
Why Autophagy is Important and Why You Need to Stimulate It

Good news there's a little-known approach your body does to clean itself from damage and free radicals. It's a process you can tap into that accelerates self-eating.


Wait What?...

Yes, you could truly train your body to eat itself - and believe it or not, you should want and need it.

It's a natural process called Autophagy meaning “self-eating”, the body’s system of cleaning house. Explained in easier terms, it a cellular cleansing process that removes toxins within the cells and repairs dead, infected, damaged cells left behind; swallowing up the weaker parts of the body, to make it stronger. This could also be called survival of the fittest. 

Autophagy makes us more efficient by getting rid of flawed parts, protecting us from many different cancers, as well as excessive weight gain, and diabetes. Autophagy is can also slow the aging process.  

When we’re younger our cells are vibrant and more efficient, and duplicating like crazy, but as we age our cells aren't duplicating as much and eventually we die. Now, since we are aging and starting to lose cells, we do need to make sure we become a lot more efficient at making the stronger cells even stronger and begin to increase, and we can do that with Autophagy. The benefits of enhancing this process is so the cells are stronger, which slows down the aging process, so we can live longer and feel more youthful without sickness. 

Another benefit is when Autophagy is working at an accelerated pace, we have high levels of Nero protection that’s occurring. Which means, intermittent fasting helps enhance cognitive function, which may help the brain to learn more easily. As brain cells become more powerful, it protects us from dementia and Alzheimer's. 

Now, I know you're asking yourself “how do I eat myself?” Well, I’m about to tell you. First, autophagy is a response to stress, but we want to utilize “good stressors” not bad ones. The good stressors are things like exercise and intermittent fasting. Let’s take a look at these:

1.    Exercise

Exercise puts stress on the body, however, this is the good stress. Exercise damages your muscle tissue, and it creates little microscopic tears that the body then rushes to heal, this creates more muscle mass and resistant to any more damage you might place it through.

Regular exercise is a natural way you can help your body to cleanse. That must be why we feel so refreshed and stress free after a good hard workout.

2.    Intermittent Fast

Ironically for people who "cleanse" by drinking juice (which can be high in sugar), the act of eating actually works against autophagy. Skipping meals can lead to another stressful act that the body may not immediately love but ultimately take advantage of.

Intermittent fasting is a term that involves time-restricted eating. There are many different ways to do this but if you’re a woman you’ll have to consider hormones will play into what you can do. Start with a 12 hour fast and see how your body feels, and build up from there. Autophagy starts at 16 hours and becomes more powerful between 24-48 hours for the best effects. You might consider trying your first fast starting at 7 pm and then fast until 7 am the next morning. 

3.    Reduce Your Intake of Carbs

Reducing the amount of carbs in your diet will induce autophagy. It may be hard to make drastic changes to your diet all at once, so slowly work yourself into it. Try one of these ideas to start with, and then implement more of them as you are able.

Simply cutting carbs on odd days, or two days with carbs and two days without carbs has been shown to increase autophagy. Bodybuilders have been doing this to manipulate fat loss for years. However, there’s another way to get similar benefits without giving up your favorite rib eye, but you will need to stop eating sugar either way.

It is called a ketogenic diet, and it's an ever more preferred diet for anybody looking for a much longer lifespan and to help prevent health-related disease. The idea is to reduce carbs to 10% of overall calories so that the body has no choice but to use fat as a fuel source instead of glucose from carbs. This puts you in a ketosis, which induces autophagy. 

So, here's my own conclusion… Regular workout, as well as occasional carbohydrate restriction, carry mountains of advantages in addition to their likely impact on autophagy. The very best that may happen is a stronger, leaner, as well as cleaner body. That's our type of cleansing.


1) 10-5-16 How autophagy could lead to a cure for cancer and spell the end of diabetes:
2) 5-24-15 Autophagy
3) 8-16-10 Fasting increases circulating levels of several neurotrophic factors
4) Exercise induces autophagy in peripheral tissues and in the brain

Wake Up! Your Walking Workout!

Walking is one of the easiest and best kinds of workouts. Walking uses your whole body, calls for zero equipment or unique gear, could happen just about anywhere, is easy on your joints, and involves an impact which is terrific for your bones. So, why aren't you walking?











Many people incorrectly assume since walking is reduced effect and simple, that it cannot possibly be as valuable. But, the reality is the benefits of strolling opponent to doing nothing has its advantages:

Advantages Consist of:

  • lower high blood pressure,

  • decreased danger of stroke,

  • lowered threat of cardiovascular disease,

  • reduced cholesterol,

  • rise in bone thickness, and

  • raised sense of well-being

  • mental and physical benefits

  • your clothes will get a little looser

  • your legs will look great

Walking can be an excellent weight-loss tool, in addition to a reliable approach for boosting your health and fitness. However, since it's much less literally demanding compared to several other tasks, you will require a couple of strategies to obtain the outcomes you want.

Make sure you continue to get results by mixing things up. Change up your pace by walking at a faster pace for 1-2 minutes and then a moderate pace for 2 minutes. If you're going slower, you could go farther. As well as, if you're walking much faster, you can minimize the distance. To keep your body stimulated for fat loss, mix it up!

Discover a hillside (or two!)

Hills are a terrific means to enhance your intensity without having to walk faster OR longer. As well as, hillsides will certainly recruit your heart rate a bit differently than flat terrain, which will boost fat burning effects at a higher level.

Gain a little weight (not really!)

Adding extra weight to your walking exercise is an easy method to challenge yourself at the next level. While you could have seen individuals sporting hand or ankle weights while walking in your area, weighted vests are a much safer method to burn extra added calories.

The vest evenly distributes weight naturally as to not alter the means you stroll.

Get innovative

Spice up your strolling routine by including added workouts in the process. See a park bench on your path? Stop and do a set of push-ups or triceps dips. Discover a collection of staircases? Playground? Why not jump on the swing, hang from a bar, or any of the various other fun activities that offer themselves.

