
4 Cheats To Make Going to the Gym Easier

Getting your butt to the gym isn’t always the easiest thing in the world. Sometimes the gym feels like it’s all the way in Narnia and getting there is beyond what you have left to give that day. It’s totally understandable… everyone has been there. But rest assured that over time it gets easier. Eventually seeing results becomes an addiction and the gym will be the best part of your day. But, we know that isn’t where people start. Generally most start out at the “the gym sounds far and hard” place. So here are 4 cheats to make going to the gym and working out easier:

Sandy Hancock

1. Affirm: Positive thinking can help you out during your journey. Which is why maintaining a positive attitude through the gains, drops and plateaus is essential. Ways to keep a positive attitude include: Writing down 3 positive affirmations about how you will benefit from your workout. For example, “I can handle any situation better after a good workout”, “I know every time I workout it will get easier”, “If I workout my health will get better and I will have more energy”.

Vision boards are another way to reinforce where you want to be. Support from friends and family will also help. Just remember to be gentle with yourself, we all have bad days. But don’t let the excuses stop your progress. Consistency is what will make the changes. Simply move forward and don’t give up.


2. Reward Yourself: In order to train new behaviors we give our pets treats for a job well done. If you do well at work you get a raise. Good habits are always rewarded; and that makes you want to work harder and keep doing whatever got you the reward in the first place. So, use this age old tactic to build some positive habits of your own. Reward yourself in little ways every day, and in bigger ways every week, and even bigger ways every month. And, eventually it will become a positive habit. If you went to the gym that day give yourself an extra five minutes in the shower, if you went several times that week buy that new dress you had your eye on. And, if you were REALLY good for a year, take that dream vacation you’ve always wanted to go on… and look great on the beach!

3. Go With A Friend: Now it’s not just about you anymore. You’ve made a plan, a commitment to another person. That means you can’t back out, bailing isn’t really an option, and excuses are out the window. You wouldn’t want to disappoint a friend, right? Going with a friend creates a sense of accountability that’s beyond you and your desire to skip a workout. It’s about spending time with someone you care about; helping each other be the best version of yourselves you can be!

4. Switch It Up: Here you go again on your own, to the treadmill. Day in and day out. Variety is the spice of life, sister! Switching up your workout or trying something new is a great way to keep yourself motivated and start looking forward to a new workout. To continue to improve you will need to change things up every 4 to 6 weeks. That’s the amount of time the body starts to plateau. Plan on creating a new workout every 4 weeks.  


The Benefits of Weight Training For Women

Exercising is extremely important for women, because the benefits far outweigh any other form of long-term weight-loss or ways to lead a healthy lifestyle. 

Weight training reason #1: Loss of body fat and increased muscle. Lean muscle increased metabolism, which in return keeps you lean.

Weight training reason #2: Decreases the risk of osteoporosis by increasing bone density.

Weight training reason #3: Helps you gain strength so you can stay active for a better quality of life.

Weight training reason #4: A strong body helps reduce the risk of injury and/or falls later in life. 

Weight training reason #5: Strengthens core and back to help reduce back pain and improves posture. A strong back helps keep shoulders back for proper posture as your age. 

Weight training reason #6: Research shows it can reduces the risk of heart disease by lowering bad cholesterol, increasing good cholesterol and lowering blood pressure. Research also indicates that weight training may reduces the risk of diabetes because it improves the way the body processes sugar, according to Dr. Barry A. Franklin, of William Beaumont Hospital.

Weight training reason #7: Improves attitude, mood and reduces stress and depression.

Regular workouts are beneficial for your body in many ways and should be a part of your daily routine. Before you start exercising, it is essential to make a workout plan and choose workouts that are appropriate for your level. However, many women don’t have a slightest idea, which exercises to choose, and how to perform them.

Below are some example exercise programs that include all the main body parts. These are simple exercises that you can do at home, while on a vacation or with friends, basically anywhere. But, before you start any training program, make sure you do an active warm up for 5-10 minutes and always check with your doctor before starting any new workout program.


Next to six-pack abs, one of the most attractive body parts is the arms. Being a workout pro or a beginner, it is that muscle group that almost every woman wants to perfect. There are many arm exercises that are great for both biceps and triceps. One of them is the exercise called standing bicep curls. In order to do this exercise you should choose a band, d-bells or barbell where you can get 12-15 reps with each set. All you have to do is stand with a band under both feet, keep knees slightly bent, core tight and chest lifted. Then, grip the handles and start doing a bicep curl. Squeeze your biceps and then lower holding the resistance for a count of three, repeat 12-15 times. After incorporating this arm exercise into your workout routine, you’ll be able to see a difference. 

