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I’ve struggled with my weight most of my life. I actually can’t remember a time I wasn’t doing some new fad diet. My weight constantly went up and down and after I had my 3 kids it pretty much just stayed up. I lost and gained back the same 20 pounds so many times that I lost count. I felt tired and depressed all the time. I felt like I was cheating my family out of the healthy happy wife and mom they deserved. I didn’t want to go out anymore because I was embarrassed by the way I looked. I even overheard one of my friends husbands call me chubby. I was at such a low point and when I didn’t think I could feel any worse, my mom was diagnosed with cancer. That was it. I knew I needed to change. I needed to be healthy for my kids and strong to face the cancer with my mom.

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I started watching what I ate, but I was too intimidated to go to the gym. My progress was going so slow. As my mom got sicker, I realized she wasn’t going to get better, and I really wanted her to see me conquer my weight battle, she had seen me struggle with my whole life. I knew I needed to get more serious and to see the results I wanted, I needed to hit the gym. I started looking into personal trainers in Utah and Sandy’s site popped up. I saw she did training out of her own private gym, which was just what I needed. I went to my initial consultation and immediately felt so comfortable and motivated by Sandy. I signed up and started the following week. The following couple of weeks were a little challenging, but with Sandy’s guidance, I felt like a pro by the time I got my second nutrition plan. I was already getting stronger in my workouts and losing pounds and inches consistently. I couldn’t believe the change I felt within myself. For the first time in a long time I had confidence. It was easy to stay on track because I had so much support from my husband, family, and friends. My mom could see the change in me and it made her so happy.

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About half way through my transformation my mom lost her battle with cancer. Normally something like this would totally derail me and I would go way off track. Being accountable to Sandy kept me going. She was really there for me after my mom’s death. I wish my mom could have seen me get to the end of my program while she was still here but I know she’s watching proudly somewhere.


I feel like a new person. I look good and feel good in my clothes. I even confidently wore a bikini this summer. Something I haven’t been able to do before. I’m done with my six-month transformation but I feel like this is just the beginning. I decided to move on to Sandy’s 12-week program just to get me used to doing things on my own a little more. I’m so excited to start and I can’t wait to see where I can go from here!

In 6 months Kim lost a total of 53 lbs, 23.5 inches and 14.6% body fat.

At the end of her 10 months program Kim lost a total of 63 lbs, 30.5 inches and 16.2% body fat.

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