one always wanted a gym membership. The gym is the perfect place for support, classes, expert advice and learning about nutrition and fitness.

Personal Trainer:
Do you know someone that wants to learn how to weight train to change body composition but doesn’t know where to start. Hiring them a personal trainer to get them started by showing them proper form and techniques would be perfect. Individualized instruction will give them the confidence they need to do it on their own.

Healthy Food Basket:
Giving a basket filled with fresh, delicious fruits is a blessing to so many this season who are tired of being tempted with all the sugary treats. I hope you enjoy and have a happy, healthy holiday!


I am so proud of this amazing women Maryam! She committed to train with me twice a week, and learn new strategies for cardio and nutrition. In a short three months Maryam lost 17 pounds, 14 inches overall and 7.2% body fat. 

When someone is ready to make the commitment to change their health for the better it makes the journey so much easier and a lot more fun.

Ever since I was in high school, I’ve never really had much motivation to work out. I’ve never been very physically fit, but luckily I was able to get by with an average metabolism and an average build. Then after I realized that I was the heaviest I’ve ever been, I decided to join a gym and try and stay in shape. For two years, I worked out by myself and I barely lost a pound, doing just cardio and barely able to curl 5lb dumbbells (no exaggeration!).

Then I found Sandy. Sandy singlehandedly helped me lose over 7% body fat, over 15lbs, getting me to the lowest weight I’d been since I was 16. She helped me with the knowledge of how I should feed my body, and showed me the right way to lift weights.

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The amount of muscle I’ve gained since starting with Sandy still amazes me to this day, and as a full time student with a full time job (and a full time social life), I never would have gotten there without her structure, accountability and guidance. It’s not just a workout with Sandy, it’s a lifestyle; and I’m forever grateful that I found a trainer, and more importantly a close friendship, that will last a lifetime. Thanks Sandy and I can’t wait to step on the stage one day soon representing you!!


Mindful Eating for Weight Loss

Photo by alan KO on Unsplash

Photo by alan KO on Unsplash

This post is the first of a five-part series on mindfulness, and it tackles the inescapable struggle of weight loss. When it comes to losing weight, you may assume you need to muster up a huge amount of willpower and force yourself to stick to a diet through sheer discipline. But this isn’t always the case. Instead, you can start your weight loss journey by eating more mindfully. 

What is mindful eating?

Mindful eating is a relatively simple technique that helps you gain more control over your eating choices and habits. It’s based on the Buddhist concept of mindfulness, which calls for you to bring your full attention to the present moment. With mindful eating, this means paying close attention to your cravings and other physical cues when eating. Instead of automatically falling into old eating habits, mindful eating helps you make more conscious, healthier choices.

Tips for Eating More Mindfully

Photo by Icons8 team on Unsplash

Photo by Icons8 team on Unsplash

Listen to your body.

Before you even start eating, take a moment to really, truly listen to your body. Are you hungry – or is it something else that’s making you reach for a chocolate bar? Know your body’s hunger signals so that you can tell the difference between snacking out of boredom or stress and actual hunger. 

Listening to your body will also help you notice when you’re full, so you can stop eating before you get to that miserable, “Stuffed” feeling.

Eat more slowly.

Once your food is in front of you, there’s no need to dive in and devour every last bite – your food isn’t going anywhere! Eat slowly to give your body time to catch up to your brain. It actually takes about 20 minutes for the “I’m full” signal from your brain to reach your body, so slowing down can keep you from overeating. 

To help you eat more slowly, try taking smaller bites, chewing each bite 25 times, and setting your fork down. 

Cut down on distractions.

Have you ever stood in your kitchen with a pint of ice cream, scrolling through Instagram while eating a few spoonful’s of Ben & Jerry’s – only to look down at an empty pint? Distractions are the epitome of mindlesseating. To cut down on mindless eating, you must also cut down on distractions. Don’t try to multitask during mealtimes. This means turning off the TV and putting away your phone. Instead, tune into your body and savor the food you’re enjoying – this is one of the best parts of eating mindfully! 

Savor every bite.

Speaking of savoring your food, did you know that you’ll actually feel fuller and more satisfied at the end of a meal if you simply pay more attention to what you’re eating? By eating mindfully, you’ll notice textures and flavors you probably haven’t noticed before, even in foods you’re familiar with. And more satisfaction means you’re less likely to overindulge or immediately start looking for something else to “fix” that craving. Really enjoy your favourite food and feel satisfied instead of guilty. 