Need more ideas? Try this walking workout

Walking Circuit Workout – 45 minutes

  • 5 minute walk – warm-up

  • 2 minutes jog

  • 1 minute walking lunges

  • 2 minute walk

  • 2 minute jog

  • 20 traveling lateral skip squats – 10 each side

  • 2 minute walk

  • Continue sequence until you reach 45 minutes

If you start on a regular routine you are more likely to add other healthy behaviours. So, lace up those tennis shoes and go out there!


Modern lifestyle habits and choices can come with consequences, especially when we are inactive and not aware of healthy nutrition habits. What happens is our bad habits eventually catch up with us and affects our quality of life. Which we can pretty much count on if we don’t take care of ourselves. Our bodies are not meant to be inactive and need regular physical activity to continue to function correctly.

Maintaining overall functional strength is important so that the nervous system and musculature system can communicate and produce optimal movement. When there are muscle imbalance it can lead to common injuries such as ankle sprains, tendonitis, and low-back plan. Physical exercise provides so many benefits, five which are below:



Cardiovascular benefits

Regular cardio has a profound result on your heart's wellness. Post-exercise your high blood pressure is decreased and this decreases the stress and anxiety on your arteries as well as capillaries, where oxygen, nutrients, and wastes are exchanged. It additionally prevents your arteries from accumulating plaque and ensures a healthy flow of blood throughout your body in addition to decreasing the dangers of a stroke.

Increases resistance versus chronic health problems

Type 2 diabetes is a problem that causes higher levels of blood glucose, and your body doesn’t use insulin properly. This is called insulin resistance. You can reverse type 2 diabetes by losing weight through exercise and changing your nutrition to mostly whole natural foods. People with type 2 diabetes, have a shorter life expectancy of about 10 years

Helps control weight

Keeping a healthy weight as well as BMI is not possible with a sedentary lifestyle. Reducing body fat and weight can be done by burning more calories than you consume. Exercise, if integrated with an appropriate nutrition plan, aids to burn excess calories and build muscle mass, which in return speeds up metabolism. This consequently will allow you to continually improve physically while maintaining a healthy body mass.

Enhances your mood

Your body releases endorphins after a workout as these are the body's all-natural painkillers. They also significantly improve your mood as well as induce positive emotions and euphoria. Studies have shown that exercise has helped many individuals suffering from depression. It also helps boost confidence, takes your mind off worries, and cope with many everyday situation in a healthy way.  I encourage you to take advantage of the mood-enhancing effects of a workout.

Develops the mind

The routine workout has a positive impact on your cognitive abilities and avoids your neurons from degenerating. Researches have shown that normal workout causes the hippocampus to increase in size. The hippocampus is responsible for verbal memory as well as learning. Exercise additionally promotes the release of chemicals called growth aspects. These oversee the health and wellness and development of the cells in your brain.

Your body is like a well developed machine that needs to be maintained, just like your car. The human body will break down or have permanent damage if it’s neglected and continually given cheap fuel. To function properly it needs routine and to be cared for effectively. Take action today, change your lifestyle, and you’ll find exercise offers many benefits way beyond just feeling better.

Hydration And How Crucial It Is For Your Health

Water affects every organ and cell within your body. You may not have known this, but water even plays an enormous role in the health of your back and spine.

Most of us associate dehydration—when more water is moving out of our body than we are taking in—with muscle cramps, fatigue, and extreme thirst. Indeed, these are just some of the consequences of subpar hydration. But, did you know that dehydration affects your brain as well?


Our brain is made up of around 73% water. If we don’t keep up with our water intake, especially in hot weather or while exercising, our thinking and cognition can suffer. In one study, adolescents who exercised for 90 minutes to a state of dehydration experienced significant shrinking of brain tissue, much like a sponge left out to dry.

Make sure you drink enough

Recommendations vary depending on weight, age, and activity level but an easy one to remember is 8x8, or 8 glasses of 8 ounces of water each day. You can also divide your weight in pounds by 2 and drink that number in ounces. For example, a 130-pound female would need 65 ounces (135/2) of water per day. Many experts recommend drinking to thirst—if you are thirsty, drink!

Mental benefits

Not only does staying hydrated help balance your mood by aiding in body regulation and brain function, but it also offers some big-time benefits for your memory. Yep, it’s true. Proper hydration can help improve the flow of both blood and oxygen to your brain, ultimately helping strengthen cognitive function and memory.

Fighting fatigue

 The equation here is a simple one—a well-hydrated body is a well-energized body. Combine that with the fact that hydration can also contribute to better sleep, and you may be able to kiss the need for that regular cup of joe each morning goodbye. (Sip mindfully as you enter the evening hours, though, since consuming liquids too close to bedtime could leave you running for the bathroom in the middle of the night).

Maximize Physical Performance

If we do not stay hydrated, physical performance can suffer. This is particularly important during intense exercise or high heat. Dehydration can have a noticeable effect if you lose as little as 2 percent of your body’s water content. However, it is not uncommon for athletes to lose up to 6-10 percent of their water weight via sweat.

This can lead to altered body temperature control, reduced motivation, increased fatigue and make exercise feel much more difficult, both physically and mentally.

Optimal hydration has been shown to prevent this from happening, and may even reduce the oxidative stress that occurs during high intensity exercise. This is not surprising when you consider that muscle is about 80 percent water.

How to Tell if You're Dehydrated

·       Your pee will be dark in color (resembling apple juice)

·       You may feel nauseous and experience fatigue

·       You might cramp up, lose focus, and feel groggy

·       You stop sweating

Hydration is also important for health reasons

Dehydration can cause a dangerous imbalance in blood-sodium and fluid levels, which can lead to serious illness and even death.

The risks are heightened in extremely warm weather. If you're training outside in the heat, make sure to take in extra fluids to keep your body temperature down and prevent cramping.

Water is truly the elixir of life. As you experience all the wonderful milestones of summer, remember to drink plenty of water and eat a diet rich in hydrating whole fruits and vegetables to keep you going strong all summer long. Your body (and mind) will thank you!

