Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar


Food is more than fuel to power your next workout. It’s how you maintain the parts of your body that keep daily life working like a well-oiled machine.

Some foods have incredible healing abilities should your body stop functioning correctly. One of these is Raw Apple Cider Vinegar. Make sure you are buying organic raw, unfiltered. As the name suggests, apple cider vinegar is a specific type that distills apples. From effectively treating ulcers to minimizing the symptoms of acid reflux disease, this liquid can pack a real punch in advocating for your health. Here are just a few reasons you should put Apple Cider Vinegar in your daily diet:

  1. Detox For Your Body - This vinegar is a liver and lymphatic tonic. We put our livers through a lot (especially if you’re a drinker), and though the liver naturally detoxes your system, it won’t work as effectively if it becomes damaged or hindered in any manner. That’s where the vinegar ensures the body removes toxins properly by aiding the liver.

  2. Regulate Your Body’s pH - Being balanced is a big deal; both mentally and physically. Your pH is responsible for the chemical balance that works through your system. Apple cider vinegar contains acidic acetic acid, which has a more alkaline effect on the rest of your body. This is a fancy way to say it helps keep your pH balanced. Thus, it reduces the likelihood of cancer and dramatically increases your energy.

  3. Can Support Weight Loss - Many studies have shown that Apple Cider Vinegar could potentially help with weight loss; for the exact reason why, we don’t know. It could be because of a reduction in sugar cravings. And when you cut out sugar, you cut out some fat! Additionally, Apple Cider Vinegar improves detoxification. For weight loss, use 1-2 Tbsp plus 8 oz water and drink it 3 times a day before meals.

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Also, check out my Metabolic Reboot System