
I have tried numerous diets and none have worked for me.  The Diet Center, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, NutriSystems and many more.  I found myself always hungry and falling off each diet.  I signed up for gym memberships but too embarrassed to go and too tired to do very much once I arrived. My clothes didn’t fit, my back ached (from kyphosis), and I can hardly climb the stairs without panting.  The words I feel are shame, disappointment, and I’m tired. Tired of feeling the way I do.

In August 2018 I contacted Body By Sandy and scheduled an initial appointment. I couldn’t pay for another program that would not work. I cancelled the appointment, but my mind kept thinking about Body by Sandy.  So, I signed up.

Sandy’s program was easy to follow. She started me out slow and provided endless encouragement. The affirmations seemed silly at first but I quickly realized that they were the key to my success.

Fast forward 6 months and I can’t believe the changes. I feel great and I love going to the gym. I am NEVER hungry. I look amazing and I’m smaller than I ever remember being. My back no longer aches. I have more energy, I’m confident and I now love interacting with others.

In 6 months Jody lost 46.5 lbs, 12% body fat and 34 inches overall