Practicing Self-Care & Fitness Has It's Benefits

Practicing Self-Care & Fitness Has It's Benefits - By Guest Writer Sheila Olson

As we grow up, we pick up the belief that the greater the sacrifice you make, the greater the reward.  While working hard is essential for achieving your goals in life, the big question is when is how much striving too much? For many people, accomplishing their ambitions comes at the cost of their health. Self-care can help you regain balance in your life.

Women outdoors.png

Practicing self-care offers numerous mental, physical, emotional, and psychological benefits including:

•           Boosts your self-esteem and confidence

•           Helps you maintain healthy relationships

•           Relieves stress

•           Promotes focus, creativity, clarity, and productivity.

•           Improves your outlook on life

•           Promotes mental health

•           Builds resilience and problem-solving ability

•           Cultivates peace, calm and happiness in your life

The importance of fitness to your self-care routine?

Fitness helps you build strength and boosts your vitality to enable you to perform your daily tasks optimally. Exercising detoxifies your body and aids in maintaining a healthy weight, lowering your risk of diseases such as cancer, hypertension, diabetes and heart diseases.

People in recovery stand to benefit significantly by including exercise into their lives. Studies show that exercising lowers stress levels while producing feel-good hormones. The feel-good hormones provide a natural high while the reduced stress levels reduce the urge to use drugs. Some people in recovery pursue exercise and sports as a means of self-actualization which keeps their minds occupied, gives them a sense of accomplishment, and boosts their self-esteem.

Incorporate fitness into your life

Identify an exercise you enjoy such as jogging, walking, swimming, cycling, yoga, boxing, hiking, aerobics, dancing, and weight training among others. Start exercising 20 minutes a day for 3-5 days a week and increase frequency, intensity, and length of time as your body becomes stronger. Incorporate self-care in your fitness routine by eating healthy whole foods and hydrating adequately. Also, avoid overtraining, and warm up and cool down for at least 10 minutes per session.

Integrating other self-care practices

Initially, it may feel like self-care is taking up too much time on your already busy schedule, or that it is selfish. Start out with smaller time-frames and build up gradually. The idea is to commit every day to do something that nurtures you, even if it is for five minutes. Self-care takes being deliberate and not making excuses.  Some days it will be easy to get in the flow, other days it may feel like a lot of work. Either way, keep showing up.

Occasionally take time out to just breath and literally smell the roses. Take morning or evening walks in nature. Every so often allocate time for a bubble bath, massage or a facial. Plan and begin saving up for that vacation you have been intending to take.

Create an end of the day ritual whereby 30 minutes before your bedtime, turn off all the electronics, dim the lights, and get in bed. Take a few deep breaths and allow your body to ease tension. Identify at least three things in your life or the day that you are grateful for. You may make a mental note of them or actually note them down in your journal. Allow yourself to lay relaxed, aware of your body until you drift away to sleep.

There will always be a new goal for you to pursue and things to do. Self-care may mean the difference between whether you go through life overloaded with stress, or with ease. Do not wait until the damage of neglecting yourself is done, take charge of your life now and find ways you can nurture your body, mind, and spirit.

Photo credit: Unsplash


Sandy Hancock

It's talked about often that losing weight “feels great.” Many assume that this feeling arrives after months of sweat and determination. However, as soon as you start to incorporate a healthy lifestyle of whole foods and exercise you will feel a change. Your energy will start to soar. Your mood will improve and you will find yourself having feelings of happiness and self-worth. You may be able to get off some medications due to weight-loss, you'll spend less on health care, and your risk of cancer and diabetes will be lower. Then one day you will find your skinny jeans fit perfectly. And while, there is an incredible sense of accomplishment when you do reach a milestone goal, there is real happiness on your daily journey. Let me explain.

Your body is incredibly responsive. We heal from sickness. We feel energy from a great workout. Our minds feel the endorphins of exercise and positive thinking. As soon as you begin to give your body what it’s meant to receive, nutrition, hydration, activity, and self-love, it responds almost immediately. You feel light, energy, and power. And, you physically begin to FEEL a change.

If you want weight-loss, to feel energetic and empowered here's a few tips that can help you get started.

Feel Hydrated

Getting plenty of water promotes weight loss, increased energy, relieves fatigue, flushes out toxins, improves complexion and boosts the immune system, just to name a few. Your stomach will feel slimmer since it can digest food easier and staying hydrated helps you avoid headaches. Plus, water doesn't add a single calorie! Aim to drink 3 liters to 1 gallon of water every day.

Feel Energetic

Feeling more energetic only takes a few daily changes. Those changes are sleep, eating enough to fuel your day, and exercising regularly. Eating whole foods throughout the day and keeping sugar intake low gives you immediate energy. By five o’clock you'll either be sluggish from sugar or you’ll be actively engaged in your evening events. Exercise release endorphins, which is a hormone secreted within the brain and nervous system that causes an euphoric effect, making you happy with more energy. Sleep helps weight-loss, memory, problem solving, concentration, and energy. Studies show that the best amount is at least 7 hours.

Feel Empowered

One of the greatest feelings in the world is progressing towards a goal! Each and every day that you follow a diet of whole foods and exercise, you are taking a step (or two or three) forward. Your mind is incredibly powerful. Some of my clients have allowed themselves years of negative self-talk. It’s dark, damaging, and hurtful. However, just a few days of healthy eating and exercise quickly reverses that negativity. If you are mindful you will notice these changes. Light immediately penetrates darkness. You feel hopeful, excited, and CAPABLE of reaching your goals. And, if any thread of discouragement returns, you can quickly replace that fear with positive affirmations and acknowledge that you are on your own path of success.

If you begin enjoying the benefits of healthy nutrition and exercise on a daily basis. You’ll immediately fall in love with the way you FEEL!


This is a topic I am asked about all the time. So many women want to know what they can do to look and feel younger. As you know, I am a huge proponent of weight lifting for women, as well as following a healthy nutrition plan for your body, and understanding and balancing your hormones as you age. What some of you may not know, is I am also a big advocate for natural and organic products and regimens for your skin. 