Back and Chest

A strong and firm back creates beautiful posture. Who wouldn’t want that? With a few simple back and chest exercises, you’ll no longer be dreaming of it. An exercise called sitting rows will help you acquire that. All you have to do is sit on the floor with your legs straight, core tight and chest lifted. Grip the handles and start doing a row. You should keep the elbows close to the body for a better effect and repeat the exercise 12-15 times. For a beautiful and firm chest you can do an exercise that involves pushups on feet or knees. 


Want to take your shoulders to the next level? An exercise called Upright Rows will help you with that. The instructions are very clear and straightforward. Stand with the band under both feet, with your knees slightly bent, core tight and chest lifted. Then, cross the bands so you are holding them in opposite hands. Start doing an upright row by lifting with elbows first. Remember to bring the elbows to shoulder height so there is no shoulder impingement. You should repeat the exercise 12-15 times with every set.

Legs & Booty

Great legs and booty are the essence of a perfect physique. If you’ve been struggling to find an appropriate exercise for legs, here’s a perfect one. It’s called Squatted Band Walks and all you have to do is sit back on your heels in a squat position, keeping your chest lifted. With the left side being first, take a big step out to the side. Keeping the resistance tight in the band, continue until you reach 15-20 reps and then change the direction. So simple and yet so efficient!



Oh, the abs. You don’t have to work your abs to exhaustion before you can carve out your abs. Instead, you can try out a few simple exercises that will get your abs to pop. There’s a really great one with a 6-8 lb. medicine ball and it goes like this – lie on the floor face up, put the ball between your legs. Bring your legs up meeting your hands and reach with the ball in your hands overhead while the legs go back down to the floor. You will find this exercise will do miracles!

Keeping your body fit can be challenging sometimes. However, these few simple exercises will help you get the physique you always wanted. You can even make an exercise plan and perform these body part workouts in 4 separate days. Grab a medicine ball, band, d-bells or barbell, always remember to warm up and you’re ready for some action. Your body will thank you later.

Ultimately -- 
That is the first secret.

If you make the right choice, you can look forward to a younger, more confident, and happier you



There's nothing better than a nice set of arms to show off in your tank top or cute sleeveless dress. You can get firm arms faster by supersetting biceps and triceps. Superset means you do two exercises for different muscle groups; for example, one for biceps and one for triceps. Do them back to back and then take a 30 second rest and repeat for 3-4 sets with 12-15 reps. 

Here is an example workout for you to follow: 4 exercises total

1. Incline barbell curls 12-15 reps.  Superset with Bench Dips 12-15 reps. Repeat 3 times

2. Concentration curls 12-15 reps. Superset with Single D-bell Kickbacks 12-15 reps each side. 

3. If you are more intermediate add another two exercises: Incline Supinated D-bell curls 12-15 reps. Superset with D-bell Overhead Triceps extensions 12-15 reps.

4. If you are move advanced add a fourth set: Standing biceps cable curls 10-12 reps. Superset with Cable triceps press down 10-12 reps. 

I hope you enjoy this workout! Let me know how you like it!


One of the best ways to trim your legs and tone your butt is doing plyometrics. Adding in some chest for a upper body workout adds variety. See the full video for your complete workout.

This video is about Outdoor Plyo Workout


>20 Jump squats

>20 Incline pushups

>20 Bulgarian split squats - each leg

>20 Decline pushups

Repeat Circuit 3 times

Always warm up for 5-10 minutes before starting any workout. Running one full lap on the track is a great warm up before starting this workout. 


Today is my favorite day of the week…Monday! I love Monday’s because I’m more focused during the week and I enjoy how my body responds to the structure. I also train legs on Monday’s which is my favorite body part to train. Today I decided to throw in some chest movements to mix things up a bit.

Take a look at my leg, chest, and calf workout:

Machine leg press 5 x 20,15,10,8,8, superset with

Machine Incline Chest press 3 x 15,12,12

Leg extensions 4 x 15,12,10,8, superset with

Weighted walking lunges with pushups using 22 lb d-bells. 10 walking lunges, stop 10 push-up with hands on d-bells on floor. 10 more walking lunges, finishing off with 10 more push-ups.

Giant set:

Leg curls 3 x 15,12,12

Machine flies 3 x 15,12,12

Weighted straight leg dead lifts with 22.5 lbs. d-bells 3 x 15

Sitting calf raises 3 x 15 with 10 bounces on top of last rep

Incline calf raises 3 x 15 with 10 bounces on top of last rep

For beginners only do 1-2 sets of each exercise, intermediate do 2-3 sets and advanced do 3-4 sets of each exercise. If you are a beginner always check with your doctor before starting any new training program.