Make going to the gym easier

4 Cheats To Make Going to the Gym Easier

Getting your butt to the gym isn’t always the easiest thing in the world. Sometimes the gym feels like it’s all the way in Narnia and getting there is beyond what you have left to give that day. It’s totally understandable… everyone has been there. But rest assured that over time it gets easier. Eventually seeing results becomes an addiction and the gym will be the best part of your day. But, we know that isn’t where people start. Generally most start out at the “the gym sounds far and hard” place. So here are 4 cheats to make going to the gym and working out easier:

Sandy Hancock

1. Affirm: Positive thinking can help you out during your journey. Which is why maintaining a positive attitude through the gains, drops and plateaus is essential. Ways to keep a positive attitude include: Writing down 3 positive affirmations about how you will benefit from your workout. For example, “I can handle any situation better after a good workout”, “I know every time I workout it will get easier”, “If I workout my health will get better and I will have more energy”.

Vision boards are another way to reinforce where you want to be. Support from friends and family will also help. Just remember to be gentle with yourself, we all have bad days. But don’t let the excuses stop your progress. Consistency is what will make the changes. Simply move forward and don’t give up.


2. Reward Yourself: In order to train new behaviors we give our pets treats for a job well done. If you do well at work you get a raise. Good habits are always rewarded; and that makes you want to work harder and keep doing whatever got you the reward in the first place. So, use this age old tactic to build some positive habits of your own. Reward yourself in little ways every day, and in bigger ways every week, and even bigger ways every month. And, eventually it will become a positive habit. If you went to the gym that day give yourself an extra five minutes in the shower, if you went several times that week buy that new dress you had your eye on. And, if you were REALLY good for a year, take that dream vacation you’ve always wanted to go on… and look great on the beach!

3. Go With A Friend: Now it’s not just about you anymore. You’ve made a plan, a commitment to another person. That means you can’t back out, bailing isn’t really an option, and excuses are out the window. You wouldn’t want to disappoint a friend, right? Going with a friend creates a sense of accountability that’s beyond you and your desire to skip a workout. It’s about spending time with someone you care about; helping each other be the best version of yourselves you can be!

4. Switch It Up: Here you go again on your own, to the treadmill. Day in and day out. Variety is the spice of life, sister! Switching up your workout or trying something new is a great way to keep yourself motivated and start looking forward to a new workout. To continue to improve you will need to change things up every 4 to 6 weeks. That’s the amount of time the body starts to plateau. Plan on creating a new workout every 4 weeks.  




You know the kind of people who always seem to have boundless amounts of energy? Those who glow with vivaciousness? Those kinds of people have a few behavior habits in common that help them stay on top of their energetic game. It can be easy to assume they were born that way, and some were, but others have to work for high energy levels; for that beautiful breezy blush. Here are the secrets to putting an extra spring in your step (or another rep in your set!)

  1. Drink Your Water - Our bodies are made up of 55% water (or more based on gender) which is why it’s essential to hydrate. Your body uses water in all its cells, organs, and tissues to help regulate its temperature and maintain other bodily functions. And, one of those bodily functions is how energetic you look and feel. Some tricks to drink more water include: carry a gallon of water with you wherever you go. Invest in one of those fancy water bottles that automatically monitors how much you’ve had to drink that day. Find a water bottle with a motivational saying on it and bring it with you wherever you go.

  2. Eat Regular Meals - Skipping a meal means not fueling your body to perform at optimum energy levels. Additionally, it slows down your metabolism which encourages your body to gain extra weight. Some tricks to make every meal include: taking your food with you in tupperware wherever you go.

  3. Get Enough Sleep - Falling short on your sleep goals spells exhaustion, mind fog, and more the next day. Being vivacious isn’t easy if you’re continually running off of only a few hours of sleep a night. Give yourself a bedtime and stick to it with regularity to feel more energized on the daily. Tips to get more sleep include: setting an alarm on your phone for bedtime and having a rule no TV or computer pasted 9:00pm.

  4. Stay Positive - Laughter is the best medicine! No, really, it creates national endorphins that help your mood. But, we can’t be laughing all the time, and life can throw some serious curve balls. Learning how to keep our head above water is a wonderful life skill to hone. So to keep up with a positive attitude here are a few tips: write down positive affirmations, spend time with positive people, laugh more, and listen to positive music.

  5. They set realistic expectations with themselves and others - You’re going to feel totally drained if you’re continually trying to meet expectations that are above your capabilities or that you plain just don’t want to. Or, that aren’t fair to you that others have demanded. Say “no” to unrealistic expectations and “yes” to your own health. Say “yes” to giving yourself permission for stillness that empowers your soul.