There are millions of anti-aging skin care products on the market today. Many of them are simply an overpriced mixture of water, alcohol, and other toxic ingredients which over time only makes your skin dry out, causes blemishes and acne, and increases fine lines and wrinkles. Even the best of the best skin care isn't doing what it could be if the chemicals in it are toxic and leaching into your body, aging it from the inside out. 

I don't know about you, but I don't want a skin care that only makes me look good, I want a skin care that I know will work AND is providing my body with essential oils and anti-oxidants to improve my overall health. My clients are always talking about how expensive Botox and facial treatments are, wishing there was something easier and less expensive to stop the wrinkles from creeping across their faces. I keep reminding them those treatments definitely can help but if what you're doing to your face every night and morning isn't healthy, then it won't matter how much Botox or how many specialized facials they get. 

It's what you do everyday that counts...

Over time the chemicals and toxic ingredients we are constantly putting into our bodies and onto our skin in the form of cosmetics, lotions, shampoos, hair products, etc. build up as toxins in our livers and has been shown to cause cancers. I also firmly believe these chemicals increase the aging process. I can always tell when I'm using products that aren't as pure.

Now, if you're beating yourself up because you haven't been taking care of your skin the way you should, don't. I wasn't always kind to my skin. In my younger years, I used to tan, not worrying about sunscreen, plus I never read labels or cared about the ingredients in creams and other products I put on my skin. But, once I hit the big 40, that all changed. This all made me realize what a gift our skin is. I spent a number of years looking for a product line that is 100% toxin free. I've tried many over the years and some I liked better than others. However, until recently I wasn't able to find exactly what I was looking for. 


Several months ago I was at lunch with one of my good friends. I couldn't help but notice how amazing her skin looked. She said she's been using a new skin care line called Australiana Skin. She told me where to find it and I went straight home and researched the company. I won't go into details here, but let's just say I was extremely impressed. I ordered one of their sets and long story short, I've been hooked ever since. I have finally found the product my skin has always been begging me for.

Sticking to a routine...

One important factor for success with change is finding a routine that works for you, and sticking to it. I am a pretty busy person, but if I don't schedule time for my workouts, meal prep and yes, you guessed it, skin care - I won't achieve my goals. 

Every morning I wash my face and apply my serum and moisturizer. Every evening I wash my face and apply my serum and moisturizer. Once to twice per week I use my scrub and my Miracle Mask. I treat this habit the same way I treat brushing my teeth. It's something I refuse to miss. It takes me three to five minutes and the return is ten-fold every time I see my reflection or someone asks me how I look so young.

Are you ready to look twenty years younger? Do you have a skin care routine? If not, start today. Grab yourself some excellent products, then establish your routine and be consistent. You'll be looking twenty years younger in no time!

Here's an extra incentive to try this great skin care, you get 15% off your product by entering the code Sandy15 at checkout. I know you will love it! Go to to read above these anti-aging products. 


I recently read this weight loss analogy that I found so intriguing and motivating I thought I should share. I hope you find this helpful in your weight loss journey! 

By: Bob White

Let's assume you go out and buy two rolls of paper towels, each with only 84 paper towels on it (one for each day of the challenge). You put one aside, and keep it for future reference (your before picture).

The other one represents you (I'll call your paper towel you Ed). The core represents the lean Ed. The towels represent the fat that is covering the lean Ed. For the sake of argument, let's say that Ed wants to lose 21 pounds of fat, so (84/21) each sheet represents a quarter-pound of fat lost. Let's also assume that Ed loses his fat equally during each day of the challenge.

Each day during the first week, you tear a sheet off of Ed, representing the fat he has lost for the day. Next, you put Ed next to the full roll ('Big Al') for comparison. No noticeable difference!!! Even at the end of the week! This can't be working for me!

But, being a good Ed, you continue to follow Body-for-LIFE. At the end of weeks two and three, you continue to compare Ed to Big Al, and still notice very little difference. That stinkin' Bill Phillips MUST be a liar!

But Ed is determined! He works hard! Hitting his 10's.eating his 6 daily meals. Three more weeks go by, the sheets peeling off day after day before Ed gets up the courage to stand next to Big Al again. Holy Myoplex! Ed is skinny! OK, not skinny, but less huge!!!

By the end of the 12-week Body-for-LIFE program, Ed is down to his lean dream, or somewhere near it. Ed is happy. We are happy. Big Al - well he's not so happy.


The lesson to be learned is that fat, like paper towels, comes off in sheets. When you are heavy, you are big around. And when you are big around,that fat is spread over a MUCH larger area - just like that outside towel sheet. The closer you get to the lean you, the more each lost pound of fat shows, because it is spread over a smaller area.

While the outside sheet may only cover 1 layer of the roll, the inside sheet may go around 4 times. That last sheet looks like it gives you 4 times the results of the first sheet, but in reality, the results are the same - your perception is just different! And you'll never see the inside, if you aren't patient while the outside is coming off!

If you’re passionate about taking your health and fitness to the next level but aren’t sure where to start, send me a message for a FREE consultation.

Also, check out my Metabolic Reboot System

Meditation, Yoga, and Aging

No matter how old you are and what healthy habits you have, meditation and yoga are great additions to a healthier and longer life. Both are ancient practices that can provide health benefits in many ways. Tai Chi, among other healing arts, can help in slowing down the aging process. Thus, both meditation and yoga are simple techniques that should be practiced on a daily basis in order to attain a youthful and healthy lifestyle. 

People have been meditating for thousands of years. But while the practice is not new, science is just catching up to its benefits. Recent studies show meditation and mindfulness can have a positive impact on stress, anxiety, focus, creativity and even relationships. The calming benefits of meditation are helpful in keeping the mind from wandering while also reducing stress. Here are some amazing benefits of meditation:


1.      Lowers stress and anxiety

The discipline of meditating can lead to an increase of positive thoughts in the brain and lower susceptibility to stress. Meditation is not only associated with feeling less stressed, but it’s also linked with decreased levels of stress hormone cortisol. 

