Amanda’s positive outlook and adherence to the program made it so fun to work with her. She never missed an appointment and always came ready to work hard. I am so proud of her and it was so inspiring watching not just the outside change but the inner transformation of confidence and empowerment that took place.
The confidence gave her empowerment to take action and clean out all the old clothes so she could become her new identity. Which is what needs to happen when creating a healthy lifestyle. She gave away all her old large clothes and now only has clothes that fits her new identity. Note: If you save the old large clothes it gives you an excuse to put the weight back on because you have this thought in your mind saying to yourself, “If I put the weight back on I “still” have clothes to wear”. That thought is not changing your identity. It’s giving you the excuse to prove to yourself your are right! You can’t keep the weight off. It confirms your old thought patterns that “Nothing has worked in the pasted because I always put the weight back on.” The only way to change that belief is to clean out the old and create space for the new. Creating an identity that sets you up for success for life.
Thank you Amanda for your words of encouragement to other women on this same journey:
Six months ago I needed help. I was lost and depressed because I had no direction. I know I had to get moving some how. I wanted to get healthy, and the older I got the more my health has become important to me. If I didn’t start now it was going to be even harder down the road as I continued to get older. The one thing that I knew for certain was that I couldn’t do it on my own, as I had tried that many times before with poor results. I was looking for something that would not only help me to lose weight, but also make me physically stronger and mentally healthy as well. This is when I found Sandy.
In my first workouts with Sandy I could only do 2 pushups each set, making it a total of just 6. Fast forward six months and I can now do 20 pushups per set, making it a total of 60. Along the journey it became less about losing weight and more about getting stronger, both physically and mentally. I took time out of the equation. I was no longer racing against the clock to lose the weight instead I was managing a lifelong change…not simply a six-month change. I have learned how to eat right and coach myself correctly, which is just as important as losing weight. I no longer feel lost, and have wonderful info to keep me going forward. I have currently lost 26 lbs. 20 Inch and 9% body fat so far, and will continue to take care of myself for life thanks to the help and guidance that Sandy has given me.