The Best Post-Workout Smoothies you will love

Achieving the strong, sexy body of your dreams can only happen through dedicated workouts along with a healthy diet. Your body needs plenty of nutrients to help you build muscle and definition, especially right after a grueling workout. That’s where healthy post-workout protein drinks come into play – they provide your body the boost it needs to help you achieve the best results from every training session. Here are my 3 favorite post-workout protein smoothies that will make your mouth water and your muscles happy. 

Chocolate Banana Protein Smoothie

After an intense workout, you may be hit with an intense craving for chocolate! This chocolate banana shake comes out rich, creamy, and satisfying. It feels like an indulgence – but it actually serves up all the nutrients your body needs for recovery. 


Servings: 1



  1. Add everything in a bullet or bender except the chocolate chips

  2. Add ice and extra water if needed

  3. Blend until smooth

  4. Top off with Lily’s chocolate chips

Calories 383 | Carbs 32 | Fat 20 | Protein 29 | Fiber 8

Green Monster Protein Smoothie

A healthy diet means lots of greens, which are filled with the nutrients and minerals your body needs for cell growth and repair. While a handful of spinach may not make your taste buds tingle, try this green monster shake for a surprisingly delicious way to get in your greens.


Servings: 1



  1. Add everything in a bullet or bender 

  2. Add ice and extra water if needed

  3. Blend until smooth

Calories 340 | Carbs 24 | Fat 19 | Protein 26 | Fiber 12

Energizing Smoothie

Do you ever crave something refreshing during those hot summer days? This energizing smoothie will cool you down right away, plus help with any cravings you are having. Not only do you get an immune system boost from the Vitamin C, you also get the health benefits of ginger and turmeric to help fight off inflammation – all in one delicious drink!


Servings: 1


  • Juice from 1 lemon

  • 2-3 organic celery whole sticks

  • ½ organic cucumber

  • 1 tsp freshly grated ginger

  • 1 tsp freshly grated turmeric

  • 1 stevia packet


  1. Add everything in a bullet or bender 

  2. Add ice and extra water if needed

  3. Blend until smooth

Calories 259 | Carbs 25 | Fat 3 | Protein 33 

You can also get creative and come up with your own tasty protein drink. The possibilities are endless! 

Workout Nutrition Guide - Infographic

When it comes to Workout Nutrition, it can get confusing on what to eat, when o eat it and how much to it.

This helpful infographic by the Greatist will help you get control of your nutrition to help you get the most from your workouts.

To have a great workout you NEED to have complete nutrition, and these simple guidelines will help you make the right choices to refuel the body.

Quick View:

Recovery Time is Critical

Strength Training


Strength Training



What About Nutrition for Circuit Training?

Workout Nutrition Infographic


source: Greatist

Why Exercise For Women Over 40 Is Important

Exercise for women over 40 is the BEST thing you can do to stay healthier and live longer.

The goal is to exercise 3 – 5 days a week to get the all the benefits like, circulation, muscle tone, and strength.

Plus no need to leave you home, all these exercises below can be done at home.


 The Best Exercises For Women Over 40

1. Low-Impact Cardio

If you have a stationary bike at home, that would be a great workout to do as you watch your favorite tv show.

No bike? No problem, you can walk in place, lifting your knees as high as you can and moving your arms.

2. Yoga

Yoga is a great exercise for women over 40 because there are moves that apply to beginners all the way up to advanced.

Yoga helps by gentle stretching your muscle and ligaments which will helps you maintain form, and strengthen your core.

3. Strength Training

All you need a is a few dumbbells that you can use at home to get the benefits of strength training.

Focus on toning and building your strength by using lighter weight to target your most used muscles.

Arms, shoulders, legs, back.

4. Lunges

Lunges are super easy to do, you can do them with or without holding weights. They target your thighs, hamstrings and your booty.

5. Squats

Squats are another great exercise for women over 40. Like lunges, they can be done with or without weights.

Squats target your core, your abs, your back, your legs and booty.

Squats are a great exercise to help with balance.


When it comes to exercise for women over 40, the goal is to get moving.

Focus on stretching, strengthening your core, abs and lower back, your arms, and legs.

The exercises I shared can all be done at home, in under 30 minutes a day that will have you feeling healthier and stronger.