2.      Changes the brain

A meditation technique can actually result in brain changes that may be protective against mental illness. The meditation practice was linked with increased signaling connections in the brain, called axonal density, as well as increased protective tissue (myelin) around the axons in the anterior cingulate brain region.

3.      Lowers depression

Those who are at especially high risk for depression may benefit from some mindfulness meditation. Teaching people of all ages how to practice mindfulness on a daily basis could help them experience less stress, anxiety and depression.

4.      Supports your weight-loss goals

Trying to shed a few pounds to get to a healthier weight? Mindfulness could be your best friend. Meditation training was considered an “excellent” or “good” strategy for weight loss by seven out of 10 psychologists in one related survey.

5.      Helps you sleep better

Meditation can not only help us better control our emotions and moods, but it can also help us sleep better at night. People who reported higher levels of mindfulness described better control over their emotions and behaviors during the day. In addition, higher mindfulness was associated with lower activation at bedtime, which could have benefits for sleep quality and future ability to manage stress.


Yoga, on the other hand, is said to be more physical than spiritual. The practice can involve breathing meditation and some consider it to be a spiritual discipline as well. Despite living in times when scientific medicine was not as developed as today, many yogis have lived past 100 years of age. Yogis have been incredibly healthy individuals who were in better shape at age 80 than many people at age 40, which only proves beneficial effects of yoga. The regular exercise that yoga practice provides helps maintain muscle strength as well as bone density, flexibility of the joints and balance. Yoga exercises can also improve respiratory and circulatory health while reducing stress and anxiety. Spending an hour a day on yoga is sure to promote a healthier life.

Meditation and yoga are simple practices that should be essential part of your daily routine. The best times to meditate are first thing in the morning and just before you go to bed at night. Prepare to start the day with calm self and clear thoughts. At night, relax and anticipate a good night’s rest. Incorporate these highly beneficial techniques and you’ll see the results in no time. 

Ultimately -- 
That is the first secret.

If you make the right choice, you can look forward to a younger, more confident, and happier you

Foods That Make You Age and Foods That Stop the Aging Process

What you eat affects you for better or worse.

You must have heard that sentence many times. And it really is true! What we eat and how we take care of our body will affect the way we feel and function on a daily basis. Aging is a normal part of the life process, but some foods are actually making you grow old faster. While a few indulgences won’t age you overnight, a continuously poor diet can accelerate the aging process over time. So, here is a list of some foods to consume in moderation in order to look as young as you feel.

1.      Sugar

Sugar is the number one food to avoid if you’re looking to slow down the aging process. Among all other bad things that it does to your body, sugar damages your skin’s collagen, a protein that keeps skin youthful and firm. Sugar as well as artificial sweetener will cause you to crave more sweets. As a result, too many sweets can damage your skin’s collagen, because of its inflammatory response. Unsurprisingly, too much sweet stuff is also bad for your smile. It doesn’t only increase the risk of cavities, but the phosphoric and citric acids in soft drinks, along with the huge amounts of acidic sugar will wear down tooth enamel. 

2.      Charred Meat

Charred meats contain pro-inflammatory hydrocarbons that damage the collagen in your skin.  Research shows AGEs (Advanced Glycation End products) absorbed into our bodies and when there’s too many of them, they can cause wrinkles and sagging skin because they damage collagen and elastin, which keep skin looking youthful. 

Charred meat also use up vitamin C, which is central to collagen formation. This, altogether, speeds up the aging process.

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3.      Salt

Your body needs salt but over salting is a big NO if you want to slow down the aging process. It is widely known that prepackaged frozen foods are high in sodium that dehydrates the body and make you retain water, as well as cause so-called puffy look. 

4.      Alcohol

The ultimate dehydrator - alcohol also robs our bodies of B vitamins, as well as vitamins A and C, which are vital for youthful skin and overall health. Excessive alcohol completely exhausts minerals including magnesium and zinc, as well as essential fatty acids, all of which are needed to slow down the onset of premature ageing.

5.      Fried Food

Trans fats and hydrogenated fats are damaged fats that can be found in fast foods as well as deep fried foods. They reduce the fluidity of your cells, burden the liver and add to inflammation, thus resulting in ageing. They also contribute to damaging the collagen in the skin, making it look


On the other hand, foods that contain a rich source of nutrients will significantly slow down the aging process. Commonly called “Nutrient dense” foods are not processed and do not contain artificial or synthetic ingredients. Here are few examples of healthy and nutrient rich foods.

1.     Green vegetables

Green vegetables such as kale, spinach and broccoli are responsible for keeping your skin hydrated and healthy. They are high in fiber and rich in essential nutrients.

2.      Blueberries and raspberries

They are very rich in antioxidants which have the ability to neutralize free radicals and help prevent cell damage. Antioxidants in blueberries also protect against inflammation, thought to be a leading factor in brain aging, Alzheimer’s disease and other degenerative diseases.

3.      Nuts

Being rich in omega fatty acids, nuts are a perfect age fighting food. To add to that, nuts can strengthen your immune system due to their rich mineral count. 

4.      Fish

Fish is a food of excellent nutritional value, providing high quality protein and a wide variety of vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A and D, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, and iodine in marine fish. It’s rich in fatty acids, which suppresses the discomfort of chronic inflammation. A proper amount of Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, enhance the feeling of well-being.

While you can’t stop aging, you definitely can, slow it down. The first step toward good health is eating right. What we eat influences how we feel, so make sure to incorporate foods rich in antioxidants and healthy proteins in your diet and start living healthy!

Ultimately -- 
That is the first secret.

If you make the right choice, you can look forward to a younger, more confident, and happier you

The Benefits of Weight Training For Women

Exercising is extremely important for women, because the benefits far outweigh any other form of long-term weight-loss or ways to lead a healthy lifestyle. 

Weight training reason #1: Loss of body fat and increased muscle. Lean muscle increased metabolism, which in return keeps you lean.

