
Exercise Tips for Beginners

We can never underestimate the importance of health, wellness, and longevity. It's what makes us the best we can be. These steps can be helpful if you have questioned the benefits of exercise or how to get started. Don't just read them; find a way to take action, and implement so you can stick with it.

Graphic created by Apogee Fitness.

Taking Care of You: Your Self Care Guide

Self-care is always on the top of my list since if we don't take care of ourselves everything around us seems to fall apart. I've had to learn this the hard way, so now it's my passion to bring knowledge to my clients and friends as to why it's so important.

Here's are some ideas you can incorporate into your life to help fill you up so you can give back without sacrificing your health.


Self-Care guide created by Tyler's Beauty & Spa Academy a nail tech school