Emily's Bikini Competition Journey

Emily is such a powerhouse! Never complains and just does what needs to get done! I have worked with Emily for some time now and when she told me she wanted to step on stage I was excited she wanted to take her fitness to the next level. Emily has always been committed to a healthy lifestyle and eating healthy whole foods.

Congratulations Emily on your 3rd place win at the Utah NGA Northern States.

Congratulations Emily on your 3rd place win at the Utah NGA Northern States.

I am so proud of Emily's bikini competition journey and her adherence to the program and her positive outlook to life and sticking to her goals. The decision to step on stage is not an easy one to make. It needs to be the right timing with the least amount of stress in your life, because of the extra commitment to train, do cardio and prep your meals. The consistency of the program matters at every level.

Sandy and Emily

I no longer do competition coaching, but if you are a busy business professional, a mom, or are looking to get healthier click here to apply.

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