Weight training reason #2: Decreases the risk of osteoporosis by increasing bone density.

Weight training reason #3: Helps you gain strength so you can stay active for a better quality of life.

Weight training reason #4: A strong body helps reduce the risk of injury and/or falls later in life. 

Weight training reason #5: Strengthens core and back to help reduce back pain and improves posture. A strong back helps keep shoulders back for proper posture as your age. 

Weight training reason #6: Research shows it can reduces the risk of heart disease by lowering bad cholesterol, increasing good cholesterol and lowering blood pressure. Research also indicates that weight training may reduces the risk of diabetes because it improves the way the body processes sugar, according to Dr. Barry A. Franklin, of William Beaumont Hospital.

Weight training reason #7: Improves attitude, mood and reduces stress and depression.

Regular workouts are beneficial for your body in many ways and should be a part of your daily routine. Before you start exercising, it is essential to make a workout plan and choose workouts that are appropriate for your level. However, many women don’t have a slightest idea, which exercises to choose, and how to perform them.

Below are some example exercise programs that include all the main body parts. These are simple exercises that you can do at home, while on a vacation or with friends, basically anywhere. But, before you start any training program, make sure you do an active warm up for 5-10 minutes and always check with your doctor before starting any new workout program.


Next to six-pack abs, one of the most attractive body parts is the arms. Being a workout pro or a beginner, it is that muscle group that almost every woman wants to perfect. There are many arm exercises that are great for both biceps and triceps. One of them is the exercise called standing bicep curls. In order to do this exercise you should choose a band, d-bells or barbell where you can get 12-15 reps with each set. All you have to do is stand with a band under both feet, keep knees slightly bent, core tight and chest lifted. Then, grip the handles and start doing a bicep curl. Squeeze your biceps and then lower holding the resistance for a count of three, repeat 12-15 times. After incorporating this arm exercise into your workout routine, you’ll be able to see a difference. 

Back and Chest

A strong and firm back creates beautiful posture. Who wouldn’t want that? With a few simple back and chest exercises, you’ll no longer be dreaming of it. An exercise called sitting rows will help you acquire that. All you have to do is sit on the floor with your legs straight, core tight and chest lifted. Grip the handles and start doing a row. You should keep the elbows close to the body for a better effect and repeat the exercise 12-15 times. For a beautiful and firm chest you can do an exercise that involves pushups on feet or knees. 


Want to take your shoulders to the next level? An exercise called Upright Rows will help you with that. The instructions are very clear and straightforward. Stand with the band under both feet, with your knees slightly bent, core tight and chest lifted. Then, cross the bands so you are holding them in opposite hands. Start doing an upright row by lifting with elbows first. Remember to bring the elbows to shoulder height so there is no shoulder impingement. You should repeat the exercise 12-15 times with every set.

Legs & Booty

Great legs and booty are the essence of a perfect physique. If you’ve been struggling to find an appropriate exercise for legs, here’s a perfect one. It’s called Squatted Band Walks and all you have to do is sit back on your heels in a squat position, keeping your chest lifted. With the left side being first, take a big step out to the side. Keeping the resistance tight in the band, continue until you reach 15-20 reps and then change the direction. So simple and yet so efficient!



Oh, the abs. You don’t have to work your abs to exhaustion before you can carve out your abs. Instead, you can try out a few simple exercises that will get your abs to pop. There’s a really great one with a 6-8 lb. medicine ball and it goes like this – lie on the floor face up, put the ball between your legs. Bring your legs up meeting your hands and reach with the ball in your hands overhead while the legs go back down to the floor. You will find this exercise will do miracles!

Keeping your body fit can be challenging sometimes. However, these few simple exercises will help you get the physique you always wanted. You can even make an exercise plan and perform these body part workouts in 4 separate days. Grab a medicine ball, band, d-bells or barbell, always remember to warm up and you’re ready for some action. Your body will thank you later.

Ultimately -- 
That is the first secret.

If you make the right choice, you can look forward to a younger, more confident, and happier you


Food is more than fuel to power your next workout. It’s how you maintain the parts of your body that keep daily life working like a well-oiled machine.

Some foods have incredible healing abilities should your body stop functioning correctly. One of these is Raw Apple Cider Vinegar. Make sure you are buying organic raw, unfiltered. As the name suggests, apple cider vinegar is a specific type that distills apples. From effectively treating ulcers to minimizing the symptoms of acid reflux disease, this liquid can pack a real punch in advocating for your health. Here are just a few reasons you should put Apple Cider Vinegar in your daily diet:

  1. Detox For Your Body - This vinegar is a liver and lymphatic tonic. We put our livers through a lot (especially if you’re a drinker), and though the liver naturally detoxes your system, it won’t work as effectively if it becomes damaged or hindered in any manner. That’s where the vinegar ensures the body removes toxins properly by aiding the liver.

  2. Regulate Your Body’s pH - Being balanced is a big deal; both mentally and physically. Your pH is responsible for the chemical balance that works through your system. Apple cider vinegar contains acidic acetic acid, which has a more alkaline effect on the rest of your body. This is a fancy way to say it helps keep your pH balanced. Thus, it reduces the likelihood of cancer and dramatically increases your energy.

  3. Can Support Weight Loss - Many studies have shown that Apple Cider Vinegar could potentially help with weight loss; for the exact reason why, we don’t know. It could be because of a reduction in sugar cravings. And when you cut out sugar, you cut out some fat! Additionally, Apple Cider Vinegar improves detoxification. For weight loss, use 1-2 Tbsp plus 8 oz water and drink it 3 times a day before meals.

If you’re passionate about taking your health and fitness to the next level but aren’t sure where to start, send me a message for a FREE consultation.

Also, check out my Metabolic Reboot System

Minimizing the Effects of Aging

It’s true that when it comes to age, we can’t stop the numbers from adding up. But age is more than just a number. Age is how our bodies and minds respond to the passing of time. Fortunately through research, they have found ways to slow down the process of aging and optimize youthfulness.

The process of un-aging is simple if we follow the do’s and avoid the don’ts. If we are determined to lead a better life through maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we also have to maintain a positive outlook.

The Do’s of Un-aging:
 Do limit sweets.
 Do eat more vegetables.
 Do take time off or breaks.
 Do have sex.
 Do take the recommended daily dosage of Vitamin D3.


Limit Sweets
Let’s be truthful and say that we all know that excess sugar is harmful. Why exactly? Research shows that excess sugar counteracts essential proteins in our bodies. The buildup of abnormal proteins contributes to wrinkles and energy loss. Therefore, excess sugar can make us look and feel old, which is what most of us want to avoid.

Eat more vegetables
Vegetables are 95% water and contain phytonutrients and Vitamin C. The effects of which are unlike excess sugar, in fact quite the opposite, these help hydrate cells and reduce wrinkles. Phytonutrients guard against premature aging by preventing cell damage from stress and environmental toxins. Integrating more greens into your diet can do a lot of good as it can protect your bones, prevent
bloating, and reduce stress.

Take time off or breaks
Time off or taking breaks during the day are a means of reducing stress. High stress levels affects our health by making it difficult to lose body fat and makes us look and feel older. Make sure it's on your schedule to take a 20 minute nap, meditate or take a long bubble bath. If you don't plan it, it won't happen.

Have Sex
Studies suggest that those who orgasm at least twice a week live longer than anyone else. Sex gives you a Zen feeling that you otherwise cannot find throughout your day. Making love releases a variety of stress-relieving hormones similar to a workout.

Make sure to have the recommended amount of Vitamin D3. Studies show that women who have higher levels of Vitamin D have longer telomeres. These are protective caps at the end of your chromosomes, and are considered an excellent marker for aging. So the longer the telomeres, the younger the cells are.

By following the above suggestions, it is easy to determine the don’ts. The process of un-aging requires having balance in vital elements of your body. Namely,
 Your brain
 Hormone levels
 Body fat

Brain Exercises
Research shows that using your brain keeps your synapses firing. Synapses are tiny gaps across which a nerve cell can send an impulse to another nerve cell. When all synapses are firing, you become more focused and your mind feels electric. Challenge your mind by increasing brain activity. Challenge your mind by paying close attention to your reading list or learn new things.

Hormone levels
Hormones are chemical messengers that keep your body working properly. They regulate your metabolism, sexual reproduction, and immune function. Hormone levels decline as we age and manifest symptoms such as: feelings of sluggishness and fatigue, weight gain, mood swings, anxiety, depression, and decreased sex drive. Keep your hormone levels in check by getting regular checkups and your blood workup done by a bio-identical hormone doctor. Remember that the quality of our life does not have to decline as we age. Checking your hormones regularly will help you feel energetic and excited about life again.

Body Fat
The average woman is expected to have a body fat range of 17% and 24% to be considered healthy. A weighing scale does not determine one’s body fat, though there are effective means to do so. These are: Dexa scan. Bod Pod, Hydrostatic, Plethysmography, Calipers. It is important that we measure body fat because it is the most accurate means to determine how healthy you are. Those who are high
in body fat are at risk for high blood pressure, cancer, and other cardiovascular diseases.

The secret to un-aging is not a miracle drug or a machine that takes you back in time, where you can undo what the passing years have done to your body and mind.

The fourth secret is to minimize the effects of un-aging by following tips and lessons learned from years of research and work done by professionals in the field of health and fitness. The path to a youthful and healthy future is achievable. Always maintain a positive outlook and know that by following the guidelines set, you can look forward to a youthful and better you.

Aging is Optional

Aging is a natural process and each and every one of us will have to deal with it at some point in our life. However, you can slow the process! Here are 6 bad habits I recommend avoiding or significantly reducing in your life so you can slow the process:

6 Bad Habits that Speed Up the Aging Process

1. Lack of Sleep
Most adults do not get the recommended eight hours of sleep each night. In fact, many of us get only half of that per night. Obviously this not only influences your energy levels the next day, but sleeping less than six hours per night significantly contributes to high levels of inflammatory proteins which increase the process of aging.

2. Drinking and Smoking
These two habits are probably among the top three factors to blame for aging. Alcohol is not only high in calories, but can greatly damage the liver and kidneys. Smoking, on the other hand, is bad for every organ in your body. It significantly increases the risk of lung cancer and other types of cancer and diseases. Heart disease being the most deadly of these. Both alcohol and tobacco products greatly increase the aging of your skin as well. To stay beautiful, fit, and ageless throughout your life, steer clear of cigarettes and keep alcohol consumption to a minimum.

3. Lack of Greens and Vegetables
Not consuming enough variety of greens and different vegetables in your diet can greatly influence the aging process. Greens and vegetables not only keep you energized and provide you with healthy nutrients, but they are also beneficial for your skin, hair and health overall. Including more vegetables such as kale, spinach, tomatoes, brocolli, brussell sprouts and many others, will decrease the aging process drastically.

4. Stress
Stress is the number one cause of disease in the 21st century. According to the National Academy of Sciences, immune system cells of highly stressed women caused them to age an additional 10 years. Minimizing stress by incorporating things such as meditation, yoga, hiking and other stress-reducing activities, can go a long way in keeping you young. 

6. Negative emotions
What bothers us inside will show on the outside. Keeping negative emotions such as anger and resentment to yourself will only make you feel worse and bring you down. It's important to let it out, and then let it go. Holding grudges can add to your stress and increase the aging process even more!

6. Passive lifestyle
Being passive or inactive can cause a number of different problems. Not keeping yourself active and moving can lead to several metabolic diseases, including obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes. But, that’s not all. People who are less active are more likely to experience depression and anxiety, which also have a very bad influence on the aging process. 

Ultimately -- 
That is the first secret.

If you make the right choice, you can look forward to a younger, more confident, and happier you

5 Ways To Reverse Your Biological Age

Studies show that if we break down the factors contributing to one’s longevity, a mere 25% is attributed to genetics or one’s biological makeup. The other 75% depends on the way we think and the choices we make. 


Thus, the principle of Un-aging is based on the idea that—although our chronological age is a given since it refers to how many years we have lived on this earth, we can still control the rate at which we age or our biological age.

Un-aging addresses how to prevent, slow, or reverse the effects of aging. It not only includes nutrition, physical fitness, skin care, hormone replacements, and similar; it also includes anti-aging psychology, e.g., attitudes, beliefs, and coping skills for resiliently handling change, stress, and aging.

All of these factors contribute to the state of our internal body clock. 

Although most believe that a body clock is something intangible, on the contrary, it refers to something very tangible and specific because the measure or one’s body clock is related to the length of so-called telomeres.

Telomeres are the caps on the ends of our chromosomes or DNA strands. They are like the tips of shoelaces, Without these plastic tips on the ends of our shoelaces, the shoelaces quickly start unraveling. The same is true of our DNA. As we age our telomeres gradually get shorter and shorter. When our telomeres get too short our DNA is no longer protected. Thus, when cells divide, errors will be made causing cancer and other chronic medical conditions. Eventually, our telomeres get too short to maintain life.

Fortunately, there are things we can do now to lengthen our telomeres and reverse aging at the cellular level.  By making these changes now, we can reverse our biological age and dramatically slow the overall aging process.   

Here is a list of ways to reverse your biological age:

1.    Eat healthy.
Many studies have shown that a healthy diet can reverse or slow telomere aging. In particular, diets high in whole foods such as vegetables, fruits, fish, nuts, seeds, and legumes can protect our telomeres from shortening. Sugar, processed foods, and processed meats have the opposite effect to our telomeres. 

2.    Lead an active lifestyle.
Studies show that regular exercising slowed telomere aging by about 10 years. The message here is clear, exercise can reverse or slow the aging process.

3.    Maintain an ideal weight. 
Being conscious of of our weight is more than just cosmetic or a means for us to have a positive self-image. Being overweight is another cause of premature aging. Carrying excessive weight causes oxidative stress, or “rusting,” to our cells resulting in telomere shortening and premature aging.

4.    Get enough sleep.
Ideally, we should sleep at least 7 hours a day. Sleep is when our bodies go into repair mode.  We need this repair process functioning optimally if we want to reverse our biologic age and “grow younger.”

5.    Manage stress and strive to be happy.
While we cannot avoid stress, we can change how we perceive stress and we can block the effects of stress on our telomeres through mindfulness, meditation, etc. Maintain a positive attitude by connecting with friends and family. Social connection was shown to be an additional way to keep our telomeres long and prevent loneliness, which is a powerful predictor of heart disease.

The decisions we make every day determine whether or not we grow old. By taking the steps outlined above, we can immediately reverse our biological age by about 10 years.  

4 Ways to Significantly Slow Down the Aging Process

4 Ways to Significantly Slow Down the Aging Process

1. Maintain a healthy diet
A healthy diet consists of recipes packed with the right amount of lean protein, leafy green vegetables, seafood, whole grains, fruits, and healthy fats such as avocados, nuts, and coconut oil. Remember to keep sugar to a minimum.  Incorporating these healthy foods, will not only keep you looking young and flatten your abs, but it will also give you that much needed energy to get through your day.

2. Stop smoking and drinking
Bad habits can sometimes be hard to break. But, if you succeed, it can have an incredible influence on your overall health and physique. Getting rid of alcohol will make your skin much healthier and younger, whereas quitting smoking will reduce the risk of lung cancer and aging skin. Bottom line, getting rid of these two bad habits will greatly benefit slowing down the natural aging process.

3. Pay Attention To Your Skin
The best thing you can do to slow down aging is to take care of your skin. Exposing your skin to the rays of sun too much can damage it, as well as enhance the process of aging. In order to protect it you should always apply sunscreen, wear a hat and sunglasses and drink plenty of water. A good moisturizer is important as well. 
I use Revision Skincare
1. D.E.J. Face cream  
2. D.E.J. Eye Cream  and
3. Nectifirm for a firm neck

4. Exercise Regularly
Actually, one of the best ways you can do in order to slow down the aging process is to get active. Exercise initiates psychological changes, increases your blood flow, and energy instantly goes to your brain and muscles. So, when you have regular exercise activities, your body will be able to retain energy for a lot longer and fight the aging process!

Now that I've shared this information with you, please don't feel overwhelmed. It's a simple process, just take it one step at a time. For more guidance in stopping the aging process, click here now

Ultimately -- 
That is the first secret.

If you make the right choice, you can look forward to a younger, more confident, and happier you


Drinking water is key to any fitness program, but it’s especially crucial to strength training. I recommend all my clients drink 1 gallon of water each day.

Almost two-thirds of the human body is made up of water. Drinking 1 gallon of water a day offers softer, clearer skin, healthier hair and nails, and clearer thinking. Water also acts as a natural appetite suppressant and aids in metabolism. When you are dehydrated, your body often confuses dehydration as cravings for sugar. So, drinking water throughout the day will keep your body optimally hydrated, cravings for unhealthy foods at bay, and your goals in clear vision.

Drinking 1 gallon can seem like a lot if you are accustomed to drinking far less. So, here are a few tips that might help you:

  • Carry water with you wherever you go

  • If you don’t care for the flavor of tap water, invest in bottled or filtered water

  • Drink chilled water or ice water

  • Add a little flavor, like fresh-squeezed lemon

  • Always have water accessible and convenient

  • Act each time you think I should get a drink

  • Drink from a 32 oz container rather than an 8 oz glass

  • Just like planning your nutrition, pacing yourself throughout the day makes hydrating more simple:

    • Drink 16-20oz of water first thing in the morning

    • Drink 1-liter water during your workout

    • Drink 1 liter every 3-4 hours

    • Drink 1 glass of water each time you crave sweets

    • Drink another 2-3 glasses during down time such as watching TV, surfing the internet, or taking a bubble bath

Water is the only drink for a wise man.
~Henry David Thoreau